
364 lines
12 KiB

// Prevents an additional console window on Windows in release, DO NOT REMOVE!!
#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")]
extern crate core;
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use arboard::Clipboard;
use keyring::Entry;
use serde::Serialize;
use tauri::{Manager, Url, Window, WindowUrl};
use tauri::api::process::{Command, CommandChild, CommandEvent};
use tauri::utils::config::AppUrl;
use tokio::time;
use flexi_logger::{AdaptiveFormat, Logger};
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
fn main() {
let metadata = include_str!("../../metadata.txt");
let mut metadata_lines = metadata.lines();
let app_version =;
let build_time =;
let build_number =;
let dotnet_sdk_version =;
let dotnet_version =;
let rust_version =;
let mud_blazor_version =;
let tauri_version =;
let app_commit_hash =;
Logger::try_with_str("debug").expect("Cannot create logging")
.start().expect("Cannot start logging");
info!("Starting MindWork AI Studio:");
info!(".. Version: v{app_version} (commit {app_commit_hash}, build {build_number})");
info!(".. Build time: {build_time}");
info!(".. .NET SDK: v{dotnet_sdk_version}");
info!(".. .NET: v{dotnet_version}");
info!(".. Rust: v{rust_version}");
info!(".. MudBlazor: v{mud_blazor_version}");
info!(".. Tauri: v{tauri_version}");
if is_dev() {
warn!("Running in development mode.");
} else {
info!("Running in production mode.");
let port = match is_dev() {
true => 5000,
false => get_available_port().unwrap(),
let url = match Url::parse(format!("http://localhost:{port}").as_str())
Ok(url) => url,
Err(msg) => {
error!("Error while parsing URL: {msg}");
let app_url = AppUrl::Url(WindowUrl::External(url.clone()));
let app_url_log = app_url.clone();
info!("Try to start the .NET server on {app_url_log}...");
// Arc for the server process to stop it later:
let server: Arc<Mutex<Option<CommandChild>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let server_spawn_clone = server.clone();
// Channel to communicate with the server process:
let (sender, mut receiver) = tauri::async_runtime::channel(100);
if is_prod() {
tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move {
let (mut rx, child) = Command::new_sidecar("mindworkAIStudio")
.expect("Failed to create sidecar")
.expect("Failed to spawn .NET server process.");
let server_pid =;
debug!(".NET server process started with PID={server_pid}.");
// Save the server process to stop it later:
*server_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap() = Some(child);
info!("Waiting for .NET server to boot...");
while let Some(CommandEvent::Stdout(line)) = rx.recv().await {
let line_lower = line.to_lowercase();
let line_cleared = line_lower.trim();
match line_cleared
"rust/tauri server started" => _ = sender.send(ServerEvent::Started).await,
_ if line_cleared.contains("fail") || line_cleared.contains("error") || line_cleared.contains("exception") => _ = sender.send(ServerEvent::Error(line)).await,
_ if line_cleared.contains("warn") => _ = sender.send(ServerEvent::Warning(line)).await,
_ if line_cleared.contains("404") => _ = sender.send(ServerEvent::NotFound(line)).await,
_ => (),
let sending_stop_result = sender.send(ServerEvent::Stopped).await;
match sending_stop_result {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => error!("Was not able to send the server stop message: {e}."),
} else {
warn!("Running in development mode, no .NET server will be started.");
let main_window: Arc<Mutex<Option<Window>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let main_window_spawn_clone = main_window.clone();
let server_receive_clone = server.clone();
// Create a thread to handle server events:
tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move {
info!("Start listening for server events...");
loop {
match receiver.recv().await {
Some(ServerEvent::Started) => {
info!("The .NET server was booted successfully.");
// Try to get the main window. If it is not available yet, wait for it:
let mut main_window_ready = false;
let mut main_window_status_reported = false;
while !main_window_ready
main_window_ready = {
let main_window = main_window_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap();
if !main_window_ready {
if !main_window_status_reported {
info!("Waiting for main window to be ready, because .NET was faster than Tauri.");
main_window_status_reported = true;
let main_window = main_window_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap();
