// Prevents an additional console window on Windows in release, DO NOT REMOVE!! #![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")] extern crate rocket; extern crate core; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fmt; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, OnceLock}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use arboard::Clipboard; use base64::Engine; use base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD; use aes::cipher::{block_padding::Pkcs7, BlockDecryptMut, BlockEncryptMut, KeyIvInit}; use keyring::Entry; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tauri::{Manager, Url, Window}; use tauri::api::process::{Command, CommandChild, CommandEvent}; use tokio::time; use flexi_logger::{DeferredNow, Duplicate, FileSpec, Logger}; use flexi_logger::writers::FileLogWriter; use hmac::Hmac; use keyring::error::Error::NoEntry; use log::{debug, error, info, kv, warn}; use log::kv::{Key, Value, VisitSource}; use pbkdf2::pbkdf2; use rand::{RngCore, SeedableRng}; use rcgen::generate_simple_self_signed; use rocket::figment::Figment; use rocket::{data, get, post, routes, Data, Request}; use rocket::config::{Shutdown}; use rocket::data::{ToByteUnit}; use rocket::http::Status; use rocket::request::{FromRequest}; use rocket::serde::json::Json; use sha2::{Sha256, Sha512, Digest}; use tauri::updater::UpdateResponse; use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt; type Aes256CbcEnc = cbc::Encryptor; type Aes256CbcDec = cbc::Decryptor; type DataOutcome<'r, T> = data::Outcome<'r, T>; type RequestOutcome = rocket::request::Outcome; // The .NET server is started in a separate process and communicates with this // runtime process via IPC. However, we do net start the .NET server in // the development environment. static DOTNET_SERVER: Lazy>>> = Lazy::new(|| Arc::new(Mutex::new(None))); // The .NET server port is relevant for the production environment only, sine we // do not start the server in the development environment. static DOTNET_SERVER_PORT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| get_available_port().unwrap()); // The port used for the runtime API server. In the development environment, we use a fixed // port, in the production environment we use the next available port. This differentiation // is necessary because we cannot communicate the port to the .NET server in the development // environment. static API_SERVER_PORT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { if is_dev() { 5000 } else { get_available_port().unwrap() } }); // The Tauri main window. static MAIN_WINDOW: Lazy>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(None)); // The update response coming from the Tauri updater. static CHECK_UPDATE_RESPONSE: Lazy>>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(None)); static ENCRYPTION: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { // // Generate a secret key & salt for the AES encryption for the IPC channel: // let mut secret_key = [0u8; 512]; // 512 bytes = 4096 bits let mut secret_key_salt = [0u8; 16]; // 16 bytes = 128 bits // We use a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator // to generate the secret password & salt. ChaCha20Rng is the algorithm // of our choice: let mut rng = rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::from_entropy(); // Fill the secret key & salt with random bytes: rng.fill_bytes(&mut secret_key); rng.fill_bytes(&mut secret_key_salt); Encryption::new(&secret_key, &secret_key_salt).unwrap() }); static API_TOKEN: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let mut token = [0u8; 32]; let mut rng = rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::from_entropy(); rng.fill_bytes(&mut token); APIToken::from_bytes(token.to_vec()) }); static DATA_DIRECTORY: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); static CONFIG_DIRECTORY: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); static DOTNET_INITIALIZED: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(false)); #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let metadata = include_str!