2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
using AIStudio.Assistants.ERI ;
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using AIStudio.Settings ;
using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel ;
2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient ;
using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient.DataModel ;
2025-02-15 14:41:12 +00:00
using AIStudio.Tools.Services ;
2025-01-13 18:51:26 +00:00
using AIStudio.Tools.Validation ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components ;
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using RetrievalInfo = AIStudio . Tools . ERIClient . DataModel . RetrievalInfo ;
2025-01-13 18:51:26 +00:00
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
namespace AIStudio.Dialogs ;
public partial class DataSourceERI_V1Dialog : ComponentBase , ISecretId
2025-03-12 18:12:56 +00:00
private IMudDialogInstance MudDialog { get ; set ; } = null ! ;
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public bool IsEditing { get ; set ; }
public DataSourceERI_V1 DataSource { get ; set ; }
private SettingsManager SettingsManager { get ; init ; } = null ! ;
private ILogger < ProviderDialog > Logger { get ; init ; } = null ! ;
private RustService RustService { get ; init ; } = null ! ;
private static readonly Dictionary < string , object? > SPELLCHECK_ATTRIBUTES = new ( ) ;
private readonly DataSourceValidation dataSourceValidation ;
private readonly Encryption encryption = Program . ENCRYPTION ;
/// <summary>
/// The list of used data source names. We need this to check for uniqueness.
/// </summary>
private List < string > UsedDataSourcesNames { get ; set ; } = [ ] ;
private bool dataIsValid ;
private string [ ] dataIssues = [ ] ;
private string dataSecretStorageIssue = string . Empty ;
private string dataEditingPreviousInstanceName = string . Empty ;
private List < AuthMethod > availableAuthMethods = [ ] ;
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private DataSourceSecurity dataSecurityPolicy ;
private SecurityRequirements dataSourceSecurityRequirements ;
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private bool connectionTested ;
private bool connectionSuccessfulTested ;
private uint dataNum ;
private string dataSecret = string . Empty ;
private string dataId = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
private string dataName = string . Empty ;
private string dataHostname = string . Empty ;
private int dataPort ;
private AuthMethod dataAuthMethod ;
private string dataUsername = string . Empty ;
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private List < RetrievalInfo > availableRetrievalProcesses = [ ] ;
private RetrievalInfo dataSelectedRetrievalProcess ;
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// We get the form reference from Blazor code to validate it manually:
private MudForm form = null ! ;
public DataSourceERI_V1Dialog ( )
this . dataSourceValidation = new ( )
GetAuthMethod = ( ) = > this . dataAuthMethod ,
GetPreviousDataSourceName = ( ) = > this . dataEditingPreviousInstanceName ,
GetUsedDataSourceNames = ( ) = > this . UsedDataSourcesNames ,
GetSecretStorageIssue = ( ) = > this . dataSecretStorageIssue ,
GetTestedConnection = ( ) = > this . connectionTested ,
GetTestedConnectionResult = ( ) = > this . connectionSuccessfulTested ,
GetAvailableAuthMethods = ( ) = > this . availableAuthMethods ,
2025-02-15 14:41:12 +00:00
GetSecurityRequirements = ( ) = > this . dataSourceSecurityRequirements ,
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} ;
#region Overrides of ComponentBase
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync ( )
// Configure the spellchecking for the instance name input:
this . SettingsManager . InjectSpellchecking ( SPELLCHECK_ATTRIBUTES ) ;
// Load the used instance names:
this . UsedDataSourcesNames = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . DataSources . Select ( x = > x . Name . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
// When editing, we need to load the data:
if ( this . IsEditing )
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// Assign the data to the form fields:
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this . dataEditingPreviousInstanceName = this . DataSource . Name . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ;
this . dataNum = this . DataSource . Num ;
this . dataId = this . DataSource . Id ;
this . dataName = this . DataSource . Name ;
this . dataHostname = this . DataSource . Hostname ;
this . dataPort = this . DataSource . Port ;
this . dataAuthMethod = this . DataSource . AuthMethod ;
this . dataUsername = this . DataSource . Username ;
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this . dataSecurityPolicy = this . DataSource . SecurityPolicy ;
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if ( this . dataAuthMethod is AuthMethod . TOKEN or AuthMethod . USERNAME_PASSWORD )
// Load the secret:
var requestedSecret = await this . RustService . GetSecret ( this ) ;
if ( requestedSecret . Success )
this . dataSecret = await requestedSecret . Secret . Decrypt ( this . encryption ) ;
this . dataSecret = string . Empty ;
this . dataSecretStorageIssue = $"Failed to load the auth. secret from the operating system. The message was: {requestedSecret.Issue}. You might ignore this message and provide the secret again." ;
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
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// Load the data:
await this . TestConnection ( ) ;
// Select the retrieval process:
this . dataSelectedRetrievalProcess = this . availableRetrievalProcesses . FirstOrDefault ( n = > n . Id = = this . DataSource . SelectedRetrievalId ) ;
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await base . OnInitializedAsync ( ) ;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync ( bool firstRender )
// Reset the validation when not editing and on the first render.
