#!/usr/bin/env nu def main [] {} def are_assets_exist [rid: string] { $"bin/release/net8.0/($rid)/publish/wwwroot/_content/MudBlazor/MudBlazor.min.css" | path exists } def "main help" [] { print "Usage: nu build.nu [action]" print "" print "Optional Actions:" print "-----------------" print " fix_web_assets Prepare the web assets; run this once for each release on one platform; changes will be committed." print "" print " metadata Update the metadata file; run this on every platform right before the release; changes will be" print " committed once; there should be no differences between the platforms." print "" print "Actions:" print "---------" print " prepare [action] Prepare the project for a release; increases the version & build numbers, updates the build time," print " and runs fix_web_assets; run this once for each release on one platform; changes will be committed." print " The action can be 'major', 'minor', or 'patch'. The version will be updated accordingly." print "" print " publish Publish the project for all supported RIDs; run this on every platform." print "" } def "main prepare" [action: string] { if (update_app_version $action) { main fix_web_assets inc_build_number update_build_time update_changelog main metadata } } def "main metadata" [] { update_dotnet_version update_rust_version update_mudblazor_version update_tauri_version update_project_commit_hash update_license_year "../../LICENSE.md" update_license_year "Pages/About.razor.cs" } def "main fix_web_assets" [] { # Get the matching RIDs for the current OS: let rids = get_rids # We chose the first RID to copy the assets from: let rid = $rids.0 if (are_assets_exist $rid) == false { print $"Web assets do not exist for ($rid). Please build the project first." return } # Ensure, that the dist directory exists: mkdir wwwroot/system # Copy the web assets from the first RID to the source project: let source_paths = glob --depth 99 bin/release/net8.0/($rid)/publish/wwwroot/_content/* for source_path in $source_paths { cp --recursive --force --update $source_path wwwroot/system/ } } def "main publish" [] { main metadata # Ensure, that the dist directory exists: mkdir bin/dist # Get the matching RIDs for the current OS: let rids = get_rids if ($rids | length) == 0 { print "No RIDs to build for." return } let current_os = get_os let published_filename_dotnet = match $current_os { "windows" => "mindworkAIStudio.exe", _ => "mindworkAIStudio" } # Build for each RID: for rid in $rids { print "==============================" print $"Start building for ($rid)..." ^dotnet publish --configuration release --runtime $rid --disable-build-servers --force let final_filename = match $rid { "win-x64" => "mindworkAIStudioServer-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe", "win-arm64" => "mindworkAIStudioServer-aarch64-pc-windows-msvc.exe", "linux-x64" => "mindworkAIStudioServer-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "linux-arm64" => "mindworkAIStudioServer-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "osx-arm64" => "mindworkAIStudioServer-aarch64-apple-darwin", "osx-x64" => "mindworkAIStudioServer-x86_64-apple-darwin", _ => { print $"Unsupported RID for final filename: ($rid)" return } } let published_path = $"bin/release/net8.0/($rid)/publish/($published_filename_dotnet)" let final_path = $"bin/dist/($final_filename)" if ($published_path | path exists) { print $"Published file ($published_path) exists." } else { print $"Published file ($published_path) does not exist. Compiling might failed?" return } print $"Moving ($published_path) to ($final_path)..." mv --force $published_path $final_path } print "==============================" print "Start building runtime..." cd ../../runtime try { cargo tauri build --bundles none }; cd "../app/MindWork AI Studio" print "==============================" print "Building done." } def get_rids [] { # Define the list of RIDs to build for, cf. