using System.Text;

using AIStudio.Chat;

namespace AIStudio.Assistants.EMail;

public partial class AssistantEMail : AssistantBaseCore
    public override Tools.Components Component => Tools.Components.EMAIL_ASSISTANT;
    protected override string Title => "E-Mail";
    protected override string Description =>
        Provide a list of bullet points and some basic information for an e-mail. The assistant will generate an e-mail based on that input.
    protected override string SystemPrompt => 
        You are an automated system that writes emails. {this.SystemPromptHistory()} The user provides you with bullet points on what
        he want to address in the response. Regarding the writing style of the email: {this.selectedWritingStyle.Prompt()}
        {this.SystemPromptGreeting()} {this.SystemPromptName()} You write the email in the following language: {this.SystemPromptLanguage()}.
    protected override IReadOnlyList<IButtonData> FooterButtons => [];
    protected override string SubmitText => "Create email";

    protected override Func<Task> SubmitAction => this.CreateMail;
    protected override ChatThread ConvertToChatThread => (this.chatThread ?? new()) with
        SystemPrompt = SystemPrompts.DEFAULT,
    protected override void ResetForm()
        this.inputBulletPoints = string.Empty;
        this.selectedFoci = [];
        this.provideHistory = false;
        this.inputHistory = string.Empty;
        if (!this.MightPreselectValues())
            this.inputName = string.Empty;
            this.selectedTargetLanguage = CommonLanguages.AS_IS;
            this.customTargetLanguage = string.Empty;
            this.selectedWritingStyle = WritingStyles.NONE;
            this.inputGreeting = string.Empty;
    protected override bool MightPreselectValues()
        if (this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.EMail.PreselectOptions)
            this.inputName = this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.EMail.SenderName;
            this.inputGreeting = this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.EMail.Greeting;
            this.selectedWritingStyle = this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.EMail.PreselectedWritingStyle;
            this.selectedTargetLanguage = this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.EMail.PreselectedTargetLanguage;
            this.customTargetLanguage = this.SettingsManager.ConfigurationData.EMail.PreselectOtherLanguage;
            return true;
        return false;
    private const string PLACEHOLDER_BULLET_POINTS = """
                                               - The last meeting was good
                                               - Thank you for feedback
                                               - Next is milestone 3
                                               - I need your input by next Wednesday
    private WritingStyles selectedWritingStyle = WritingStyles.NONE;
    private string inputGreeting = string.Empty;
    private string inputBulletPoints = string.Empty;
    private readonly List<string> bulletPointsLines = [];
    private IEnumerable<string> selectedFoci = new HashSet<string>();
    private string inputName = string.Empty;
    private CommonLanguages selectedTargetLanguage = CommonLanguages.AS_IS;
    private string customTargetLanguage = string.Empty;
    private bool provideHistory;
    private string inputHistory = string.Empty;
    #region Overrides of ComponentBase

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        var deferredContent = MessageBus.INSTANCE.CheckDeferredMessages<string>(Event.SEND_TO_EMAIL_ASSISTANT).FirstOrDefault();
        if (deferredContent is not null)
            this.inputBulletPoints = deferredContent;
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();

    private string? ValidateBulletPoints(string content)
            return "Please provide some content for the e-mail.";

        var lines = content.Split('\n', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        foreach (var line in lines)
                return "Please start each line of your content list with a dash (-) to create a bullet point list.";
        return null;
    private string? ValidateTargetLanguage(CommonLanguages language)
        if(language is CommonLanguages.AS_IS)
            return "Please select a target language for the e-mail.";
        return null;
    private string? ValidateCustomLanguage(string language)
        if(this.selectedTargetLanguage == CommonLanguages.OTHER && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(language))
            return "Please provide a custom language.";
        return null;
    private string? ValidateWritingStyle(WritingStyles style)
        if(style == WritingStyles.NONE)
            return "Please select a writing style for the e-mail.";
        return null;
    private string? ValidateHistory(string history)
        if(this.provideHistory && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(history))
            return "Please provide some history for the e-mail.";
        return null;
    private void OnContentChanged(string content)
        var previousSelectedFoci = new HashSet<string>();
        foreach (var line in content.AsSpan().EnumerateLines())
            var trimmedLine = line.Trim();
            if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("-"))
                trimmedLine = trimmedLine[1..].Trim();
            if (trimmedLine.Length == 0)
            var finalLine = trimmedLine.ToString();
            if(this.selectedFoci.Any(x => x.StartsWith(finalLine, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))

        this.selectedFoci = previousSelectedFoci;

    private string SystemPromptHistory()
        if (this.provideHistory)
            return "You receive the previous conversation as context.";
        return string.Empty;

    private string SystemPromptGreeting()
            return $"Your greeting should consider the following formulation: {this.inputGreeting}.";
        return string.Empty;

    private string SystemPromptName()
            return $"For the closing phrase of the email, please use the following name: {this.inputName}.";
        return string.Empty;

    private string SystemPromptLanguage()
        if(this.selectedTargetLanguage is CommonLanguages.AS_IS)
            return "Use the same language as the input";
        if(this.selectedTargetLanguage is CommonLanguages.OTHER)
            return this.customTargetLanguage;
        return this.selectedTargetLanguage.Name();
    private string PromptFoci()
            return string.Empty;
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.AppendLine("I want to amplify the following points:");
        foreach (var focus in this.selectedFoci)
            sb.AppendLine($"- {focus}");
        return sb.ToString();
    private string PromptHistory()
            return string.Empty;
        return $"""
               The previous conversation was:

    private async Task CreateMail()
        await this.form!.Validate();
        if (!this.inputIsValid)

        var time = this.AddUserRequest(
            My bullet points for the e-mail are:

        await this.AddAIResponseAsync(time);