@using AIStudio.Assistants.ERI @using MudExtensions General Information Please provide some general information about your retrieval process first. This data may be displayed to the users. @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ Retrieval Process Parameters You may want to parameterize your retrieval process. However, this is optional. You can specify any parameters that can be set by the user or the system during the call. Nevertheless, you should use sensible default values in your code so that users are not forced to set the parameters manually. @* The left side of the stack is another stack to show the list *@ @if (this.retrievalParameters.Count > 0) { @foreach (var parameter in this.retrievalParameters) { @parameter.Name } } Add Parameter @* The right side of the stack is another stack to display the parameter's data *@ @if (this.selectedParameter is null) { @if(this.retrievalParameters.Count == 0) { Add a parameter first, then select it to edit. } else { Select a parameter to show and edit it. } } else { @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ @* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@ Delete this parameter } Embeddings @if(this.AvailableEmbeddings.Count == 0) { Currently, you have not defined any embedding methods. If your retrieval process does not require embedding, you can ignore this part. Otherwise, you can define one or more embedding methods in the previous view to assign them to your retrieval process here. } else { Here you can select which embedding methods are used for this retrieval process. Embeddings are optional; if your retrieval process works without embedding, you can ignore this part. You can only choose the embedding methods you have previously defined. @foreach (var embedding in this.AvailableEmbeddings) { @embedding.EmbeddingName } } Cancel @if(this.IsEditing) { @:Update } else { @:Add }