let js_location_change = format!("window.location = '{url}';");
let location_change_result = main_window.as_ref().unwrap().eval(js_location_change.as_str());
match location_change_result {
Ok(_) => info!("Location was changed to {url}."),
Err(e) => error!("Failed to change location to {url}: {e}."),
Some(ServerEvent::NotFound(line)) => {
warn!("The .NET server issued a 404 error: {line}.");
Some(ServerEvent::Warning(line)) => {
warn!("The .NET server issued a warning: {line}.");
Some(ServerEvent::Error(line)) => {
error!("The .NET server issued an error: {line}.");
Some(ServerEvent::Stopped) => {
warn!("The .NET server was stopped.");
*server_receive_clone.lock().unwrap() = None;
None => {
debug!("Server event channel was closed.");
info!("Starting Tauri app...");
.setup(move |app| {
let window = app.get_window("main").expect("Failed to get main window.");
*main_window.lock().unwrap() = Some(window);
.invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![store_secret, get_secret, delete_secret, set_clipboard])
.expect("Error while running Tauri application");
info!("Tauri app was stopped.");
if is_prod() {
info!("Try to stop the .NET server as well...");
if let Some(server_process) = server.lock().unwrap().take() {
let server_kill_result = server_process.kill();
match server_kill_result {
Ok(_) => info!("The .NET server process was stopped."),
Err(e) => error!("Failed to stop the .NET server process: {e}."),
} else {
warn!("The .NET server process was not started or already stopped.");
// Enum for server events:
enum ServerEvent {
pub fn is_dev() -> bool {
pub fn is_prod() -> bool {
fn get_available_port() -> Option<u16> {
TcpListener::bind(("", 0))
.map(|listener| listener.local_addr().unwrap().port())
fn store_secret(destination: String, user_name: String, secret: String) -> StoreSecretResponse {
let service = format!("mindwork-ai-studio::{}", destination);
let entry = Entry::new(service.as_str(), user_name.as_str()).unwrap();
let result = entry.set_password(secret.as_str());
match result {
Ok(_) => {
info!("Secret for {service} and user {user_name} was stored successfully.");
StoreSecretResponse {
success: true,
issue: String::from(""),
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to store secret for {service} and user {user_name}: {e}.");
StoreSecretResponse {
success: false,
issue: e.to_string(),
struct StoreSecretResponse {
success: bool,
issue: String,
fn get_secret(destination: String, user_name: String) -> RequestedSecret {
let service = format!("mindwork-ai-studio::{}", destination);
let entry = Entry::new(service.as_str(), user_name.as_str()).unwrap();
let secret = entry.get_password();
match secret {
Ok(s) => {
info!("Secret for {service} and user {user_name} was retrieved successfully.");
RequestedSecret {
success: true,
secret: s,
issue: String::from(""),
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to retrieve secret for {service} and user {user_name}: {e}.");
RequestedSecret {
success: false,
secret: String::from(""),
issue: e.to_string(),
struct RequestedSecret {
success: bool,
secret: String,
issue: String,
fn delete_secret(destination: String, user_name: String) -> DeleteSecretResponse {
let service = format!("mindwork-ai-studio::{}", destination);
let entry = Entry::new(service.as_str(), user_name.as_str()).unwrap();
let result = entry.delete_password();
match result {
Ok(_) => {
warn!("Secret for {service} and user {user_name} was deleted successfully.");
DeleteSecretResponse {
success: true,
issue: String::from(""),
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to delete secret for {service} and user {user_name}: {e}.");
DeleteSecretResponse {
success: false,
issue: e.to_string(),
struct DeleteSecretResponse {
success: bool,
issue: String,
fn set_clipboard(text: String) -> SetClipboardResponse {
let clipboard_result = Clipboard::new();
let mut clipboard = match clipboard_result {
Ok(clipboard) => clipboard,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to get the clipboard instance: {e}.");
return SetClipboardResponse {
success: false,
issue: e.to_string(),
let set_text_result = clipboard.set_text(text);
match set_text_result {
Ok(_) => {
debug!("Text was set to the clipboard successfully.");
SetClipboardResponse {
success: true,
issue: String::from(""),
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to set text to the clipboard: {e}.");
SetClipboardResponse {
success: false,
issue: e.to_string(),
struct SetClipboardResponse {
success: bool,
issue: String,