("../../metadata.txt"); let mut metadata_lines = metadata.lines(); let app_version = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let build_time = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let build_number = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let dotnet_sdk_version = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let dotnet_version = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let rust_version = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let mud_blazor_version = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let tauri_version = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); let app_commit_hash = metadata_lines.next().unwrap(); // // Configure the logger: // let mut log_config = String::new(); // Set the log level depending on the environment: match is_dev() { true => log_config.push_str("debug, "), false => log_config.push_str("info, "), }; // Set the log level for the Rocket library: log_config.push_str("rocket=info, "); // Set the log level for the Rocket server: log_config.push_str("rocket::server=warn, "); // Set the log level for the Reqwest library: log_config.push_str("reqwest::async_impl::client=info"); // Configure the initial filename. On Unix systems, the file should start // with a dot to be hidden. let log_basename = match cfg!(unix) { true => ".AI Studio Events", false => "AI Studio Events", }; let logger = Logger::try_with_str(log_config).expect("Cannot create logging") .log_to_file(FileSpec::default() .basename(log_basename) .suppress_timestamp() .suffix("log")) .duplicate_to_stdout(Duplicate::All) .use_utc() .format_for_files(file_logger_format) .format_for_stderr(terminal_colored_logger_format) .format_for_stdout(terminal_colored_logger_format) .start().expect("Cannot start logging"); info!("Starting MindWork AI Studio:"); let working_directory = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); info!(".. The working directory is: '{working_directory:?}'"); info!(".. Version: v{app_version} (commit {app_commit_hash}, build {build_number})"); info!(".. Build time: {build_time}"); info!(".. .NET SDK: v{dotnet_sdk_version}"); info!(".. .NET: v{dotnet_version}"); info!(".. Rust: v{rust_version}"); info!(".. MudBlazor: v{mud_blazor_version}"); info!(".. Tauri: v{tauri_version}"); if is_dev() { warn!("Running in development mode."); } else { info!("Running in production mode."); } info!("Try to generate a TLS certificate for the runtime API server..."); let subject_alt_names = vec!["localhost".to_string()]; let certificate_data = generate_simple_self_signed(subject_alt_names).unwrap(); let certificate_binary_data = certificate_data.cert.der().to_vec(); let certificate_fingerprint = Sha256::digest(certificate_binary_data).to_vec(); let certificate_fingerprint = certificate_fingerprint.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut result, byte| { result.push_str(&format!("{:02x}", byte)); result }); let certificate_fingerprint = certificate_fingerprint.to_uppercase(); info!("Certificate fingerprint: '{certificate_fingerprint}'."); info!("Done generating certificate for the runtime API server."); let api_port = *API_SERVER_PORT; info!("Try to start the API server on 'http://localhost:{api_port}'..."); // The shutdown configuration for the runtime API server: let mut shutdown = Shutdown { // We do not want to use the Ctrl+C signal to stop the server: ctrlc: false, // Everything else is set to default for now: ..Shutdown::default() }; #[cfg(unix)] { // We do not want to use the termination signal to stop the server. // This option, however, is only available on Unix systems: shutdown.signals = HashSet::new(); } // Configure the runtime API server: let figment = Figment::from(rocket::Config::release_default()) // We use the next available port which was determined before: .merge(("port", api_port)) // The runtime API server should be accessible only from the local machine: .merge(("address", "")) // We do not want to use the Ctrl+C signal to stop the server: .merge(("ctrlc", false)) // Set a name for the server: .merge(("ident", "AI Studio Runtime API")) // Set the maximum number of workers and blocking threads: .merge(("workers", 3)) .merge(("max_blocking", 12)) // No colors and emojis in the log output: .merge(("cli_colors", false)) // Read the TLS certificate and key from the generated certificate data in-memory: .merge(("tls.certs", certificate_data.cert.pem().as_bytes())) .merge(("tls.key", certificate_data.key_pair.serialize_pem().as_bytes())) // Set the shutdown configuration: .merge(("shutdown", shutdown)); // // Start the runtime API server in a separate thread. This is necessary // because the server is blocking, and we need to run the Tauri app in // parallel: // tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { _ = rocket::custom(figment) .mount("/", routes![ dotnet_port, dotnet_ready, set_clipboard, check_for_update, install_update, get_secret, store_secret, delete_secret, get_data_directory, get_config_directory, ]) .ignite().await.unwrap() .launch().await.unwrap(); }); // Get the secret password & salt and convert it to a base64 string: let secret_password = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(ENCRYPTION.secret_password); let secret_key_salt = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(ENCRYPTION.secret_key_salt); let dotnet_server_environment = HashMap::from_iter([ (String::from("AI_STUDIO_SECRET_PASSWORD"), secret_password), (String::from("AI_STUDIO_SECRET_KEY_SALT"), secret_key_salt), (String::from("AI_STUDIO_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT"), certificate_fingerprint), (String::from("AI_STUDIO_API_TOKEN"), API_TOKEN.to_hex_text().to_string()), ]); info!