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using AIStudio.Agents;
using AIStudio.Chat;
using AIStudio.Components;
using AIStudio.Provider;
using AIStudio.Settings;
namespace AIStudio.Tools.RAG.DataSourceSelectionProcesses;
public class AgenticSrcSelWithDynHeur : IDataSourceSelectionProcess
#region Implementation of IDataSourceSelectionProcess
/// <inheritdoc />
public string TechnicalName => "AgenticSrcSelWithDynHeur";
/// <inheritdoc />
public string UIName => "Automatic AI data source selection with heuristik source reduction";
/// <inheritdoc />
public string Description => "Automatically selects the appropriate data sources based on the last prompt. Applies a heuristic reduction at the end to reduce the number of data sources.";
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task<DataSelectionResult> SelectDataSourcesAsync(IProvider provider, IContent lastPrompt, ChatThread chatThread, AllowedSelectedDataSources dataSources, CancellationToken token = default)
var proceedWithRAG = true;
IReadOnlyList<IDataSource> selectedDataSources = [];
IReadOnlyList<DataSourceAgentSelected> finalAISelection = [];
// Get the logger:
var logger = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<ILogger<AgenticSrcSelWithDynHeur>>()!;
// Get the settings manager:
var settings = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<SettingsManager>()!;
// Get the agent for the data source selection:
var selectionAgent = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<AgentDataSourceSelection>()!;
// Let the AI agent do its work:
var aiSelectedDataSources = await selectionAgent.PerformSelectionAsync(provider, lastPrompt, chatThread, dataSources, token);
// Check if the AI selected any data sources:
if (aiSelectedDataSources.Count is 0)
logger.LogWarning("The AI did not select any data sources. The RAG process is skipped.");
proceedWithRAG = false;
return new(proceedWithRAG, selectedDataSources);
// Log the selected data sources:
var selectedDataSourceInfo = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(ds => $"[Id={ds.Id}, reason={ds.Reason}, confidence={ds.Confidence}]").Aggregate((a, b) => $"'{a}', '{b}'");
logger.LogInformation($"The AI selected the data sources automatically. {aiSelectedDataSources.Count} data source(s) are selected: {selectedDataSourceInfo}.");
// Check how many data sources were hallucinated by the AI:
var totalAISelectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Count;
// Filter out the data sources that are not available:
aiSelectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Where(x => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id) is not null).ToList();
// Store the real AI-selected data sources:
finalAISelection = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => new DataSourceAgentSelected { DataSource = settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.First(ds => ds.Id == x.Id), AIDecision = x, Selected = false }).ToList();
var numHallucinatedSources = totalAISelectedDataSources - aiSelectedDataSources.Count;
if (numHallucinatedSources > 0)
logger.LogWarning($"The AI hallucinated {numHallucinatedSources} data source(s). We ignore them.");
if (aiSelectedDataSources.Count > 3)
// We have more than 3 data sources. Let's filter by confidence:
var targetWindow = aiSelectedDataSources.DetermineTargetWindow(TargetWindowStrategy.A_FEW_GOOD_ONES);
var threshold = aiSelectedDataSources.GetConfidenceThreshold(targetWindow);
// Filter the data sources by the threshold:
aiSelectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Where(x => x.Confidence >= threshold).ToList();
foreach (var dataSource in finalAISelection)
if (aiSelectedDataSources.Any(x => x.Id == dataSource.DataSource.Id))
dataSource.Selected = true;
logger.LogInformation($"The AI selected {aiSelectedDataSources.Count} data source(s) with a confidence of at least {threshold}.");
// Transform the final data sources to the actual data sources:
selectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id)).Where(ds => ds is not null).ToList()!;
return new(proceedWithRAG, selectedDataSources);
// Case: we have max. 3 data sources. We take all of them:
// Transform the selected data sources to the actual data sources:
selectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id)).Where(ds => ds is not null).ToList()!;
// Mark the data sources as selected:
foreach (var dataSource in finalAISelection)
dataSource.Selected = true;
return new(proceedWithRAG, selectedDataSources);
// Send the selected data sources to the data source selection component.
// Then, the user can see which data sources were selected by the AI.
await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessage(null, Event.RAG_AUTO_DATA_SOURCES_SELECTED, finalAISelection);
chatThread.AISelectedDataSources = finalAISelection;
} |