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synced 2025-03-12 18:29:06 +00:00
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510 lines
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using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using AIStudio.Chat;
using AIStudio.Dialogs;
using AIStudio.Settings;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using DialogOptions = AIStudio.Dialogs.DialogOptions;
namespace AIStudio.Components;
public partial class Workspaces : ComponentBase
private SettingsManager SettingsManager { get; init; } = null!;
private IDialogService DialogService { get; init; } = null!;
private ThreadSafeRandom RNG { get; init; } = null!;
private ILogger<Workspaces> Logger { get; init; } = null!;
public ChatThread? CurrentChatThread { get; set; }
public EventCallback<ChatThread> CurrentChatThreadChanged { get; set; }
public bool ExpandRootNodes { get; set; } = true;
private const Placement WORKSPACE_ITEM_TOOLTIP_PLACEMENT = Placement.Bottom;
private readonly List<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>> treeItems = new();
#region Overrides of ComponentBase
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
// Notice: In order to get the server-based loading to work, we need to respect the following rules:
// - We must have initial tree items
// - Those initial tree items cannot have children
// - When assigning the tree items to the MudTreeViewItem component, we must set the Value property to the value of the item
await this.LoadTreeItems();
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
private async Task LoadTreeItems()
var workspacesNode = new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expanded = this.ExpandRootNodes,
Expandable = true,
Value = new TreeItemData
Depth = 0,
Branch = WorkspaceBranch.WORKSPACES,
Text = "Workspaces",
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Folder,
Expandable = true,
Path = "root",
Children = await this.LoadWorkspaces(),
var tempChatNode = new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expanded = this.ExpandRootNodes,
Expandable = true,
Value = new TreeItemData
Depth = 0,
Branch = WorkspaceBranch.TEMPORARY_CHATS,
Text = "Temporary chats",
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Timer,
Expandable = true,
Path = "temp",
Children = await this.LoadTemporaryChats(),
this.treeItems.Add(new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expandable = false,
Value = new TreeDivider(),
private async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>>> LoadTemporaryChats()
var tempChildren = new List<TreeItemData>();
// Get the temp root directory:
var temporaryDirectories = Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "tempChats");
// Ensure the directory exists:
// Enumerate the chat directories:
foreach (var tempChatDirPath in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(temporaryDirectories))
// Read the `name` file:
var chatNamePath = Path.Join(tempChatDirPath, "name");
var chatName = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(chatNamePath, Encoding.UTF8);
// Read the last change time of the chat:
var chatThreadPath = Path.Join(tempChatDirPath, "thread.json");
var lastEditTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(chatThreadPath);
tempChildren.Add(new TreeItemData
Type = TreeItemType.CHAT,
Depth = 1,
Branch = WorkspaceBranch.TEMPORARY_CHATS,
Text = chatName,
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Timer,
Expandable = false,
Path = tempChatDirPath,
LastEditTime = lastEditTime,
var result = new List<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>>(tempChildren.OrderByDescending(n => n.LastEditTime).Select(n => new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expandable = false,
Value = n,
return result;
private async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>>> LoadWorkspaces()
var workspaces = new List<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>>();
// Search for workspace folders in the data directory:
// Get the workspace root directory:
var workspaceDirectories = Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "workspaces");
// Ensure the directory exists:
// Enumerate the workspace directories:
foreach (var workspaceDirPath in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(workspaceDirectories))
// Read the `name` file:
var workspaceNamePath = Path.Join(workspaceDirPath, "name");
var workspaceName = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(workspaceNamePath, Encoding.UTF8);
workspaces.Add(new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expandable = true,
Value = new TreeItemData
Type = TreeItemType.WORKSPACE,
Depth = 1,
Branch = WorkspaceBranch.WORKSPACES,
Text = workspaceName,
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Description,
Expandable = true,