("Secret password for the IPC channel was generated successfully."); info!("Try to start the .NET server..."); let server_spawn_clone = DOTNET_SERVER.clone(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { let api_port = *API_SERVER_PORT; let (mut rx, child) = match is_dev() { true => { // We are in the development environment, so we try to start a process // with `dotnet run` in the `../app/MindWork AI Studio` directory. But // we cannot issue a sidecar because we cannot use any command for the // sidecar (see Tauri configuration). Thus, we use a standard Rust process: warn!(Source = "Bootloader .NET"; "Development environment detected; start .NET server using 'dotnet run'."); Command::new("dotnet") // Start the .NET server in the `../app/MindWork AI Studio` directory. // We provide the runtime API server port to the .NET server: .args(["run", "--project", "../app/MindWork AI Studio", "--", format!("{api_port}").as_str()]) .envs(dotnet_server_environment) .spawn() .expect("Failed to spawn .NET server process.") } false => { Command::new_sidecar("mindworkAIStudioServer") .expect("Failed to create sidecar") // Provide the runtime API server port to the .NET server: .args([format!("{api_port}").as_str()]) .envs(dotnet_server_environment) .spawn() .expect("Failed to spawn .NET server process.") } }; let server_pid = child.pid(); info!(Source = "Bootloader .NET"; "The .NET server process started with PID={server_pid}."); // Save the server process to stop it later: *server_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap() = Some(child); // Log the output of the .NET server: while let Some(CommandEvent::Stdout(line)) = rx.recv().await { // Remove newline characters from the end: let line = line.trim_end(); // Starts the line with '=>'? if line.starts_with("=>") { // Yes. This means that the line is a log message from the .NET server. // The format is: ' [] : '. // We try to parse this line and log it with the correct log level: let line = line.trim_start_matches("=>").trim(); let parts = line.split_once(": ").unwrap(); let left_part = parts.0.trim(); let message = parts.1.trim(); let parts = left_part.split_once("] ").unwrap(); let level = parts.0.split_once("[").unwrap().1.trim(); let source = parts.1.trim(); match level { "Trace" => debug!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"), "Debug" => debug!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"), "Information" => info!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"), "Warning" => warn!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"), "Error" => error!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"), "Critical" => error!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message}"), _ => error!(Source = ".NET Server", Comp = source; "{message} (unknown log level '{level}')"), } } else { let lower_line = line.to_lowercase(); if lower_line.contains("error") { error!(Source = ".NET Server"; "{line}"); } else if lower_line.contains("warning") { warn!(Source = ".NET Server"; "{line}"); } else { info!(Source = ".NET Server"; "{line}"); } } } }); info!("Starting Tauri app..."); let app = tauri::Builder::default() .setup(move |app| { let window = app.get_window("main").expect("Failed to get main window."); *MAIN_WINDOW.lock().unwrap() = Some(window); info!(Source = "Bootloader Tauri"; "Setup is running."); let logger_path = app.path_resolver().app_local_data_dir().unwrap(); let logger_path = logger_path.join("data"); DATA_DIRECTORY.set(logger_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()).map_err(|_| error!("Was not abe to set the data directory.")).unwrap(); CONFIG_DIRECTORY.set(app.path_resolver().app_config_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string()).map_err(|_| error!("Was not able to set the config directory.")).unwrap(); info!(Source = "Bootloader Tauri"; "Reconfigure the file logger to use the app data directory {logger_path:?