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog: let rids = ["win-x64", "win-arm64", "linux-x64", "linux-arm64", "osx-arm64", "osx-x64"] # Get the current OS: let current_os = get_os let current_os_dotnet = match $current_os { "windows" => "win-", "linux" => "linux-", "darwin" => "osx-", _ => { print $"Unsupported OS: ($current_os)" return } } # Filter the RIDs to build for the current OS: let rids = $rids | where $it =~ $current_os_dotnet # Return the list of RIDs to build for: $rids } def get_os [] { let os = (sys host).name | str downcase if $os =~ "linux" { return "linux" } $os } def update_build_time [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut build_time = $meta_lines.1 let updated_build_time = (date now | date to-timezone UTC | format date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print $"Updated build time from ($build_time) to ($updated_build_time) UTC." $build_time = $"($updated_build_time) UTC" $meta_lines.1 = $build_time $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def inc_build_number [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut build_number = $meta_lines.2 | into int let updated_build_number = ([$build_number, 1] | math sum) print $"Incremented build number from ($build_number) to ($updated_build_number)." $build_number = $updated_build_number $meta_lines.2 = ($build_number | into string) $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def update_dotnet_version [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut dotnet_sdk_version = $meta_lines.3 mut dotnet_version = $meta_lines.4 let dotnet_data = (^dotnet --info) | collect | parse --regex '(?ms).?(NET\s+SDK|SDK\s+\.NET)\s*:\s+Version:\s+(?P<sdkVersion>[0-9.]+).+Commit:\s+(?P<sdkCommit>[a-zA-Z0-9]+).+Host:\s+Version:\s+(?P<hostVersion>[0-9.]+).+Commit:\s+(?P<hostCommit>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)' let sdk_version = $dotnet_data.sdkVersion.0 let host_version = $dotnet_data.hostVersion.0 let sdkCommit = $dotnet_data.sdkCommit.0 let hostCommit = $dotnet_data.hostCommit.0 print $"Updated .NET SDK version from ($dotnet_sdk_version) to ($sdk_version) \(commit ($sdkCommit)\)." $meta_lines.3 = $"($sdk_version) \(commit ($sdkCommit)\)" print $"Updated .NET version from ($dotnet_version) to ($host_version) \(commit ($hostCommit)\)." $meta_lines.4 = $"($host_version) \(commit ($hostCommit)\)" $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def update_rust_version [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut rust_version = $meta_lines.5 let rust_data = (^rustc -Vv) | parse --regex 'rustc (?<version>[0-9.]+)(?:-nightly)? \((?<commit>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)' let version = $rust_data.version.0 let commit = $rust_data.commit.0 print $"Updated Rust version from ($rust_version) to ($version) \(commit ($commit)\)." $meta_lines.5 = $"($version) \(commit ($commit)\)" $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def update_mudblazor_version [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut mudblazor_version = $meta_lines.6 let mudblazor_data = (^dotnet list package) | parse --regex 'MudBlazor\s+(?<version>[0-9.]+)' let version = $mudblazor_data.version.0 print $"Updated MudBlazor version from ($mudblazor_version) to ($version)." $meta_lines.6 = $version $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def update_tauri_version [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut tauri_version = $meta_lines.7 cd ../../runtime let tauri_data = (^cargo tree --depth 1) | parse --regex 'tauri\s+v(?<version>[0-9.]+)' let version = $tauri_data.version.0 cd "../app/MindWork AI Studio" print $"Updated Tauri version from ($tauri_version) to ($version)." $meta_lines.7 = $version $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def update_license_year [licence_file: string] { let current_year = (date now | date to-timezone UTC | format date "%Y") let license_text = open --raw $licence_file | lines print $"Updating the license's year in ($licence_file) to ($current_year)." # Target line looks like `Copyright 2024 Thorsten Sommer`. # Perhaps, there are whitespaces at the beginning. Using # a regex to match the year. let updated_license_text = $license_text | each { |it| if $it =~ '^\s*Copyright\s+[0-9]{4}' { $it | str replace --regex '([0-9]{4})' $"($current_year)" } else { $it } } $updated_license_text | save --raw --force $licence_file } def update_app_version [action: string] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut app_version = $meta_lines.0 let version_data = $app_version | parse --regex '(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)\.