Select a root directory for this data source. All data in this directory and all
its subdirectories will be processed for this data source.
<SelectDirectory @bind-Directory="@this.dataPath" Label="Selected base directory for this data source" DirectoryDialogTitle="Select the base directory" Validation="@this.dataSourceValidation.ValidatePath" />
<MudJustifiedText Typo="Typo.body1" Class="mb-3">
In order for the AI to be able to determine the appropriate data at any time, you must
@: Please note: the embedding you selected runs in the cloud. All your data will be sent to the cloud.
@: Please confirm that you have read and understood this.
@: Please note: the embedding you selected runs in the cloud. All your data from the
@: folder '@this.dataPath' and all its subdirectories will be sent to the cloud. Please
@: confirm that you have read and understood this.
<MudTextSwitch @bind-Value="@this.dataUserAcknowledgedCloudEmbedding" Label="I confirm that I have read and understood the above" LabelOn="Yes, please send my data to the cloud" LabelOff="No, I will chose another embedding" Validation="@this.dataSourceValidation.ValidateUserAcknowledgedCloudEmbedding"/>