}"); logger.reset_flw(&FileLogWriter::builder( FileSpec::default() .directory(logger_path) .basename("events") .suppress_timestamp() .suffix("log")))?; Ok(()) }) .plugin(tauri_plugin_window_state::Builder::default().build()) .build(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("Error while running Tauri application"); app.run(|app_handle, event| match event { tauri::RunEvent::WindowEvent { event, label, .. } => { match event { tauri::WindowEvent::CloseRequested { .. } => { warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Window '{label}': close was requested."); } tauri::WindowEvent::Destroyed => { warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Window '{label}': was destroyed."); } tauri::WindowEvent::FileDrop(files) => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Window '{label}': files were dropped: {files:?}"); } _ => (), } } tauri::RunEvent::Updater(updater_event) => { match updater_event { tauri::UpdaterEvent::UpdateAvailable { body, date, version } => { let body_len = body.len(); info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: update available: body size={body_len} time={date:?} version={version}"); } tauri::UpdaterEvent::Pending => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: update is pending!"); } tauri::UpdaterEvent::DownloadProgress { chunk_length, content_length } => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: downloaded {} of {:?}", chunk_length, content_length); } tauri::UpdaterEvent::Downloaded => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: update has been downloaded!"); warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Try to stop the .NET server now..."); stop_servers(); } tauri::UpdaterEvent::Updated => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: app has been updated"); warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Try to restart the app now..."); app_handle.restart(); } tauri::UpdaterEvent::AlreadyUpToDate => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: app is already up to date"); } tauri::UpdaterEvent::Error(error) => { warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Updater: failed to update: {error}"); } } } tauri::RunEvent::ExitRequested { .. } => { warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Run event: exit was requested."); } tauri::RunEvent::Ready => { info!(Source = "Tauri"; "Run event: Tauri app is ready."); } _ => {} }); warn!(Source = "Tauri"; "Tauri app was stopped."); if is_prod() { warn!("Try to stop the .NET server as well..."); stop_servers(); } } struct APIToken{ hex_text: String, } impl APIToken { fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec) -> Self { APIToken { hex_text: bytes.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut result, byte| { result.push_str(&format!("{:02x}", byte)); result }), } } fn from_hex_text(hex_text: &str) -> Self { APIToken { hex_text: hex_text.to_string(), } } fn to_hex_text(&self) -> &str { self.hex_text.as_str() } fn validate(&self, received_token: &Self) -> bool { received_token.to_hex_text() == self.to_hex_text() } } #[rocket::async_trait] impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for APIToken { type Error = APITokenError; async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> RequestOutcome { let token = request.headers().get_one("token"); match token { Some(token) => { let received_token = APIToken::from_hex_text(token); if API_TOKEN.validate(&received_token) { RequestOutcome::Success(received_token) } else { RequestOutcome::Error((Status::Unauthorized, APITokenError::Invalid)) } } None => RequestOutcome::Error((Status::Unauthorized, APITokenError::Missing)), } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum APITokenError { Missing, Invalid, } // // Data structure for iterating over key-value pairs of log messages. // struct LogKVCollect<'kvs>(BTreeMap, Value<'kvs>>); impl<'kvs> VisitSource<'kvs> for LogKVCollect<'kvs> { fn visit_pair(&mut self, key: Key<'kvs>, value: Value<'kvs>) -> Result<(), kv::Error> { self.0.insert(key, value); Ok(()) } } pub fn write_kv_pairs(w: &mut dyn std::io::Write, record: &log::Record) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { if record.key_values().count() > 0 { let mut visitor = LogKVCollect(BTreeMap::new()); record.key_values().visit(&mut visitor).unwrap(); write!(w, "[")?; let mut index = 0; for (key, value) in visitor.0 { index += 1; if index > 1 { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "{} = {}", key, value)?; } write!(w, "] ")?; } Ok(()) } // Custom logger format for the terminal: pub fn terminal_colored_logger_format( w: &mut dyn std::io::Write, now: &mut DeferredNow, record: &log::Record, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let level = record.level(); // Write the timestamp, log level, and module path: write!( w, "[{}] {} [{}] ", flexi_logger::style(level).paint(now.format(flexi_logger::TS_DASHES_BLANK_COLONS_DOT_BLANK).to_string()), flexi_logger::style(level).paint(record.level().to_string()), record.module_path().unwrap_or(""), )?; // Write all key-value pairs: write_kv_pairs(w, record)?; // Write the log message: write!