namespace AIStudio.Tools; public static class ConfidenceSchemesExtensions { public static string GetListDescription(this ConfidenceSchemes scheme) => scheme switch { ConfidenceSchemes.TRUST_ALL => "Trust all LLM providers", ConfidenceSchemes.TRUST_USA_EUROPE => "Trust LLM providers from the USA and Europe", ConfidenceSchemes.TRUST_USA => "Trust LLM providers from the USA", ConfidenceSchemes.TRUST_EUROPE => "Trust LLM providers from Europe", ConfidenceSchemes.TRUST_ASIA => "Trust LLM providers from Asia", ConfidenceSchemes.LOCAL_TRUST_ONLY => "Trust only local LLM providers", ConfidenceSchemes.CUSTOM => "Configure your own confidence scheme", _ => "Unknown confidence scheme" }; }