@using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ Select a root directory for this data source. All data in this directory and all its subdirectories will be processed for this data source. In order for the AI to be able to determine the appropriate data at any time, you must choose an embedding method. @foreach (var embedding in this.AvailableEmbeddings) { @embedding.Name } @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.dataEmbeddingId)) { if (this.SelectedCloudEmbedding) { @if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.dataPath)) { @: Please note: the embedding you selected runs in the cloud. All your data will be sent to the cloud. @: Please confirm that you have read and understood this. } else { @: Please note: the embedding you selected runs in the cloud. All your data from the @: folder '@this.dataPath' and all its subdirectories will be sent to the cloud. Please @: confirm that you have read and understood this. } } else { The embedding you selected runs locally or in your organization. Your data is not sent to the cloud. } } @foreach (var policy in Enum.GetValues()) { @policy.ToSelectionText() } Cancel @if(this.IsEditing) { @:Update } else { @:Add }