@using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel @using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient.DataModel @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ @if (!this.IsConnectionEncrypted()) { Please note: the connection to the ERI v1 server is not encrypted. This means that all data sent to the server is transmitted in plain text. Please ask the ERI server administrator to enable encryption. } @if (this.IsConnectionPossible()) { Test connection & read available metadata @this.GetTestResultText() } @if(this.availableAuthMethods.Count > 0 || this.dataAuthMethod != default) { @foreach (var authMethod in this.availableAuthMethods) { @authMethod.DisplayName() } } @if (this.NeedsSecret()) { if (this.dataAuthMethod is AuthMethod.USERNAME_PASSWORD) { @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ } @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ } @if (this.availableRetrievalProcesses.Count > 0) { @foreach (var retrievalProcess in this.availableRetrievalProcesses) { @retrievalProcess.Name } } @foreach (var policy in Enum.GetValues()) { @policy.ToSelectionText() } Cancel @if(this.IsEditing) { @:Update } else { @:Add }