// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming using System.Text; using AIStudio.Assistants.ERI; using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel; using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient; using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient.DataModel; using AIStudio.Tools.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using RetrievalInfo = AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient.DataModel.RetrievalInfo; namespace AIStudio.Dialogs; public partial class DataSourceERI_V1InfoDialog : ComponentBase, IAsyncDisposable, ISecretId { [CascadingParameter] private MudDialogInstance MudDialog { get; set; } = null!; [Parameter] public DataSourceERI_V1 DataSource { get; set; } [Inject] private RustService RustService { get; init; } = null!; #region Overrides of ComponentBase protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { this.eriServerTasks.Add(this.GetERIMetadata()); await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } #endregion private readonly CancellationTokenSource cts = new(); private readonly List eriServerTasks = new(); private readonly List dataIssues = []; private string serverDescription = string.Empty; private ProviderType securityRequirements = ProviderType.NONE; private IReadOnlyList retrievalInfoformation = []; private RetrievalInfo selectedRetrievalInfo; private bool IsOperationInProgress { get; set; } = true; private bool IsConnectionEncrypted() => this.DataSource.Hostname.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); private string Port => this.DataSource.Port == 0 ? string.Empty : $"{this.DataSource.Port}"; private string RetrievalName(RetrievalInfo retrievalInfo) { var hasId = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(retrievalInfo.Id); var hasName = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(retrievalInfo.Name); if (hasId && hasName) return $"[{retrievalInfo.Id}] {retrievalInfo.Name}"; if (hasId) return $"[{retrievalInfo.Id}] Unnamed retrieval process"; return hasName ? retrievalInfo.Name : "Unnamed retrieval process"; } private string RetrievalParameters(RetrievalInfo retrievalInfo) { var parameters = retrievalInfo.ParametersDescription; if (parameters is null || parameters.Count == 0) return "This retrieval process has no parameters."; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var (paramName, description) in parameters) { sb.Append("Parameter: "); sb.AppendLine(paramName); sb.AppendLine(description); sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } private async Task GetERIMetadata() { this.dataIssues.Clear(); try { this.IsOperationInProgress = true; this.StateHasChanged(); using var client = ERIClientFactory.Get(ERIVersion.V1, this.DataSource); if(client is null) { this.dataIssues.Add("Failed to connect to the ERI v1 server. The server is not supported."); return; } var loginResult = await client.AuthenticateAsync(this.DataSource, this.RustService); if (!loginResult.Successful) { this.dataIssues.Add(loginResult.Message); return; } var dataSourceInfo = await client.GetDataSourceInfoAsync(this.cts.Token); if (!dataSourceInfo.Successful) { this.dataIssues.Add(dataSourceInfo.Message); return; } this.serverDescription = dataSourceInfo.Data.Description; var securityRequirementsResult = await client.GetSecurityRequirementsAsync(this.cts.Token); if (!securityRequirementsResult.Successful) { this.dataIssues.Add(securityRequirementsResult.Message); return; } this.securityRequirements = securityRequirementsResult.Data.AllowedProviderType; var retrievalInfoResult = await client.GetRetrievalInfoAsync(this.cts.Token); if (!retrievalInfoResult.Successful) { this.dataIssues.Add(retrievalInfoResult.Message); return; } this.retrievalInfoformation = retrievalInfoResult.Data ?? []; this.selectedRetrievalInfo = this.retrievalInfoformation.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == this.DataSource.SelectedRetrievalId); this.StateHasChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { this.dataIssues.Add($"Failed to connect to the ERI v1 server. The message was: {e.Message}"); } finally { this.IsOperationInProgress = false; this.StateHasChanged(); } } private void Close() { this.cts.Cancel(); this.MudDialog.Close(); } #region Implementation of ISecretId public string SecretId => this.DataSource.Id; public string SecretName => this.DataSource.Name; #endregion #region Implementation of IDisposable public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() { try { await this.cts.CancelAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(this.eriServerTasks); this.cts.Dispose(); } catch { // ignored } } #endregion }