@page "/settings" @using AIStudio.Components.Pages.Coding @using AIStudio.Components.Pages.TextSummarizer @using AIStudio.Provider @using AIStudio.Settings @using AIStudio.Tools @using Host = AIStudio.Provider.SelfHosted.Host Settings Configured Providers # Instance Name Provider Model Actions @context.Num @context.InstanceName @context.UsedProvider @if (context.UsedProvider is not Providers.SELF_HOSTED) { @this.GetProviderModelName(context) } else if (context.UsedProvider is Providers.SELF_HOSTED && context.Host is not Host.LLAMACPP) { @this.GetProviderModelName(context) } else { @("as selected by provider") } Open Dashboard Edit Delete @if(this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.Providers.Count == 0) { No providers configured yet. } Add Provider App Options Chat Options Workspace Options Assistant Options Icon Finder Options Translator Options @if (this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.PreselectedTranslationTargetLanguage is CommonLanguages.OTHER) { } Coding Options @if (this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.PreselectedCodingLanguage is CommonCodingLanguages.OTHER) { } Text Summarizer Options @if (this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.PreselectedTextSummarizerTargetLanguage is CommonLanguages.OTHER) { } @if(this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.PreselectedTextSummarizerComplexity is Complexity.SCIENTIFIC_LANGUAGE_OTHER_EXPERTS) { } LLM Agent Options Text Content Cleaner Agent Use Case: this agent is used to clean up text content. It extracts the main content, removes advertisements and other irrelevant things, and attempts to convert relative links into absolute links so that they can be used.