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using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using AIStudio.Agents;
using AIStudio.Components;
using AIStudio.Provider;
using AIStudio.Settings;
using AIStudio.Tools.Services;
namespace AIStudio.Chat;
/// <summary>
/// Text content in the chat.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ContentText : IContent
/// <summary>
/// The minimum time between two streaming events, when the user
/// enables the energy saving mode.
/// </summary>
private static readonly TimeSpan MIN_TIME = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
#region Implementation of IContent
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool InitialRemoteWait { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
// [JsonIgnore]
public bool IsStreaming { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public Func<Task> StreamingDone { get; set; } = () => Task.CompletedTask;
/// <inheritdoc />
public Func<Task> StreamingEvent { get; set; } = () => Task.CompletedTask;
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task CreateFromProviderAsync(IProvider provider, Model chatModel, IContent? lastPrompt, ChatThread? chatThread, CancellationToken token = default)
if(chatThread is null)
var logger = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<ILogger<ContentText>>()!;
var settings = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<SettingsManager>()!;
var dataSourceService = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<DataSourceService>()!;
// 1. Check if the user wants to bind any data sources to the chat:
if (chatThread.DataSourceOptions.IsEnabled() && lastPrompt is not null)
logger.LogInformation("Data sources are enabled for this chat.");
// Across the different code-branches, we keep track of whether it
// makes sense to proceed with the RAG process:
var proceedWithRAG = true;
// When the user wants to bind data sources to the chat, we
// have to check if the data sources are available for the
// selected provider. Also, we have to check if any ERI
// data sources changed its security requirements.
List<IDataSource> preselectedDataSources = chatThread.DataSourceOptions.PreselectedDataSourceIds.Select(id => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == id)).Where(ds => ds is not null).ToList()!;
var dataSources = await dataSourceService.GetDataSources(provider, preselectedDataSources);
var selectedDataSources = dataSources.SelectedDataSources;
// Should the AI select the data sources?
if (chatThread.DataSourceOptions.AutomaticDataSourceSelection)
// Get the agent for the data source selection:
var selectionAgent = Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER.GetService<AgentDataSourceSelection>()!;
// Let the AI agent do its work:
IReadOnlyList<DataSourceAgentSelected> finalAISelection = [];
var aiSelectedDataSources = await selectionAgent.PerformSelectionAsync(provider, lastPrompt, chatThread, dataSources, token);
// Check if the AI selected any data sources:
if(aiSelectedDataSources.Count is 0)
logger.LogWarning("The AI did not select any data sources. The RAG process is skipped.");
proceedWithRAG = false;
// Send the selected data sources to the data source selection component.
// Then, the user can see which data sources were selected by the AI.
await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessage(null, Event.RAG_AUTO_DATA_SOURCES_SELECTED, finalAISelection);
chatThread.AISelectedDataSources = finalAISelection;
// Log the selected data sources:
var selectedDataSourceInfo = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(ds => $"[Id={ds.Id}, reason={ds.Reason}, confidence={ds.Confidence}]").Aggregate((a, b) => $"'{a}', '{b}'");
logger.LogInformation($"The AI selected the data sources automatically. {aiSelectedDataSources.Count} data source(s) are selected: {selectedDataSourceInfo}.");
// Check how many data sources were hallucinated by the AI:
var totalAISelectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Count;
// Filter out the data sources that are not available:
aiSelectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Where(x => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id) is not null).ToList();
// Store the real AI-selected data sources:
finalAISelection = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => new DataSourceAgentSelected { DataSource = settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.First(ds => ds.Id == x.Id), AIDecision = x, Selected = false }).ToList();
var numHallucinatedSources = totalAISelectedDataSources - aiSelectedDataSources.Count;
if(numHallucinatedSources > 0)
logger.LogWarning($"The AI hallucinated {numHallucinatedSources} data source(s). We ignore them.");
if (aiSelectedDataSources.Count > 3)
// We have more than 3 data sources. Let's filter by confidence.