(w, "{}", flexi_logger::style(level).paint(record.args().to_string())) } // Custom logger format for the log files: pub fn file_logger_format( w: &mut dyn std::io::Write, now: &mut DeferredNow, record: &log::Record, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { // Write the timestamp, log level, and module path: write!( w, "[{}] {} [{}] ", now.format(flexi_logger::TS_DASHES_BLANK_COLONS_DOT_BLANK), record.level(), record.module_path().unwrap_or(""), )?; // Write all key-value pairs: write_kv_pairs(w, record)?; // Write the log message: write!(w, "{}", &record.args()) } pub struct Encryption { key: [u8; 32], iv: [u8; 16], secret_password: [u8; 512], secret_key_salt: [u8; 16], } impl Encryption { // The number of iterations to derive the key and IV from the password. For a password // manager where the user has to enter their primary password, 100 iterations would be // too few and insecure. Here, the use case is different: We generate a 512-byte long // and cryptographically secure password at every start. This password already contains // enough entropy. In our case, we need key and IV primarily because AES, with the // algorithms we chose, requires a fixed key length, and our password is too long. const ITERATIONS: u32 = 100; pub fn new(secret_password: &[u8], secret_key_salt: &[u8]) -> Result { if secret_password.len() != 512 { return Err("The secret password must be 512 bytes long.".to_string()); } if secret_key_salt.len() != 16 { return Err("The salt must be 16 bytes long.".to_string()); } info!(Source = "Encryption"; "Initializing encryption..."); let mut encryption = Encryption { key: [0u8; 32], iv: [0u8; 16], secret_password: [0u8; 512], secret_key_salt: [0u8; 16], }; encryption.secret_password.copy_from_slice(secret_password); encryption.secret_key_salt.copy_from_slice(secret_key_salt); let start = Instant::now(); let mut key_iv = [0u8; 48]; pbkdf2::>(secret_password, secret_key_salt, Self::ITERATIONS, &mut key_iv).map_err(|e| format!("Error while generating key and IV: {e}"))?; encryption.key.copy_from_slice(&key_iv[0..32]); encryption.iv.copy_from_slice(&key_iv[32..48]); let duration = start.elapsed(); let duration = duration.as_millis(); info!(Source = "Encryption"; "Encryption initialized in {duration} milliseconds.", ); Ok(encryption) } pub fn encrypt(&self, data: &str) -> Result { let cipher = Aes256CbcEnc::new(&self.key.into(), &self.iv.into()); let encrypted = cipher.encrypt_padded_vec_mut::(data.as_bytes()); let mut result = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(self.secret_key_salt); result.push_str(&BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&encrypted)); Ok(EncryptedText::new(result)) } pub fn decrypt(&self, encrypted_data: &EncryptedText) -> Result { let decoded = BASE64_STANDARD.decode(encrypted_data.get_encrypted()).map_err(|e| format!("Error decoding base64: {e}"))?; if decoded.len() < 16 { return Err("Encrypted data is too short.".to_string()); } let (salt, encrypted) = decoded.split_at(16); if salt != self.secret_key_salt { return Err("The salt bytes do not match. The data is corrupted or tampered.".to_string()); } let cipher = Aes256CbcDec::new(&self.key.into(), &self.iv.into()); let decrypted = cipher.decrypt_padded_vec_mut::(encrypted).map_err(|e| format!("Error decrypting data: {e}"))?; String::from_utf8(decrypted).map_err(|e| format!("Error converting decrypted data to string: {}", e)) } } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EncryptedText(String); impl EncryptedText { pub fn new(encrypted_data: String) -> Self { EncryptedText(encrypted_data) } pub fn get_encrypted(&self) -> &str { &self.0 } } impl fmt::Debug for EncryptedText { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "EncryptedText(**********)") } } impl fmt::Display for EncryptedText { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "**********") } } // Use Case: When we receive encrypted text from the client as body (e.g., in a POST request). // We must interpret the body as EncryptedText. #[rocket::async_trait] impl<'r> data::FromData<'r> for EncryptedText { type Error = String; async fn from_data(req: &'r Request<'_>, data: Data<'r>) -> DataOutcome<'r, Self> { let content_type = req.content_type(); if content_type.map_or(true, |ct| !ct.is_text()) { return DataOutcome::Forward((data, Status::Ok)); } let mut stream = data.open(2.mebibytes()); let mut body = String::new(); if let Err(e) = stream.read_to_string(&mut body).await { return DataOutcome::Error((Status::InternalServerError, format!("Failed to read data: {}", e))); } DataOutcome::Success(EncryptedText(body)) } } #[get("/system/dotnet/port")] fn dotnet_port(_token: APIToken) -> String { let dotnet_server_port = *DOTNET_SERVER_PORT; format!