(?P<patch>[0-9]+)' if $action == "major" { mut major = $version_data.major | into int $major = ([$major.0, 1] | math sum) let updated_version = [$major, 0, 0] | str join "." print $"Updated app version from ($app_version) to ($updated_version)." $meta_lines.0 = $updated_version } else if $action == "minor" { let major = $version_data.major | into int mut minor = $version_data.minor | into int $minor = ([$minor.0, 1] | math sum) let updated_version = [$major.0, $minor, 0] | str join "." print $"Updated app version from ($app_version) to ($updated_version)." $meta_lines.0 = $updated_version } else if $action == "patch" { let major = $version_data.major | into int let minor = $version_data.minor | into int mut patch = $version_data.patch | into int $patch = ([$patch.0, 1] | math sum) let updated_version = [$major.0, $minor.0, $patch] | str join "." print $"Updated app version from ($app_version) to ($updated_version)." $meta_lines.0 = $updated_version } else { print $"Invalid action '($action)'. Please use 'major', 'minor', or 'patch'." return false } $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt return true } def update_project_commit_hash [] { mut meta_lines = open --raw ../../metadata.txt | lines mut commit_hash = $meta_lines.8 # Check, if the work directory is clean. We allow, that the metadata file is dirty: let git_status = (^git status --porcelain) | lines let dirty_files = $git_status | length let first_is_metadata = ($dirty_files > 0 and $git_status.0 =~ '^\sM\s+metadata.txt$') let git_tag_response = ^git describe --tags --exact-match | complete let state = { num_dirty: $dirty_files, first_is_metadata: $first_is_metadata, git_tag_present: ($git_tag_response.exit_code == 0), git_tag: $git_tag_response.stdout } let commit_postfix = match $state { { num_dirty: $num_dirty, first_is_metadata: _, git_tag_present: _, git_tag: _ } if $num_dirty > 1 => ", dev debug", { num_dirty: $num_dirty, first_is_metadata: false, git_tag_present: _, git_tag: _ } if $num_dirty == 1 => ", dev debug", { num_dirty: $num_dirty, first_is_metadata: true, git_tag_present: false, git_tag: _ } if $num_dirty == 1 => ", dev testing", { num_dirty: $num_dirty, first_is_metadata: false, git_tag_present: false, git_tag: _ } if $num_dirty == 0 => ", dev testing", { num_dirty: $num_dirty, first_is_metadata: true, git_tag_present: true, git_tag: $tag } if $num_dirty == 1 => $", release $tag", { num_dirty: $num_dirty, first_is_metadata: false, git_tag_present: true, git_tag: $tag } if $num_dirty == 0 => $", release $tag", _ => "-dev unknown" } # Use the first ten characters of the commit hash: let updated_commit_hash = (^git rev-parse HEAD) | str substring 0..10 | append $commit_postfix | str join print $"Updated commit hash from ($commit_hash) to ($updated_commit_hash)." $meta_lines.8 = $updated_commit_hash $meta_lines | save --raw --force ../../metadata.txt } def update_changelog [] { # Get all changelog files: let all_changelog_files = glob wwwroot/changelog/*.md # Create a table with the build numbers and the corresponding file names: let table = $all_changelog_files | reduce --fold [] { |it, acc| let header_line = open --raw $it | lines | first let file_name = $it | path basename let header_data = $header_line | parse --regex '#\s+(?P<header>(?P<version>v[0-9.]+)[,\s]+build\s+(?P<build_num>[0-9]+)[,\s]+\((?P<build_time>[0-9-?\s:UTC]+)\))' $acc ++ [[build_num, file_name, header]; [$header_data.build_num.0, $file_name, $header_data.header.0]] } | sort-by build_num --natural --reverse # Now, we build the necessary C# code: const tab = " "; # using 4 spaces as one tab let code_rows = $table | reduce --fold "" { |it, acc| $acc ++ $"($tab)($tab)new \(($it.build_num), \"($it.header)\", \"($it.file_name)\"\),\n" } let code = ($"LOGS = \n($tab)[\n($code_rows)\n($tab)];") # Next, update the Changelog.Logs.cs file: let changelog_logs_source_file = open --raw "Components/Changelog.Logs.cs" let result = $changelog_logs_source_file | str replace --regex '(?ms)LOGS =\s+\[[\w\s".,-:()?]+\];' $code # Save the updated file: $result | save --raw --force "Components/Changelog.Logs.cs" let number_change_logs = $table | length print $"Updated Changelog.Logs.cs with ($number_change_logs) change logs." }