using AIStudio.Tools.Rust; namespace AIStudio.Tools.Services; public sealed partial class RustService { /// /// Tries to copy the given text to the clipboard. /// /// The snackbar to show the result. /// The text to copy to the clipboard. public async Task CopyText2Clipboard(ISnackbar snackbar, string text) { var message = "Successfully copied the text to your clipboard"; var iconColor = Color.Error; var severity = Severity.Error; try { var encryptedText = await text.Encrypt(this.encryptor!); var response = await this.http.PostAsync("/clipboard/set", new StringContent(encryptedText.EncryptedData)); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to copy the text to the clipboard due to an network error: '{response.StatusCode}'"); message = "Failed to copy the text to your clipboard."; return; } var state = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!state.Success) { this.logger!.LogError("Failed to copy the text to the clipboard."); message = "Failed to copy the text to your clipboard."; return; } iconColor = Color.Success; severity = Severity.Success; this.logger!.LogDebug("Successfully copied the text to the clipboard."); } finally { snackbar.Add(message, severity, config => { config.Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.ContentCopy; config.IconSize = Size.Large; config.IconColor = iconColor; }); } } }