Store personal data about yourself in various profiles so that the AIs know your personal context.
This saves you from having to explain your context each time, for example, in every chat. When you
have different roles, you can create a profile for each role.
Are you a project manager in a research facility? You might want to create a profile for your project
management activities, one for your scientific work, and a profile for when you need to write program
code. In these profiles, you can record how much experience you have or which methods you like or
dislike using. Later, you can choose when and where you want to use each profile.
The name of the profile is mandatory. Each profile must have a unique name. Whether you provide
information about yourself or only fill out the actions is up to you. Only one of these pieces
is required.
@* ReSharper disable once CSharpWarnings::CS8974 *@