2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
using AIStudio.Assistants.ERI ;
using AIStudio.Settings ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components ;
namespace AIStudio.Dialogs ;
public partial class RetrievalProcessDialog : ComponentBase
2025-03-12 18:12:56 +00:00
private IMudDialogInstance MudDialog { get ; set ; } = null ! ;
2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// The user chosen retrieval process name.
/// </summary>
public string DataName { get ; set ; } = string . Empty ;
/// <summary>
/// The retrieval process description.
/// </summary>
public string DataDescription { get ; set ; } = string . Empty ;
/// <summary>
/// A link to the retrieval process documentation, paper, Wikipedia article, or the source code.
/// </summary>
public string DataLink { get ; set ; } = string . Empty ;
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that describes the parameters of the retrieval process. The key is the parameter name,
/// and the value is a description of the parameter. Although each parameter will be sent as a string,
/// the description should indicate the expected type and range, e.g., 0.0 to 1.0 for a float parameter.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary < string , string > DataParametersDescription { get ; set ; } = new ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// A list of embeddings used in this retrieval process. It might be empty in case no embedding is used.
/// </summary>
public HashSet < EmbeddingInfo > DataEmbeddings { get ; set ; } = new ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The available embeddings for the user to choose from.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList < EmbeddingInfo > AvailableEmbeddings { get ; set ; } = new List < EmbeddingInfo > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The retrieval process names that are already used. The user must choose a unique name.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList < string > UsedRetrievalProcessNames { get ; set ; } = new List < string > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Should the dialog be in editing mode?
/// </summary>
public bool IsEditing { get ; init ; }
private SettingsManager SettingsManager { get ; init ; } = null ! ;
private static readonly Dictionary < string , object? > SPELLCHECK_ATTRIBUTES = new ( ) ;
private bool dataIsValid ;
private string [ ] dataIssues = [ ] ;
private List < RetrievalParameter > retrievalParameters = new ( ) ;
private RetrievalParameter ? selectedParameter ;
private uint nextParameterId = 1 ;
// We get the form reference from Blazor code to validate it manually:
private MudForm form = null ! ;
private RetrievalInfo CreateRetrievalInfo ( ) = > new ( this . DataName , this . DataDescription , this . DataLink , this . retrievalParameters . ToDictionary ( parameter = > parameter . Name , parameter = > parameter . Description ) , this . DataEmbeddings . ToList ( ) ) ;
#region Overrides of ComponentBase
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync ( )
// Configure the spellchecking for the instance name input:
this . SettingsManager . InjectSpellchecking ( SPELLCHECK_ATTRIBUTES ) ;
// Convert the parameters:
this . retrievalParameters = this . DataParametersDescription . Select ( pair = > new RetrievalParameter { Name = pair . Key , Description = pair . Value } ) . ToList ( ) ;
await base . OnInitializedAsync ( ) ;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync ( bool firstRender )
// Reset the validation when not editing and on the first render.
// We don't want to show validation errors when the user opens the dialog.
if ( ! this . IsEditing & & firstRender )
this . form . ResetValidation ( ) ;
await base . OnAfterRenderAsync ( firstRender ) ;
private string? ValidateName ( string name )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( name ) )
return "The retrieval process name must not be empty. Please name your retrieval process." ;
if ( name . Length > 26 )
return "The retrieval process name must not be longer than 26 characters." ;
if ( this . UsedRetrievalProcessNames . Contains ( name ) )
return $"The retrieval process name '{name}' must be unique. Please choose a different name." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateDescription ( string description )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( description ) )
return "The description must not be empty. Please describe the retrieval process." ;
return null ;
private void AddRetrievalProcessParameter ( )
this . retrievalParameters . Add ( new ( ) { Name = $"New Parameter {this.nextParameterId++}" , Description = string . Empty } ) ;
private string? ValidateParameterName ( string name )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( name ) )
return "The parameter name must not be empty. Please name the parameter." ;
if ( name . Length > 26 )
return "The parameter name must not be longer than 26 characters." ;
if ( this . retrievalParameters . Count ( parameter = > parameter . Name = = name ) > 1 )
return $"The parameter name '{name}' must be unique. Please choose a different name." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateParameterDescription ( string description )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( description ) )
return $"The parameter description must not be empty. Please describe the parameter '{this.selectedParameter?.Name}'. What data type is it? What is it used for? What are the possible values?" ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateParameter ( RetrievalParameter parameter )
if ( this . ValidateParameterName ( parameter . Name ) is { } nameIssue )
return nameIssue ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( parameter . Description ) )
return $"The parameter description must not be empty. Please describe the parameter '{parameter.Name}'. What data type is it? What is it used for? What are the possible values?" ;
return null ;
private void RemoveRetrievalProcessParameter ( )
if ( this . selectedParameter is not null )
this . retrievalParameters . Remove ( this . selectedParameter ) ;
this . selectedParameter = null ;
private string GetMultiSelectionText ( List < EmbeddingInfo > selectedEmbeddings )
if ( selectedEmbeddings . Count = = 0 )
return "No embedding methods selected." ;
if ( selectedEmbeddings . Count = = 1 )
return "You have selected 1 embedding method." ;
return $"You have selected {selectedEmbeddings.Count} embedding methods." ;
private void EmbeddingsChanged ( IEnumerable < EmbeddingInfo > ? updatedEmbeddings )
if ( updatedEmbeddings is null )
this . DataEmbeddings = new ( ) ;
this . DataEmbeddings = updatedEmbeddings . ToHashSet ( ) ;
private async Task Store ( )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
foreach ( var parameter in this . retrievalParameters )
if ( this . ValidateParameter ( parameter ) is { } issue )
this . dataIsValid = false ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = issue ;
// When the data is not valid, we don't store it:
if ( ! this . dataIsValid | | this . dataIssues . Any ( ) )
return ;
var retrievalInfo = this . CreateRetrievalInfo ( ) ;
this . MudDialog . Close ( DialogResult . Ok ( retrievalInfo ) ) ;
private void Cancel ( ) = > this . MudDialog . Cancel ( ) ;