using AIStudio.Agents; using AIStudio.Chat; using AIStudio.Settings; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; namespace AIStudio.Components; public partial class ReadWebContent : ComponentBase { [Inject] private HTMLParser HTMLParser { get; init; } = null!; [Inject] private AgentTextContentCleaner AgentTextContentCleaner { get; init; } = null!; [Inject] protected SettingsManager SettingsManager { get; set; } = null!; [Parameter] public string Content { get; set; } = string.Empty; [Parameter] public EventCallback<string> ContentChanged { get; set; } [Parameter] public AIStudio.Settings.Provider ProviderSettings { get; set; } [Parameter] public bool AgentIsRunning { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<bool> AgentIsRunningChanged { get; set; } [Parameter] public bool Preselect { get; set; } [Parameter] public bool PreselectContentCleanerAgent { get; set; } private Process<ReadWebContentSteps> process = Process<ReadWebContentSteps>.INSTANCE; private ProcessStepValue processStep; private bool showWebContentReader; private bool useContentCleanerAgent; private string providedURL = string.Empty; private bool urlIsValid; private bool isProviderValid; private AIStudio.Settings.Provider providerSettings; #region Overrides of ComponentBase protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { if(this.Preselect) this.showWebContentReader = true; if(this.PreselectContentCleanerAgent) this.useContentCleanerAgent = true; this.ProviderSettings = this.SettingsManager.GetPreselectedProvider(Tools.Components.AGENT_TEXT_CONTENT_CLEANER, this.ProviderSettings.Id, true); await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync() { if (!this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.TextContentCleaner.PreselectAgentOptions) this.providerSettings = this.ProviderSettings; await base.OnParametersSetAsync(); } #endregion private async Task LoadFromWeb() { if(!this.IsReady) return; var markdown = string.Empty; try { this.processStep = this.process[ReadWebContentSteps.LOADING]; this.StateHasChanged(); var html = await this.HTMLParser.LoadWebContentHTML(new Uri(this.providedURL)); this.processStep = this.process[ReadWebContentSteps.PARSING]; this.StateHasChanged(); markdown = this.HTMLParser.ParseToMarkdown(html); if (this.useContentCleanerAgent) { this.AgentTextContentCleaner.ProviderSettings = this.providerSettings; var additionalData = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "sourceURL", this.providedURL }, }; this.processStep = this.process[ReadWebContentSteps.CLEANING]; this.AgentIsRunning = true; await this.AgentIsRunningChanged.InvokeAsync(this.AgentIsRunning); this.StateHasChanged(); var contentBlock = await this.AgentTextContentCleaner.ProcessInput(new ContentBlock { Time = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, ContentType = ContentType.TEXT, Role = ChatRole.USER, Content = new ContentText { Text = markdown, }, }, additionalData); markdown = contentBlock.Content is ContentText text ? text.Text : markdown; this.processStep = this.process[ReadWebContentSteps.DONE]; this.AgentIsRunning = false; await this.AgentIsRunningChanged.InvokeAsync(this.AgentIsRunning); this.StateHasChanged(); } } catch { if (this.AgentIsRunning) { this.processStep = this.process[ReadWebContentSteps.START]; this.AgentIsRunning = false; await this.AgentIsRunningChanged.InvokeAsync(this.AgentIsRunning); this.StateHasChanged(); } } this.Content = markdown; await this.ContentChanged.InvokeAsync(this.Content); } private bool IsReady { get { if(!this.urlIsValid) return false; if(this.useContentCleanerAgent && !this.isProviderValid) return false; return true; } } private string? ValidateProvider(bool shouldUseAgent) { if(shouldUseAgent && this.providerSettings == default) { this.isProviderValid = false; return "Please select a provider to use the cleanup agent."; } this.isProviderValid = true; return null; } private string? ValidateURL(string url) { if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { this.urlIsValid = false; return "Please provide a URL to load the content from."; } var urlParsingResult = Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uriResult); if(!urlParsingResult) { this.urlIsValid = false; return "Please provide a valid URL."; } if(uriResult is not { Scheme: "http" or "https" }) { this.urlIsValid = false; return "Please provide a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL."; } this.urlIsValid = true; return null; } }