("{dotnet_server_port}") } #[get("/system/directories/data")] fn get_data_directory(_token: APIToken) -> String { match DATA_DIRECTORY.get() { Some(data_directory) => data_directory.clone(), None => String::from(""), } } #[get("/system/directories/config")] fn get_config_directory(_token: APIToken) -> String { match CONFIG_DIRECTORY.get() { Some(config_directory) => config_directory.clone(), None => String::from(""), } } #[get("/system/dotnet/ready")] async fn dotnet_ready(_token: APIToken) { // We create a manual scope for the lock to be released as soon as possible. // This is necessary because we cannot await any function while the lock is // held. { let mut initialized = DOTNET_INITIALIZED.lock().unwrap(); if *initialized { error!("Anyone tried to initialize the runtime twice. This is not intended."); return; } info!("The .NET server was booted successfully."); *initialized = true; } // Try to get the main window. If it is not available yet, wait for it: let mut main_window_ready = false; let mut main_window_status_reported = false; let main_window_spawn_clone = &MAIN_WINDOW; while !main_window_ready { main_window_ready = { let main_window = main_window_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap(); main_window.is_some() }; if !main_window_ready { if !main_window_status_reported { info!("Waiting for main window to be ready, because .NET was faster than Tauri."); main_window_status_reported = true; } time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } } let main_window = main_window_spawn_clone.lock().unwrap(); let dotnet_server_port = *DOTNET_SERVER_PORT; let url = match Url::parse(format!("http://localhost:{dotnet_server_port}").as_str()) { Ok(url) => url, Err(msg) => { error!("Error while parsing URL for navigating to the app: {msg}"); return; } }; let js_location_change = format!("window.location = '{url}';"); let location_change_result = main_window.as_ref().unwrap().eval(js_location_change.as_str()); match location_change_result { Ok(_) => info!("The app location was changed to {url}."), Err(e) => error!("Failed to change the app location to {url}: {e}."), } } pub fn is_dev() -> bool { cfg!(debug_assertions) } pub fn is_prod() -> bool { !is_dev() } fn get_available_port() -> Option { TcpListener::bind(("", 0)) .map(|listener| listener.local_addr().unwrap().port()) .ok() } fn stop_servers() { if let Some(server_process) = DOTNET_SERVER.lock().unwrap().take() { let server_kill_result = server_process.kill(); match server_kill_result { Ok(_) => info!("The .NET server process was stopped."), Err(e) => error!("Failed to stop the .NET server process: {e}."), } } else { warn!("The .NET server process was not started or is already stopped."); } } #[get("/updates/check")] async fn check_for_update(_token: APIToken) -> Json { let app_handle = MAIN_WINDOW.lock().unwrap().as_ref().unwrap().app_handle(); let response = app_handle.updater().check().await; match response { Ok(update_response) => match update_response.is_update_available() { true => { *CHECK_UPDATE_RESPONSE.lock().unwrap() = Some(update_response.clone()); let new_version = update_response.latest_version(); info!(Source = "Updater"; "An update to version '{new_version}' is available."); let changelog = update_response.body(); Json(CheckUpdateResponse { update_is_available: true, error: false, new_version: new_version.to_string(), changelog: match changelog { Some(c) => c.to_string(), None => String::from(""), }, }) }, false => { info!(Source = "Updater"; "No updates are available."); Json(CheckUpdateResponse { update_is_available: false, error: false, new_version: String::from(""), changelog: String::from(""), }) }, }, Err(e) => { warn!(Source = "Updater"; "Failed to check for updates: {e}."); Json(CheckUpdateResponse { update_is_available: false, error: true, new_version: String::from(""), changelog: String::from(""), }) }, } } #[derive(Serialize)] struct CheckUpdateResponse { update_is_available: bool, error: bool, new_version: String, changelog: String, } #[get("/updates/install")] async fn install_update(_token: APIToken) { let cloned_response_option = CHECK_UPDATE_RESPONSE.lock().unwrap().clone(); match cloned_response_option { Some(update_response) => { update_response.download_and_install().await.unwrap(); }, None => { error!(Source = "Updater"; "No update available to install. Did you check for updates first?"); }, } } #[post("/secrets/store", data = "")] fn store_secret(_token: APIToken, request: Json) -> Json { let user_name = request.user_name.as_str(); let decrypted_text = match ENCRYPTION.decrypt(&request.secret) { Ok(text) => text, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Failed to decrypt the text: {e}."); return Json(StoreSecretResponse { success: false, issue: format!