// In order to do that, we must identify the lower and upper
// bounds of the confidence interval:
var confidenceValues = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => x.Confidence).ToList();
var lowerBound = confidenceValues.Min();
var upperBound = confidenceValues.Max();
// Next, we search for a threshold so that we have between 2 and 3
// data sources. When not possible, we take all data sources.
var threshold = 0.0f;
// Check the case where the confidence values are too close:
if (upperBound - lowerBound >= 0.01)
var previousThreshold = 0.0f;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
threshold = lowerBound + (upperBound - lowerBound) * i / 10;
var numMatches = aiSelectedDataSources.Count(x => x.Confidence >= threshold);
if (numMatches <= 1)
threshold = previousThreshold;
if (numMatches is <= 3 and >= 2)
previousThreshold = threshold;
// Filter the data sources by the threshold:
aiSelectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Where(x => x.Confidence >= threshold).ToList();
foreach (var dataSource in finalAISelection)
if(aiSelectedDataSources.Any(x => x.Id == dataSource.DataSource.Id))
dataSource.Selected = true;
logger.LogInformation($"The AI selected {aiSelectedDataSources.Count} data source(s) with a confidence of at least {threshold}.");
// Transform the final data sources to the actual data sources:
selectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id)).Where(ds => ds is not null).ToList()!;
// We have max. 3 data sources. We take all of them:
// Transform the selected data sources to the actual data sources:
selectedDataSources = aiSelectedDataSources.Select(x => settings.ConfigurationData.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == x.Id)).Where(ds => ds is not null).ToList()!;
// Mark the data sources as selected:
foreach (var dataSource in finalAISelection)
dataSource.Selected = true;
// Send the selected data sources to the data source selection component.
// Then, the user can see which data sources were selected by the AI.
await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessage(null, Event.RAG_AUTO_DATA_SOURCES_SELECTED, finalAISelection);
chatThread.AISelectedDataSources = finalAISelection;
// No, the user made the choice manually:
var selectedDataSourceInfo = selectedDataSources.Select(ds => ds.Name).Aggregate((a, b) => $"'{a}', '{b}'");
logger.LogInformation($"The user selected the data sources manually. {selectedDataSources.Count} data source(s) are selected: {selectedDataSourceInfo}.");
if(selectedDataSources.Count == 0)
logger.LogWarning("No data sources are selected. The RAG process is skipped.");
proceedWithRAG = false;
// Trigger the retrieval part of the (R)AG process:
if (proceedWithRAG)
// Perform the augmentation of the R(A)G process:
if (proceedWithRAG)
// Store the last time we got a response. We use this later
// to determine whether we should notify the UI about the
// new content or not. Depends on the energy saving mode
// the user chose.
var last = DateTimeOffset.Now;
// Start another thread by using a task to uncouple
// the UI thread from the AI processing:
await Task.Run(async () =>
// We show the waiting animation until we get the first response:
this.InitialRemoteWait = true;
// Iterate over the responses from the AI:
await foreach (var deltaText in provider.StreamChatCompletion(chatModel, chatThread, settings, token))
// When the user cancels the request, we stop the loop:
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
// Stop the waiting animation:
this.InitialRemoteWait = false;
this.IsStreaming = true;
// Add the response to the text:
this.Text += deltaText;
// Notify the UI that the content has changed,
// depending on the energy saving mode:
var now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
switch (settings.ConfigurationData.App.IsSavingEnergy)
// Energy saving mode is off. We notify the UI
// as fast as possible -- no matter the odds:
case false:
await this.StreamingEvent();
// Energy saving mode is on. We notify the UI
// only when the time between two events is
// greater than the minimum time:
case true when now - last > MIN_TIME:
last = now;
await this.StreamingEvent();
// Stop the waiting animation (in case the loop
// was stopped, or no content was received):
this.InitialRemoteWait = false;
this.IsStreaming = false;
}, token);
// Inform the UI that the streaming is done:
await this.StreamingDone();
/// <summary>
/// The text content.
/// </summary>
public string Text { get; set; } = string.Empty;
} |