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using AIStudio.Dialogs ;
using AIStudio.Settings ;
using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel ;
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using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient.DataModel ;
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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components ;
using DialogOptions = AIStudio . Dialogs . DialogOptions ;
namespace AIStudio.Components.Settings ;
public partial class SettingsPanelDataSources : SettingsPanelBase
public List < ConfigurationSelectData < string > > AvailableDataSources { get ; set ; } = new ( ) ;
public EventCallback < List < ConfigurationSelectData < string > > > AvailableDataSourcesChanged { get ; set ; }
public Func < IReadOnlyList < ConfigurationSelectData < string > > > AvailableEmbeddingsFunc { get ; set ; } = ( ) = > [ ] ;
#region Overrides of ComponentBase
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync ( )
await this . UpdateDataSources ( ) ;
await base . OnInitializedAsync ( ) ;
private string GetEmbeddingName ( IDataSource dataSource )
if ( dataSource is IInternalDataSource internalDataSource )
var matchedEmbedding = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . EmbeddingProviders . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . Id = = internalDataSource . EmbeddingId ) ;
if ( matchedEmbedding = = default )
return "No valid embedding" ;
return matchedEmbedding . Name ;
if ( dataSource is IExternalDataSource )
return "External (ERI)" ;
return "Unknown" ;
private async Task AddDataSource ( DataSourceType type )
IDataSource ? addedDataSource = null ;
switch ( type )
case DataSourceType . LOCAL_FILE :
var localFileDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceLocalFileDialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , false } ,
{ x = > x . AvailableEmbeddings , this . AvailableEmbeddingsFunc ( ) }
} ;
var localFileDialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceLocalFileDialog > ( "Add Local File as Data Source" , localFileDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var localFileDialogResult = await localFileDialogReference . Result ;
if ( localFileDialogResult is null | | localFileDialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var localFile = ( DataSourceLocalFile ) localFileDialogResult . Data ! ;
localFile = localFile with { Num = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . NextDataSourceNum + + } ;
addedDataSource = localFile ;
break ;
case DataSourceType . LOCAL_DIRECTORY :
var localDirectoryDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceLocalDirectoryDialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , false } ,
{ x = > x . AvailableEmbeddings , this . AvailableEmbeddingsFunc ( ) }
} ;
var localDirectoryDialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceLocalDirectoryDialog > ( "Add Local Directory as Data Source" , localDirectoryDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var localDirectoryDialogResult = await localDirectoryDialogReference . Result ;
if ( localDirectoryDialogResult is null | | localDirectoryDialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var localDirectory = ( DataSourceLocalDirectory ) localDirectoryDialogResult . Data ! ;
localDirectory = localDirectory with { Num = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . NextDataSourceNum + + } ;
addedDataSource = localDirectory ;
break ;
case DataSourceType . ERI_V1 :
var eriDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceERI_V1Dialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , false } ,
} ;
var eriDialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceERI_V1Dialog > ( "Add ERI v1 Data Source" , eriDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var eriDialogResult = await eriDialogReference . Result ;
if ( eriDialogResult is null | | eriDialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var eriDataSource = ( DataSourceERI_V1 ) eriDialogResult . Data ! ;
eriDataSource = eriDataSource with { Num = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . NextDataSourceNum + + } ;
addedDataSource = eriDataSource ;
break ;
if ( addedDataSource is null )
return ;
this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . DataSources . Add ( addedDataSource ) ;
await this . UpdateDataSources ( ) ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
await this . MessageBus . SendMessage < bool > ( this , Event . CONFIGURATION_CHANGED ) ;
private async Task EditDataSource ( IDataSource dataSource )
IDataSource ? editedDataSource = null ;
switch ( dataSource )
case DataSourceLocalFile localFile :
var localFileDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceLocalFileDialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , true } ,
{ x = > x . DataSource , localFile } ,
{ x = > x . AvailableEmbeddings , this . AvailableEmbeddingsFunc ( ) }
} ;
var localFileDialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceLocalFileDialog > ( "Edit Local File Data Source" , localFileDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var localFileDialogResult = await localFileDialogReference . Result ;
