namespace AIStudio.Assistants.IconFinder; public static class IconSourceExtensions { public static string Name(this IconSources iconSource) => iconSource switch { IconSources.FLAT_ICON => "Flaticon", IconSources.FONT_AWESOME => "Font Awesome", IconSources.MATERIAL_ICONS => "Material Icons", IconSources.FEATHER_ICONS => "Feather Icons", IconSources.BOOTSTRAP_ICONS => "Bootstrap Icons", IconSources.ICONS8 => "Icons8", _ => "Generic", }; public static string Prompt(this IconSources iconSource) => iconSource switch { IconSources.FLAT_ICON => "My icon source is Flaticon.", IconSources.FONT_AWESOME => "I look for an icon on Font Awesome. Please provide just valid icon names. Valid icon names are using the format `fa-icon-name`.", IconSources.MATERIAL_ICONS => "I look for a Material icon. Please provide just valid icon names. Valid icon names are using the format `IconName`.", IconSources.FEATHER_ICONS => "My icon source is Feather Icons. Please provide just valid icon names. Valid icon names usiing the format `icon-name`.", IconSources.BOOTSTRAP_ICONS => "I look for an icon for Bootstrap. Please provide just valid icon names. Valid icon names are using the format `bi-icon-name`.", IconSources.ICONS8 => "I look for an icon on Icons8.", _ => string.Empty, }; public static string URL(this IconSources iconSource) => iconSource switch { IconSources.FLAT_ICON => "", IconSources.FONT_AWESOME => "", IconSources.MATERIAL_ICONS => "", IconSources.FEATHER_ICONS => "", IconSources.BOOTSTRAP_ICONS => "", IconSources.ICONS8 => "", _ => string.Empty, }; }