// We don't want to show validation errors when the user opens the dialog.
if ( ! this . IsEditing & & firstRender )
this . form . ResetValidation ( ) ;
await base . OnAfterRenderAsync ( firstRender ) ;
#region Implementation of ISecretId
public string SecretId = > this . dataId ;
public string SecretName = > this . dataName ;
private DataSourceERI_V1 CreateDataSource ( )
var cleanedHostname = this . dataHostname . Trim ( ) ;
return new DataSourceERI_V1
Id = this . dataId ,
Num = this . dataNum ,
Port = this . dataPort ,
Name = this . dataName ,
Hostname = cleanedHostname . EndsWith ( '/' ) ? cleanedHostname [ . . ^ 1 ] : cleanedHostname ,
AuthMethod = this . dataAuthMethod ,
Username = this . dataUsername ,
Type = DataSourceType . ERI_V1 ,
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SecurityPolicy = this . dataSecurityPolicy ,
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SelectedRetrievalId = this . dataSelectedRetrievalProcess . Id ,
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} ;
private bool IsConnectionEncrypted ( ) = > this . dataHostname . StartsWith ( "https://" , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ;
private bool IsConnectionPossible ( )
if ( this . dataSourceValidation . ValidatingHostname ( this . dataHostname ) is not null )
return false ;
if ( this . dataSourceValidation . ValidatePort ( this . dataPort ) is not null )
return false ;
return true ;
private async Task TestConnection ( )
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var cts = new CancellationTokenSource ( TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 14 ) ) ;
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this . DataSource = this . CreateDataSource ( ) ;
using var client = ERIClientFactory . Get ( ERIVersion . V1 , this . DataSource ) ;
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if ( client is null )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = "Failed to connect to the ERI v1 server. The server is not supported." ;
return ;
2025-01-13 18:51:26 +00:00
2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
var authSchemes = await client . GetAuthMethodsAsync ( cts . Token ) ;
if ( ! authSchemes . Successful )
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2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = authSchemes . Message ;
return ;
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2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
this . availableAuthMethods = authSchemes . Data ! . Select ( n = > n . AuthMethod ) . ToList ( ) ;
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2025-03-11 12:57:47 +00:00
var loginResult = await client . AuthenticateAsync ( this . RustService , this . dataSecret , cts . Token ) ;
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if ( ! loginResult . Successful )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = loginResult . Message ;
return ;
var securityRequirementsRequest = await client . GetSecurityRequirementsAsync ( cts . Token ) ;
if ( ! securityRequirementsRequest . Successful )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = securityRequirementsRequest . Message ;
return ;
this . dataSourceSecurityRequirements = securityRequirementsRequest . Data ;
2025-03-08 20:04:17 +00:00
var retrievalInfoRequest = await client . GetRetrievalInfoAsync ( cts . Token ) ;
if ( ! retrievalInfoRequest . Successful )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = retrievalInfoRequest . Message ;
return ;
this . availableRetrievalProcesses = retrievalInfoRequest . Data ? ? [ ] ;
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2025-02-09 11:36:37 +00:00
this . connectionTested = true ;
this . connectionSuccessfulTested = true ;
this . Logger . LogInformation ( "Connection to the ERI v1 server was successful tested." ) ;
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catch ( Exception e )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = $"Failed to connect to the ERI v1 server. The message was: {e.Message}" ;
this . Logger . LogError ( $"Failed to connect to the ERI v1 server. Message: {e.Message}" ) ;
this . connectionTested = true ;
this . connectionSuccessfulTested = false ;
private string GetTestResultText ( )
if ( ! this . connectionTested )
return "Not tested yet." ;
return this . connectionSuccessfulTested ? "Connection successful." : "Connection failed." ;
private Color GetTestResultColor ( )
if ( ! this . connectionTested )
return Color . Default ;
return this . connectionSuccessfulTested ? Color . Success : Color . Error ;
private string GetTestResultIcon ( )
if ( ! this . connectionTested )
return Icons . Material . Outlined . HourglassEmpty ;
return this . connectionSuccessfulTested ? Icons . Material . Outlined . CheckCircle : Icons . Material . Outlined . Error ;
private bool NeedsSecret ( ) = > this . dataAuthMethod is AuthMethod . TOKEN or AuthMethod . USERNAME_PASSWORD ;
private string GetSecretLabel ( ) = > this . dataAuthMethod switch
AuthMethod . TOKEN = > "Access Token" ,
AuthMethod . USERNAME_PASSWORD = > "Password" ,
_ = > "Secret" ,
} ;
private async Task Store ( )
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
var testConnectionValidation = this . dataSourceValidation . ValidateTestedConnection ( ) ;
if ( testConnectionValidation is not null )
Array . Resize ( ref this . dataIssues , this . dataIssues . Length + 1 ) ;
this . dataIssues [ ^ 1 ] = testConnectionValidation ;
this . dataIsValid = false ;
this . dataSecretStorageIssue = string . Empty ;
// When the data is not valid, we don't store it:
if ( ! this . dataIsValid )
return ;
var addedDataSource = this . CreateDataSource ( ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( this . dataSecret ) )
// Store the secret in the OS secure storage:
var storeResponse = await this . RustService . SetSecret ( this , this . dataSecret ) ;
if ( ! storeResponse . Success )
this . dataSecretStorageIssue = $"Failed to store the auth. secret in the operating system. The message was: {storeResponse.Issue}. Please try again." ;
await this . form . Validate ( ) ;
return ;
this . MudDialog . Close ( DialogResult . Ok ( addedDataSource ) ) ;
private void Cancel ( ) = > this . MudDialog . Cancel ( ) ;