2024-11-05 21:39:21 +01:00

176 lines
7.6 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use base64::Engine;
use base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD;
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use rocket::get;
use tauri::api::process::{Command, CommandChild, CommandEvent};
use tauri::Url;
use crate::api_token::{APIToken, API_TOKEN};
use crate::app_window::change_location_to;
use crate::certificate::CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT;
use crate::encryption::ENCRYPTION;
use crate::environment::is_dev;
use crate::network::get_available_port;
use crate::runtime_api::API_SERVER_PORT;
// The .NET server is started in a separate process and communicates with this
// runtime process via IPC. However, we do net start the .NET server in
// the development environment.
static DOTNET_SERVER: Lazy<Arc<Mutex<Option<CommandChild>>>> = Lazy::new(|| Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)));
// The .NET server port is relevant for the production environment only, sine we
// do not start the server in the development environment.
static DOTNET_SERVER_PORT: Lazy<u16> = Lazy::new(|| get_available_port().unwrap());
static DOTNET_INITIALIZED: Lazy<Mutex<bool>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(false));
/// Returns the desired port of the .NET server. Our .NET app calls this endpoint to get
/// the port where the .NET server should listen to.
pub fn dotnet_port(_token: APIToken) -> String {
let dotnet_server_port = *DOTNET_SERVER_PORT;
/// Starts the .NET server in a separate process.
pub fn start_dotnet_server() {
// Get the secret password & salt and convert it to a base64 string:
let secret_password = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(ENCRYPTION.secret_password);
let secret_key_salt = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(ENCRYPTION.secret_key_salt);
let dotnet_server_environment = HashMap::from_iter([
(String::from("AI_STUDIO_SECRET_PASSWORD"), secret_password),
(String::from("AI_STUDIO_SECRET_KEY_SALT"), secret_key_salt),
(String::from("AI_STUDIO_API_TOKEN"), API_TOKEN.to_hex_text().to_string()),
info!("Try to start the .NET server...");
let server_spawn_clone = DOTNET_SERVER.clone();
tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move {
let api_port = *API_SERVER_PORT;
let (mut rx, child) = match is_dev() {
true => {
// We are in the development environment, so we try to start a process
// with `dotnet run` in the `../app/MindWork AI Studio` directory. But
// we cannot issue a sidecar because we cannot use any command for the
// sidecar (see Tauri configuration). Thus, we use a standard Rust process:
warn!(Source = "Bootloader .NET"; "Development environment detected; start .NET server using 'dotnet run'.");
// Start the .NET server in the `../app/MindWork AI Studio` directory.
// We provide the runtime API server port to the .NET server:
.args(["run", "--project", "../app/MindWork AI Studio", "--", format!("{api_port}").as_str()])
.expect("Failed to spawn .NET server process.")
false => {
.expect("Failed to create sidecar")
// Provide the runtime API server port to the .NET server:
.expect("Failed to spawn .NET server process.")
let server_pid =;
info!(Source = "Bootloader .NET"; "The .NET server process started with PID={server_pid}.");
// Save the server process to stop it later:
*server_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap() = Some(child);
// Log the output of the .NET server:
while let Some(CommandEvent::Stdout(line)) = rx.recv().await {
// Remove newline characters from the end:
let line = line.trim_end();
// Starts the line with '=>'?
if line.starts_with("=>") {
// Yes. This means that the line is a log message from the .NET server.
// The format is: '<YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff> [<log level>] <source>: <message>'.
// We try to parse this line and log it with the correct log level:
let line = line.trim_start_matches("=>").trim();
let parts = line.split_once(": ").unwrap();
let left_part = parts.0.trim();
let message = parts.1.trim();
let parts = left_part.split_once("] ").unwrap();
let level = parts.0.split_once("[").unwrap().1.trim();
let source = parts.1.trim();
match level {
"Trace" => debug!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"),
"Debug" => debug!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"),
"Information" => info!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"),
"Warning" => warn!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"),
"Error" => error!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"),
"Critical" => error!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"),
_ => error!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message} (unknown log level '{level}')"),
} else {
let lower_line = line.to_lowercase();
if lower_line.contains("error") {
error!(Source = ".NET Server"; "{line}");
} else if lower_line.contains("warning") {
warn!(Source = ".NET Server"; "{line}");
} else {
info!(Source = ".NET Server"; "{line}");
/// This endpoint is called by the .NET server to signal that the server is ready.
pub async fn dotnet_ready(_token: APIToken) {
// We create a manual scope for the lock to be released as soon as possible.
// This is necessary because we cannot await any function while the lock is
// held.
let mut initialized = DOTNET_INITIALIZED.lock().unwrap();
if *initialized {
error!("Anyone tried to initialize the runtime twice. This is not intended.");
info!("The .NET server was booted successfully.");
*initialized = true;
let dotnet_server_port = *DOTNET_SERVER_PORT;
let url = match Url::parse(format!("http://localhost:{dotnet_server_port}").as_str())
Ok(url) => url,
Err(msg) => {
error!("Error while parsing URL for navigating to the app: {msg}");
/// Stops the .NET server process.
pub fn stop_dotnet_server() {
if let Some(server_process) = DOTNET_SERVER.lock().unwrap().take() {
let server_kill_result = server_process.kill();
match server_kill_result {
Ok(_) => info!("The .NET server process was stopped."),
Err(e) => error!("Failed to stop the .NET server process: {e}."),
} else {
warn!("The .NET server process was not started or is already stopped.");