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synced 2025-03-12 22:29:07 +00:00
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391 lines
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using AIStudio.Chat;
using AIStudio.Provider;
using AIStudio.Settings;
using AIStudio.Tools.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using MudBlazor.Utilities;
using Timer = System.Timers.Timer;
namespace AIStudio.Assistants;
public abstract partial class AssistantBase : ComponentBase, IMessageBusReceiver, IDisposable
protected SettingsManager SettingsManager { get; init; } = null!;
protected IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; init; } = null!;
protected ThreadSafeRandom RNG { get; init; } = null!;
protected ISnackbar Snackbar { get; init; } = null!;
protected RustService RustService { get; init; } = null!;
protected DataSourceService DataSourceService { get; init; } = null!;
protected NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; init; } = null!;
protected ILogger<AssistantBase> Logger { get; init; } = null!;
private MudTheme ColorTheme { get; init; } = null!;
private MessageBus MessageBus { get; init; } = null!;
internal const string RESULT_DIV_ID = "assistantResult";
internal const string BEFORE_RESULT_DIV_ID = "beforeAssistantResult";
internal const string AFTER_RESULT_DIV_ID = "afterAssistantResult";
protected abstract string Title { get; }
protected abstract string Description { get; }
protected abstract string SystemPrompt { get; }
public abstract Tools.Components Component { get; }
protected virtual Func<string> Result2Copy => () => this.resultingContentBlock is null ? string.Empty : this.resultingContentBlock.Content switch
ContentText textBlock => textBlock.Text,
_ => string.Empty,
protected abstract void ResetForm();
protected abstract bool MightPreselectValues();
protected abstract string SubmitText { get; }
protected abstract Func<Task> SubmitAction { get; }
protected virtual bool SubmitDisabled => false;
private protected virtual RenderFragment? Body => null;
protected virtual bool ShowResult => true;
protected virtual bool ShowEntireChatThread => false;
protected virtual bool AllowProfiles => true;
protected virtual bool ShowProfileSelection => true;
protected virtual bool ShowDedicatedProgress => false;
protected virtual bool ShowSendTo => true;
protected virtual bool ShowCopyResult => true;
protected virtual bool ShowReset => true;
protected virtual ChatThread ConvertToChatThread => this.chatThread ?? new();
protected virtual IReadOnlyList<IButtonData> FooterButtons => [];
protected static readonly Dictionary<string, object?> USER_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES = new();
protected AIStudio.Settings.Provider providerSettings;
protected MudForm? form;
protected bool inputIsValid;
protected Profile currentProfile = Profile.NO_PROFILE;
protected ChatThread? chatThread;
protected IContent? lastUserPrompt;
private readonly Timer formChangeTimer = new(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.6));
private ContentBlock? resultingContentBlock;
private string[] inputIssues = [];
private bool isProcessing;
#region Overrides of ComponentBase
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
this.formChangeTimer.AutoReset = false;
this.formChangeTimer.Elapsed += async (_, _) =>
await this.OnFormChange();
this.providerSettings = this.SettingsManager.GetPreselectedProvider(this.Component);
this.currentProfile = this.SettingsManager.GetPreselectedProfile(this.Component);
this.MessageBus.ApplyFilters(this, [], [ Event.COLOR_THEME_CHANGED ]);
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
// Configure the spellchecking for the user input:
await base.OnParametersSetAsync();
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
// Reset the validation when not editing and on the first render.
// We don't want to show validation errors when the user opens the dialog.
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
#region Implementation of IMessageBusReceiver
public string ComponentName => nameof(AssistantBase);
public Task ProcessMessage<T>(ComponentBase? sendingComponent, Event triggeredEvent, T? data)
switch (triggeredEvent)
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task<TResult?> ProcessMessageWithResult<TPayload, TResult>(ComponentBase? sendingComponent, Event triggeredEvent, TPayload? data)
return Task.FromResult<TResult?>(default);
private string SubmitButtonStyle => this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.LLMProviders.ShowProviderConfidence ? this.providerSettings.UsedLLMProvider.GetConfidence(this.SettingsManager).StyleBorder(this.SettingsManager) : string.Empty;
protected string? ValidatingProvider(AIStudio.Settings.Provider provider)
if(provider.UsedLLMProvider == LLMProviders.NONE)
return "Please select a provider.";
return null;
private void TriggerFormChange(FormFieldChangedEventArgs _)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called after any form field has changed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is called after a delay of 1.6 seconds. This is to prevent
/// the method from being called too often. This method is called after
/// the user has stopped typing or selecting options.
