using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text.Json; using AIStudio.Tools.Rust; // ReSharper disable NotAccessedPositionalProperty.Local namespace AIStudio.Tools; /// /// Calling Rust functions. /// public sealed class RustService : IDisposable { private readonly HttpClient http; private readonly JsonSerializerOptions jsonRustSerializerOptions = new() { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower, }; private ILogger? logger; private Encryption? encryptor; private readonly string apiPort; private readonly string certificateFingerprint; public RustService(string apiPort, string certificateFingerprint) { this.apiPort = apiPort; this.certificateFingerprint = certificateFingerprint; var certificateValidationHandler = new HttpClientHandler { ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (_, certificate, _, _) => { if(certificate is null) return false; var currentCertificateFingerprint = certificate.GetCertHashString(HashAlgorithmName.SHA256); return currentCertificateFingerprint == certificateFingerprint; }, }; this.http = new HttpClient(certificateValidationHandler) { BaseAddress = new Uri($"{apiPort}"), DefaultRequestVersion = Version.Parse("2.0"), DefaultVersionPolicy = HttpVersionPolicy.RequestVersionOrHigher, }; this.http.DefaultRequestHeaders.AddApiToken(); } public void SetLogger(ILogger logService) { this.logger = logService; } public void SetEncryptor(Encryption encryptionService) { this.encryptor = encryptionService; } public async Task GetAppPort() { Console.WriteLine("Trying to get app port from Rust runtime..."); // // Note I: In the production environment, the Rust runtime is already running // and listening on the given port. In the development environment, the IDE // starts the Rust runtime in parallel with the .NET runtime. Since the // Rust runtime needs some time to start, we have to wait for it to be ready. // const int MAX_TRIES = 160; var tris = 0; var wait4Try = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250); var url = new Uri($"{this.apiPort}/system/dotnet/port"); while (tris++ < MAX_TRIES) { // // Note II: We use a new HttpClient instance for each try to avoid // .NET is caching the result. When we use the same HttpClient // instance, we would always get the same result (403 forbidden), // without even trying to connect to the Rust server. // using var initialHttp = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { // // Note III: We have to create also a new HttpClientHandler instance // for each try to avoid .NET is caching the result. This is necessary // because it gets disposed when the HttpClient instance gets disposed. // ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (_, certificate, _, _) => { if(certificate is null) return false; var currentCertificateFingerprint = certificate.GetCertHashString(HashAlgorithmName.SHA256); return currentCertificateFingerprint == this.certificateFingerprint; } }); initialHttp.DefaultRequestVersion = Version.Parse("2.0"); initialHttp.DefaultVersionPolicy = HttpVersionPolicy.RequestVersionOrHigher; initialHttp.DefaultRequestHeaders.AddApiToken(); try { var response = await initialHttp.GetAsync(url); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine($"Try {tris}/{MAX_TRIES} to get the app port from Rust runtime"); await Task.Delay(wait4Try); continue; } var appPortContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var appPort = int.Parse(appPortContent); Console.WriteLine($"Received app port from Rust runtime: '{appPort}'"); return appPort; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: Was not able to get the app port from Rust runtime: '{e.Message}'"); Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException); throw; } } Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive the app port from Rust runtime."); return 0; } public async Task AppIsReady() { const string URL = "/system/dotnet/ready"; this.logger!.LogInformation("Notifying Rust runtime that the app is ready."); try { var response = await this.http.GetAsync(URL); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to notify Rust runtime that the app is ready: '{response.StatusCode}'"); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logger!.LogError(e, "Failed to notify the Rust runtime that the app is ready."); throw; } } public async Task GetConfigDirectory() { var response = await this.http.GetAsync("/system/directories/config"); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to get the config directory from Rust: '{response.StatusCode}'"); return string.Empty; } return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } public async Task GetDataDirectory() { var response = await this.http.GetAsync("/system/directories/data"); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to get the data directory from Rust: '{response.StatusCode}'"); return string.Empty; } return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } /// /// Tries to copy the given text to the clipboard. /// /// The snackbar to show the result. /// The text to copy to the clipboard. public async Task CopyText2Clipboard(ISnackbar snackbar, string text) { var message = "Successfully copied the text to your clipboard"; var iconColor = Color.Error; var severity = Severity.Error; try { var encryptedText = await text.Encrypt(this.encryptor!); var response = await this.http.PostAsync("/clipboard/set", new StringContent(encryptedText.EncryptedData)); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to copy the text to the clipboard due to an network error: '{response.StatusCode}'"); message = "Failed to copy the text to your clipboard."; return; } var state = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!state.Success) { this.logger!.LogError("Failed to copy the text to the clipboard."); message = "Failed to copy the text to your clipboard."; return; } iconColor = Color.Success; severity = Severity.Success; this.logger!.LogDebug("Successfully copied the text to the clipboard."); } finally { snackbar.Add(message, severity, config => { config.Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.ContentCopy; config.IconSize = Size.Large; config.IconColor = iconColor; }); } } public async Task CheckForUpdate() { try { var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45)); var response = await this.http.GetFromJsonAsync("/updates/check", this.jsonRustSerializerOptions, cts.Token); this.logger!.LogInformation($"Checked for an update: update available='{response.UpdateIsAvailable}'; error='{response.Error}'; next version='{response.NewVersion}'; changelog len='{response.Changelog.Length}'"); return response; } catch (Exception e) { this.logger!.LogError(e, "Failed to check for an update."); return new UpdateResponse { Error = true, UpdateIsAvailable = false, }; } } public async Task InstallUpdate() { try { var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); await this.http.GetAsync("/updates/install", cts.Token); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } } /// /// Try to get the API key for the given secret ID. /// /// The secret ID to get the API key for. /// Indicates if we are trying to get the API key. In that case, we don't log errors. /// The requested secret. public async Task GetAPIKey(ISecretId secretId, bool isTrying = false) { var secretRequest = new SelectSecretRequest($"provider::{secretId.SecretId}::{secretId.SecretName}::api_key", Environment.UserName, isTrying); var result = await this.http.PostAsJsonAsync("/secrets/get", secretRequest, this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { if(!isTrying) this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to get the API key for secret ID '{secretId.SecretId}' due to an API issue: '{result.StatusCode}'"); return new RequestedSecret(false, new EncryptedText(string.Empty), "Failed to get the API key due to an API issue."); } var secret = await result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!secret.Success && !isTrying) this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to get the API key for secret ID '{secretId.SecretId}': '{secret.Issue}'"); return secret; } /// /// Try to store the API key for the given secret ID. /// /// The secret ID to store the API key for. /// The API key to store. /// The store secret response. public async Task SetAPIKey(ISecretId secretId, string key) { var encryptedKey = await this.encryptor!.Encrypt(key); var request = new StoreSecretRequest($"provider::{secretId.SecretId}::{secretId.SecretName}::api_key", Environment.UserName, encryptedKey); var result = await this.http.PostAsJsonAsync("/secrets/store", request, this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to store the API key for secret ID '{secretId.SecretId}' due to an API issue: '{result.StatusCode}'"); return new StoreSecretResponse(false, "Failed to get the API key due to an API issue."); } var state = await result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!state.Success) this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to store the API key for secret ID '{secretId.SecretId}': '{state.Issue}'"); return state; } /// /// Tries to delete the API key for the given secret ID. /// /// The secret ID to delete the API key for. /// The delete secret response. public async Task DeleteAPIKey(ISecretId secretId) { var request = new SelectSecretRequest($"provider::{secretId.SecretId}::{secretId.SecretName}::api_key", Environment.UserName, false); var result = await this.http.PostAsJsonAsync("/secrets/delete", request, this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to delete the API key for secret ID '{secretId.SecretId}' due to an API issue: '{result.StatusCode}'"); return new DeleteSecretResponse{Success = false, WasEntryFound = false, Issue = "Failed to delete the API key due to an API issue."}; } var state = await result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!state.Success) this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to delete the API key for secret ID '{secretId.SecretId}': '{state.Issue}'"); return state; } public async Task SelectDirectory(string title, string? initialDirectory = null) { PreviousDirectory? previousDirectory = initialDirectory is null ? null : new (initialDirectory); var result = await this.http.PostAsJsonAsync($"/select/directory?title={title}", previousDirectory, this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { this.logger!.LogError($"Failed to select a directory: '{result.StatusCode}'"); return new DirectorySelectionResponse(true, string.Empty); } return await result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(this.jsonRustSerializerOptions); } #region IDisposable public void Dispose() { this.http.Dispose(); } #endregion }