("Failed to decrypt the text: {e}"), }) }, }; let service = format!("mindwork-ai-studio::{}", request.destination); let entry = Entry::new(service.as_str(), user_name).unwrap(); let result = entry.set_password(decrypted_text.as_str()); match result { Ok(_) => { info!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Secret for {service} and user {user_name} was stored successfully."); Json(StoreSecretResponse { success: true, issue: String::from(""), }) }, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Failed to store secret for {service} and user {user_name}: {e}."); Json(StoreSecretResponse { success: false, issue: e.to_string(), }) }, } } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct StoreSecret { destination: String, user_name: String, secret: EncryptedText, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct StoreSecretResponse { success: bool, issue: String, } #[post("/secrets/get", data = "")] fn get_secret(_token: APIToken, request: Json) -> Json { let user_name = request.user_name.as_str(); let service = format!("mindwork-ai-studio::{}", request.destination); let entry = Entry::new(service.as_str(), user_name).unwrap(); let secret = entry.get_password(); match secret { Ok(s) => { info!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Secret for '{service}' and user '{user_name}' was retrieved successfully."); // Encrypt the secret: let encrypted_secret = match ENCRYPTION.encrypt(s.as_str()) { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Failed to encrypt the secret: {e}."); return Json(RequestedSecret { success: false, secret: EncryptedText::new(String::from("")), issue: format!("Failed to encrypt the secret: {e}"), }); }, }; Json(RequestedSecret { success: true, secret: encrypted_secret, issue: String::from(""), }) }, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Failed to retrieve secret for '{service}' and user '{user_name}': {e}."); Json(RequestedSecret { success: false, secret: EncryptedText::new(String::from("")), issue: format!("Failed to retrieve secret for '{service}' and user '{user_name}': {e}"), }) }, } } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct RequestSecret { destination: String, user_name: String, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct RequestedSecret { success: bool, secret: EncryptedText, issue: String, } #[post("/secrets/delete", data = "")] fn delete_secret(_token: APIToken, request: Json) -> Json { let user_name = request.user_name.as_str(); let service = format!("mindwork-ai-studio::{}", request.destination); let entry = Entry::new(service.as_str(), user_name).unwrap(); let result = entry.delete_credential(); match result { Ok(_) => { warn!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Secret for {service} and user {user_name} was deleted successfully."); Json(DeleteSecretResponse { success: true, was_entry_found: true, issue: String::from(""), }) }, Err(NoEntry) => { warn!(Source = "Secret Store"; "No secret for {service} and user {user_name} was found."); Json(DeleteSecretResponse { success: true, was_entry_found: false, issue: String::from(""), }) } Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Secret Store"; "Failed to delete secret for {service} and user {user_name}: {e}."); Json(DeleteSecretResponse { success: false, was_entry_found: false, issue: e.to_string(), }) }, } } #[derive(Serialize)] struct DeleteSecretResponse { success: bool, was_entry_found: bool, issue: String, } #[post("/clipboard/set", data = "")] fn set_clipboard(_token: APIToken, encrypted_text: EncryptedText) -> Json { // Decrypt this text first: let decrypted_text = match ENCRYPTION.decrypt(&encrypted_text) { Ok(text) => text, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Clipboard"; "Failed to decrypt the text: {e}."); return Json(SetClipboardResponse { success: false, issue: e, }) }, }; let clipboard_result = Clipboard::new(); let mut clipboard = match clipboard_result { Ok(clipboard) => clipboard, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Clipboard"; "Failed to get the clipboard instance: {e}."); return Json(SetClipboardResponse { success: false, issue: e.to_string(), }) }, }; let set_text_result = clipboard.set_text(decrypted_text); match set_text_result { Ok(_) => { debug!(Source = "Clipboard"; "Text was set to the clipboard successfully."); Json(SetClipboardResponse { success: true, issue: String::from(""), }) }, Err(e) => { error!(Source = "Clipboard"; "Failed to set text to the clipboard: {e}."); Json(SetClipboardResponse { success: false, issue: e.to_string(), }) }, } } #[derive(Serialize)] struct SetClipboardResponse { success: bool, issue: String, }