Path = workspaceDirPath,
Children = await this.LoadWorkspaceChats(workspaceDirPath),
workspaces.Add(new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expandable = false,
Value = new TreeButton(WorkspaceBranch.WORKSPACES, 1, "Add workspace",Icons.Material.Filled.LibraryAdd, this.AddWorkspace),
return workspaces;
private async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>>> LoadWorkspaceChats(string workspacePath)
var workspaceChats = new List<TreeItemData>();
// Enumerate the workspace directory:
foreach (var chatPath in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(workspacePath))
// Read the `name` file:
var chatNamePath = Path.Join(chatPath, "name");
var chatName = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(chatNamePath, Encoding.UTF8);
// Read the last change time of the chat:
var chatThreadPath = Path.Join(chatPath, "thread.json");
var lastEditTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(chatThreadPath);
workspaceChats.Add(new TreeItemData
Type = TreeItemType.CHAT,
Depth = 2,
Branch = WorkspaceBranch.WORKSPACES,
Text = chatName,
Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Chat,
Expandable = false,
Path = chatPath,
LastEditTime = lastEditTime,
var result = new List<TreeItemData<ITreeItem>>(workspaceChats.OrderByDescending(n => n.LastEditTime).Select(n => new TreeItemData<ITreeItem>
Expandable = false,
Value = n,
Expandable = false,
Value = new TreeButton(WorkspaceBranch.WORKSPACES, 2, "Add chat",Icons.Material.Filled.AddComment, () => this.AddChat(workspacePath)),
return result;
public async Task StoreChat(ChatThread chat, bool reloadTreeItems = true)
await WorkspaceBehaviour.StoreChat(chat);
// Reload the tree items:
await this.LoadTreeItems();
private async Task<ChatThread?> LoadChat(string? chatPath, bool switchToChat)
return null;
return null;
// Check if the chat has unsaved changes:
if (switchToChat && await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessageUseFirstResult<bool, bool>(this, Event.HAS_CHAT_UNSAVED_CHANGES))
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", "Are you sure you want to load another chat? All unsaved changes will be lost." },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<ConfirmDialog>("Load Chat", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
return null;
var chatData = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(Path.Join(chatPath, "thread.json"), Encoding.UTF8);
var chat = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ChatThread>(chatData, WorkspaceBehaviour.JSON_OPTIONS);
if (switchToChat)
this.CurrentChatThread = chat;
await this.CurrentChatThreadChanged.InvokeAsync(this.CurrentChatThread);
await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessage<bool>(this, Event.WORKSPACE_LOADED_CHAT_CHANGED);
return chat;
catch (Exception e)
this.Logger.LogError($"Failed to load chat from '{chatPath}': {e.Message}");
return null;
public async Task DeleteChat(string? chatPath, bool askForConfirmation = true, bool unloadChat = true)
var chat = await this.LoadChat(chatPath, false);
if (chat is null)
if (askForConfirmation)
var workspaceName = await WorkspaceBehaviour.LoadWorkspaceName(chat.WorkspaceId);
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
"Message", (chat.WorkspaceId == Guid.Empty) switch
true => $"Are you sure you want to delete the temporary chat '{chat.Name}'?",
false => $"Are you sure you want to delete the chat '{chat.Name}' in the workspace '{workspaceName}'?",
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<ConfirmDialog>("Delete Chat", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
string chatDirectory;
if (chat.WorkspaceId == Guid.Empty)
chatDirectory = Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "tempChats", chat.ChatId.ToString());
chatDirectory = Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "workspaces", chat.WorkspaceId.ToString(), chat.ChatId.ToString());
Directory.Delete(chatDirectory, true);
await this.LoadTreeItems();
if(unloadChat && this.CurrentChatThread?.ChatId == chat.ChatId)
this.CurrentChatThread = null;
await this.CurrentChatThreadChanged.InvokeAsync(this.CurrentChatThread);
await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessage<bool>(this, Event.WORKSPACE_LOADED_CHAT_CHANGED);
private async Task RenameChat(string? chatPath)
var chat = await this.LoadChat(chatPath, false);
if (chat is null)
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", $"Please enter a new or edit the name for your chat '{chat.Name}':" },
{ "UserInput", chat.Name },
{ "ConfirmText", "Rename" },
{ "ConfirmColor", Color.Info },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<SingleInputDialog>("Rename Chat", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
chat.Name = (dialogResult.Data as string)!;
await this.StoreChat(chat);
await this.LoadTreeItems();
