@using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel @using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient.DataModel Common data source information @if (!this.IsConnectionEncrypted()) { Please note: the connection to the ERI v1 server is not encrypted. This means that all data sent to the server is transmitted in plain text. Please ask the ERI server administrator to enable encryption. } @if (this.DataSource.AuthMethod is AuthMethod.USERNAME_PASSWORD) { } Retrieval information @if (!this.retrievalInfoformation.Any()) { The data source does not provide any retrieval information. } else { @for (var index = 0; index < this.retrievalInfoformation.Count; index++) { var info = this.retrievalInfoformation[index]; @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.Link)) { Open web link, show more information } Embeddings @if (!info.Embeddings.Any()) { The data source does not provide any embedding information. } else { @for (var embeddingIndex = 0; embeddingIndex < info.Embeddings.Count; embeddingIndex++) { var embedding = info.Embeddings[embeddingIndex]; @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(embedding.Link)) { Open web link, show more information } } } } } @if (this.IsOperationInProgress) { } Reload Close