if ( localFileDialogResult is null | | localFileDialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
editedDataSource = ( DataSourceLocalFile ) localFileDialogResult . Data ! ;
break ;
case DataSourceLocalDirectory localDirectory :
var localDirectoryDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceLocalDirectoryDialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , true } ,
{ x = > x . DataSource , localDirectory } ,
{ x = > x . AvailableEmbeddings , this . AvailableEmbeddingsFunc ( ) }
} ;
var localDirectoryDialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceLocalDirectoryDialog > ( "Edit Local Directory Data Source" , localDirectoryDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var localDirectoryDialogResult = await localDirectoryDialogReference . Result ;
if ( localDirectoryDialogResult is null | | localDirectoryDialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
editedDataSource = ( DataSourceLocalDirectory ) localDirectoryDialogResult . Data ! ;
break ;
case DataSourceERI_V1 eriDataSource :
var eriDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceERI_V1Dialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , true } ,
{ x = > x . DataSource , eriDataSource } ,
} ;
var eriDialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceERI_V1Dialog > ( "Edit ERI v1 Data Source" , eriDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var eriDialogResult = await eriDialogReference . Result ;
if ( eriDialogResult is null | | eriDialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
editedDataSource = ( DataSourceERI_V1 ) eriDialogResult . Data ! ;
break ;
if ( editedDataSource is null )
return ;
this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . DataSources [ this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . DataSources . IndexOf ( dataSource ) ] = editedDataSource ;
await this . UpdateDataSources ( ) ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
await this . MessageBus . SendMessage < bool > ( this , Event . CONFIGURATION_CHANGED ) ;
private async Task DeleteDataSource ( IDataSource dataSource )
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message" , $"Are you sure you want to delete the data source '{dataSource.Name}' of type {dataSource.Type.GetDisplayName()}?" } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < ConfirmDialog > ( "Delete Data Source" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var applyChanges = dataSource is IInternalDataSource ;
// External data sources may need a secret for authentication:
if ( dataSource is IExternalDataSource externalDataSource )
// When the auth method is NONE or KERBEROS, we don't need to delete a secret.
// In the case of KERBEROS, we don't store the Kerberos ticket in the secret store.
if ( dataSource is IERIDataSource { AuthMethod : AuthMethod . NONE or AuthMethod . KERBEROS } )
applyChanges = true ;
// All other auth methods require a secret, which we need to delete now:
var deleteSecretResponse = await this . RustService . DeleteSecret ( externalDataSource ) ;
if ( deleteSecretResponse . Success )
applyChanges = true ;
if ( applyChanges )
this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . DataSources . Remove ( dataSource ) ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
await this . UpdateDataSources ( ) ;
await this . MessageBus . SendMessage < bool > ( this , Event . CONFIGURATION_CHANGED ) ;
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private async Task ShowInformation ( IDataSource dataSource )
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2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
switch ( dataSource )
case DataSourceLocalFile localFile :
var localFileDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceLocalFileInfoDialog >
{ x = > x . DataSource , localFile } ,
} ;
await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceLocalFileInfoDialog > ( "Local File Data Source Information" , localFileDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
break ;
case DataSourceLocalDirectory localDirectory :
var localDirectoryDialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceLocalDirectoryInfoDialog >
{ x = > x . DataSource , localDirectory } ,
} ;
await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceLocalDirectoryInfoDialog > ( "Local Directory Data Source Information" , localDirectoryDialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
break ;
case DataSourceERI_V1 eriV1DataSource :
var eriV1DialogParameters = new DialogParameters < DataSourceERI_V1InfoDialog >
{ x = > x . DataSource , eriV1DataSource } ,
} ;
await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < DataSourceERI_V1InfoDialog > ( "ERI v1 Data Source Information" , eriV1DialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
break ;
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private async Task UpdateDataSources ( )
this . AvailableDataSources . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var dataSource in this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . DataSources )
this . AvailableDataSources . Add ( new ( dataSource . Name , dataSource . Id ) ) ;
await this . AvailableDataSourcesChanged . InvokeAsync ( this . AvailableDataSources ) ;