using AIStudio.Settings; namespace AIStudio.Provider; public sealed record Confidence { public ConfidenceLevel Level { get; private init; } = ConfidenceLevel.UNKNOWN; public string Region { get; private init; } = string.Empty; public string Description { get; private init; } = string.Empty; public List Sources { get; private init; } = []; private Confidence() { } public Confidence WithSources(params string[] sources) => this with { Sources = sources.ToList() }; public Confidence WithRegion(string region) => this with { Region = region }; public Confidence WithLevel(ConfidenceLevel level) => this with { Level = level }; public string StyleBorder(SettingsManager settingsManager) => $"border: 2px solid {this.Level.GetColor(settingsManager)}; border-radius: 6px;"; public string SetColorStyle(SettingsManager settingsManager) => $"--confidence-color: {this.Level.GetColor(settingsManager)};"; public static readonly Confidence NONE = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.NONE, Description = """ No provider selected. Please select a provider to get see its confidence level. """, }; public static readonly Confidence USA_NOT_TRUSTED = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.UNTRUSTED, Description = "The provider operates its service from the USA and is subject to **U.S. jurisdiction**. In case of suspicion, authorities in the USA can access your data. The provider's terms of service state that **all your data can be used by the provider at will.**", }; public static readonly Confidence UNKNOWN = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.UNKNOWN, Description = "The trust level of this provider **has not yet** been thoroughly **investigated and evaluated**. We do not know if your data is safe.", }; public static readonly Confidence USA_NO_TRAINING = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.MODERATE, Description = "The provider operates its service from the USA and is subject to **US jurisdiction**. In case of suspicion, authorities in the USA can access your data. However, **your data is not used for training** purposes.", }; public static readonly Confidence CHINA_NO_TRAINING = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.MODERATE, Description = "The provider operates its service from China. In case of suspicion, authorities in the respective countries of operation may access your data. However, **your data is not used for training** purposes.", }; public static readonly Confidence GDPR_NO_TRAINING = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.MEDIUM, Description = "The provider is located in the EU and is subject to the **GDPR** (General Data Protection Regulation). Additionally, the provider states that **your data is not used for training**.", }; public static readonly Confidence SELF_HOSTED = new() { Level = ConfidenceLevel.HIGH, Description = "You or your organization operate the LLM locally or within your trusted network. In terms of data processing and security, this is the best possible way.", }; }