private async Task RenameWorkspace(string? workspacePath)
if(workspacePath is null)
var workspaceId = Guid.Parse(Path.GetFileName(workspacePath));
var workspaceName = await WorkspaceBehaviour.LoadWorkspaceName(workspaceId);
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", $"Please enter a new or edit the name for your workspace '{workspaceName}':" },
{ "UserInput", workspaceName },
{ "ConfirmText", "Rename" },
{ "ConfirmColor", Color.Info },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<SingleInputDialog>("Rename Workspace", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
var alteredWorkspaceName = (dialogResult.Data as string)!;
var workspaceNamePath = Path.Join(workspacePath, "name");
await File.WriteAllTextAsync(workspaceNamePath, alteredWorkspaceName, Encoding.UTF8);
await this.LoadTreeItems();
private async Task AddWorkspace()
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", "Please name your workspace:" },
{ "UserInput", string.Empty },
{ "ConfirmText", "Add workspace" },
{ "ConfirmColor", Color.Info },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<SingleInputDialog>("Add Workspace", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
var workspaceId = Guid.NewGuid();
var workspacePath = Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "workspaces", workspaceId.ToString());
var workspaceNamePath = Path.Join(workspacePath, "name");
await File.WriteAllTextAsync(workspaceNamePath, (dialogResult.Data as string)!, Encoding.UTF8);
await this.LoadTreeItems();
private async Task DeleteWorkspace(string? workspacePath)
if(workspacePath is null)
var workspaceId = Guid.Parse(Path.GetFileName(workspacePath));
var workspaceName = await WorkspaceBehaviour.LoadWorkspaceName(workspaceId);
// Determine how many chats are in the workspace:
var chatCount = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(workspacePath).Count();
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", $"Are you sure you want to delete the workspace '{workspaceName}'? This will also delete {chatCount} chat(s) in this workspace." },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<ConfirmDialog>("Delete Workspace", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
Directory.Delete(workspacePath, true);
await this.LoadTreeItems();
private async Task MoveChat(string? chatPath)
var chat = await this.LoadChat(chatPath, false);
if (chat is null)
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", "Please select the workspace where you want to move the chat to." },
{ "SelectedWorkspace", chat.WorkspaceId },
{ "ConfirmText", "Move chat" },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<WorkspaceSelectionDialog>("Move Chat to Workspace", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
var workspaceId = dialogResult.Data is Guid id ? id : default;
if (workspaceId == Guid.Empty)
// Delete the chat from the current workspace or the temporary storage:
if (chat.WorkspaceId == Guid.Empty)
// Case: The chat is stored in the temporary storage:
await this.DeleteChat(Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "tempChats", chat.ChatId.ToString()), askForConfirmation: false, unloadChat: false);
// Case: The chat is stored in a workspace.
await this.DeleteChat(Path.Join(SettingsManager.DataDirectory, "workspaces", chat.WorkspaceId.ToString(), chat.ChatId.ToString()), askForConfirmation: false, unloadChat: false);
// Update the chat's workspace:
chat.WorkspaceId = workspaceId;
// Handle the case where the chat is the active chat:
if (this.CurrentChatThread?.ChatId == chat.ChatId)
this.CurrentChatThread = chat;
await this.CurrentChatThreadChanged.InvokeAsync(this.CurrentChatThread);
await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessage<bool>(this, Event.WORKSPACE_LOADED_CHAT_CHANGED);
await this.StoreChat(chat);
private async Task AddChat(string workspacePath)
// Check if the chat has unsaved changes:
if (await MessageBus.INSTANCE.SendMessageUseFirstResult<bool, bool>(this, Event.HAS_CHAT_UNSAVED_CHANGES))
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message", "Are you sure you want to create a another chat? All unsaved changes will be lost." },
var dialogReference = await this.DialogService.ShowAsync<ConfirmDialog>("Create Chat", dialogParameters, DialogOptions.FULLSCREEN);
var dialogResult = await dialogReference.Result;
if (dialogResult is null || dialogResult.Canceled)
var workspaceId = Guid.Parse(Path.GetFileName(workspacePath));
var chat = new ChatThread
WorkspaceId = workspaceId,
ChatId = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = string.Empty,
Seed = this.RNG.Next(),
SystemPrompt = SystemPrompts.DEFAULT,
Blocks = [],
var chatPath = Path.Join(workspacePath, chat.ChatId.ToString());
await this.StoreChat(chat);
await this.LoadChat(chatPath, switchToChat: true);
await this.LoadTreeItems();
} |