/// </remarks>
protected virtual Task OnFormChange() => Task.CompletedTask;
/// <summary>
/// Add an issue to the UI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="issue">The issue to add.</param>
protected void AddInputIssue(string issue)
Array.Resize(ref this.inputIssues, this.inputIssues.Length + 1);
this.inputIssues[^1] = issue;
this.inputIsValid = false;
protected void CreateChatThread()
this.chatThread = new()
SelectedProvider = this.providerSettings.Id,
SelectedProfile = this.AllowProfiles ? this.currentProfile.Id : Profile.NO_PROFILE.Id,
SystemPrompt = this.SystemPrompt,
WorkspaceId = Guid.Empty,
ChatId = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = $"Assistant - {this.Title}",
Seed = this.RNG.Next(),
Blocks = [],
protected Guid CreateChatThread(Guid workspaceId, string name)
var chatId = Guid.NewGuid();
this.chatThread = new()
SelectedProvider = this.providerSettings.Id,
SelectedProfile = this.AllowProfiles ? this.currentProfile.Id : Profile.NO_PROFILE.Id,
SystemPrompt = this.SystemPrompt,
WorkspaceId = workspaceId,
ChatId = chatId,
Name = name,
Seed = this.RNG.Next(),
Blocks = [],
return chatId;
protected DateTimeOffset AddUserRequest(string request, bool hideContentFromUser = false)
var time = DateTimeOffset.Now;
this.lastUserPrompt = new ContentText
Text = request,
this.chatThread!.Blocks.Add(new ContentBlock
Time = time,
ContentType = ContentType.TEXT,
HideFromUser = hideContentFromUser,
Role = ChatRole.USER,
Content = this.lastUserPrompt,
return time;
protected async Task<string> AddAIResponseAsync(DateTimeOffset time, bool hideContentFromUser = false)
var aiText = new ContentText
// We have to wait for the remote
// for the content stream:
InitialRemoteWait = true,
this.resultingContentBlock = new ContentBlock
Time = time,
ContentType = ContentType.TEXT,
Role = ChatRole.AI,
Content = aiText,
HideFromUser = hideContentFromUser,
if (this.chatThread is not null)
this.chatThread.SelectedProvider = this.providerSettings.Id;
this.isProcessing = true;
// Use the selected provider to get the AI response.
// By awaiting this line, we wait for the entire
// content to be streamed.
await aiText.CreateFromProviderAsync(this.providerSettings.CreateProvider(this.Logger), this.providerSettings.Model, this.lastUserPrompt, this.chatThread);
this.isProcessing = false;
// Return the AI response:
return aiText.Text;
protected async Task CopyToClipboard()
await this.RustService.CopyText2Clipboard(this.Snackbar, this.Result2Copy());
private static string? GetButtonIcon(string icon)
return null;
return icon;
protected Task SendToAssistant(Tools.Components destination, SendToButton sendToButton)
if (!destination.AllowSendTo())
return Task.CompletedTask;
var contentToSend = sendToButton == default ? string.Empty : sendToButton.UseResultingContentBlockData switch
false => sendToButton.GetText(),
true => this.resultingContentBlock?.Content switch
ContentText textBlock => textBlock.Text,
_ => string.Empty,
var sendToData = destination.GetData();
switch (destination)
case Tools.Components.CHAT:
var convertedChatThread = this.ConvertToChatThread;
convertedChatThread = convertedChatThread with { SelectedProvider = this.providerSettings.Id };
MessageBus.INSTANCE.DeferMessage(this, sendToData.Event, convertedChatThread);
MessageBus.INSTANCE.DeferMessage(this, sendToData.Event, contentToSend);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task InnerResetForm()
this.resultingContentBlock = null;
this.providerSettings = default;
await this.JsRuntime.ClearDiv(RESULT_DIV_ID);
await this.JsRuntime.ClearDiv(AFTER_RESULT_DIV_ID);
this.providerSettings = this.SettingsManager.GetPreselectedProvider(this.Component);
this.inputIsValid = false;
this.inputIssues = [];
private string GetResetColor() => this.SettingsManager.IsDarkMode switch
true => $"background-color: #804000",
false => $"background-color: {this.ColorTheme.GetCurrentPalette(this.SettingsManager).Warning.Value}",
private string GetSendToColor() => this.SettingsManager.IsDarkMode switch
true => $"background-color: #004080",
false => $"background-color: {this.ColorTheme.GetCurrentPalette(this.SettingsManager).InfoLighten}",
#region Implementation of IDisposable
public void Dispose()
} |