2025-02-17 11:33:34 +00:00
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.Json ;
using AIStudio.Chat ;
using AIStudio.Provider ;
using AIStudio.Settings ;
using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel ;
using AIStudio.Tools.ERIClient ;
using AIStudio.Tools.Services ;
namespace AIStudio.Agents ;
public sealed class AgentDataSourceSelection ( ILogger < AgentDataSourceSelection > logger , ILogger < AgentBase > baseLogger , SettingsManager settingsManager , DataSourceService dataSourceService , ThreadSafeRandom rng ) : AgentBase ( baseLogger , settingsManager , dataSourceService , rng )
private readonly List < ContentBlock > answers = new ( ) ;
#region Overrides of AgentBase
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override Type Type = > Type . SYSTEM ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string Id = > "Data Source Selection" ;
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string JobDescription = >
"" "
You receive a system and a user prompt , as well as a list of possible data sources as input .
Your task is to select the appropriate data sources for the given task . You may choose none ,
one , or multiple sources , depending on what best fits the system and user prompt . You need
to estimate and assess which source , based on its description , might be helpful in
processing the prompts .
Your response is a JSON list in the following format :
` ` `
{ "id" : "The data source ID" , "reason" : "Why did you choose this source?" , "confidence" : 0.87 } ,
{ "id" : "The data source ID" , "reason" : "Why did you choose this source?" , "confidence" : 0.54 }
` ` `
You express your confidence as a floating - point number between 0.0 ( maximum uncertainty ) and
1.0 ( you are absolutely certain that this source is needed ) .
The JSON schema is :
` ` `
"$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#" ,
"type" : "array" ,
"items" : [
"type" : "object" ,
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"type" : "string"
} ,
"reason" : {
"type" : "string"
} ,
"confidence" : {
"type" : "number"
} ,
"required" : [
"id" ,
"reason" ,
` ` `
When no data source is needed , you return an empty JSON list ` [ ] ` . You do not ask any
follow - up questions . You do not address the user . Your response consists solely of
the JSON list .
"" ";
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string SystemPrompt ( string availableDataSources ) = > $"" "
{ this . JobDescription }
{ availableDataSources }
"" ";
/// <inheritdoc />
public override Settings . Provider ? ProviderSettings { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// The data source selection agent does not work with context. Use
/// the process input method instead.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The chat thread without any changes.</returns>
public override Task < ChatThread > ProcessContext ( ChatThread chatThread , IDictionary < string , string > additionalData ) = > Task . FromResult ( chatThread ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override async Task < ContentBlock > ProcessInput ( ContentBlock input , IDictionary < string , string > additionalData )
if ( input . Content is not ContentText text )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
if ( text . InitialRemoteWait | | text . IsStreaming )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( text . Text ) )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
if ( ! additionalData . TryGetValue ( "availableDataSources" , out var availableDataSources ) | | string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( availableDataSources ) )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
var thread = this . CreateChatThread ( this . SystemPrompt ( availableDataSources ) ) ;
2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
var userRequest = this . AddUserRequest ( thread , text . Text ) ;
await this . AddAIResponseAsync ( thread , userRequest . UserPrompt , userRequest . Time ) ;
2025-02-17 11:33:34 +00:00
var answer = thread . Blocks [ ^ 1 ] ;
this . answers . Add ( answer ) ;
return answer ;
// <inheritdoc />
public override Task < bool > MadeDecision ( ContentBlock input ) = > Task . FromResult ( true ) ;
// <inheritdoc />
public override IReadOnlyCollection < ContentBlock > GetContext ( ) = > [ ] ;
// <inheritdoc />
public override IReadOnlyCollection < ContentBlock > GetAnswers ( ) = > this . answers ;
public async Task < List < SelectedDataSource > > PerformSelectionAsync ( IProvider provider , IContent lastPrompt , ChatThread chatThread , AllowedSelectedDataSources dataSources , CancellationToken token = default )
logger . LogInformation ( "The AI should select the appropriate data sources." ) ;
// 1. Which LLM provider should the agent use?
// We start with the provider currently selected by the user:
2025-02-23 14:05:29 +00:00
var agentProvider = this . SettingsManager . GetPreselectedProvider ( Tools . Components . AGENT_DATA_SOURCE_SELECTION , provider . Id , true ) ;
2025-02-17 11:33:34 +00:00
// Assign the provider settings to the agent:
logger . LogInformation ( $"The agent for the data source selection uses the provider '{agentProvider.InstanceName}' ({agentProvider.UsedLLMProvider.ToName()}, confidence={agentProvider.UsedLLMProvider.GetConfidence(this.SettingsManager).Level.GetName()})." ) ;
this . ProviderSettings = agentProvider ;
// 2. Prepare the current system and user prompts as input for the agent:
var lastPromptContent = lastPrompt switch
ContentText text = > text . Text ,
// Image prompts may be empty, e.g., when the image is too large:
ContentImage image = > await image . AsBase64 ( token ) ,
// Other content types are not supported yet:
_ = > string . Empty ,
} ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( lastPromptContent ) )
logger . LogWarning ( "The last prompt is empty. The AI cannot select data sources." ) ;
return [ ] ;
// 3. Prepare the allowed data sources as input for the agent:
var additionalData = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
logger . LogInformation ( "Preparing the list of allowed data sources for the agent to choose from." ) ;
// Notice: We do not dispose the Rust service here. The Rust service is a singleton
// and will be disposed when the application shuts down:
var rustService = Program . SERVICE_PROVIDER . GetService < RustService > ( ) ! ;
var sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
sb . AppendLine ( "The following data sources are available for selection:" ) ;
foreach ( var ds in dataSources . AllowedDataSources )
switch ( ds )
case DataSourceLocalDirectory localDirectory :
sb . AppendLine ( $"- Id={ds.Id}, name='{localDirectory.Name}', type=local directory, path='{localDirectory.Path}'" ) ;
break ;
case DataSourceLocalFile localFile :
sb . AppendLine ( $"- Id={ds.Id}, name='{localFile.Name}', type=local file, path='{localFile.FilePath}'" ) ;
break ;
case IERIDataSource eriDataSource :
var eriServerDescription = string . Empty ;
// Call the ERI server to get the server description:
using var eriClient = ERIClientFactory . Get ( eriDataSource . Version , eriDataSource ) ! ;
2025-03-11 12:57:47 +00:00
var authResponse = await eriClient . AuthenticateAsync ( rustService , cancellationToken : token ) ;
2025-02-17 11:33:34 +00:00
if ( authResponse . Successful )
var serverDescriptionResponse = await eriClient . GetDataSourceInfoAsync ( token ) ;
if ( serverDescriptionResponse . Successful )
eriServerDescription = serverDescriptionResponse . Data . Description ;
// Remove all line breaks from the description:
eriServerDescription = eriServerDescription . Replace ( "\n" , " " ) . Replace ( "\r" , " " ) ;
logger . LogWarning ( $"Was not able to retrieve the server description from the ERI data source '{eriDataSource.Name}'. Message: {serverDescriptionResponse.Message}" ) ;
logger . LogWarning ( $"Was not able to authenticate with the ERI data source '{eriDataSource.Name}'. Message: {authResponse.Message}" ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
logger . LogWarning ( $"The ERI data source '{eriDataSource.Name}' is not available. Thus, we cannot retrieve the server description. Error: {e.Message}" ) ;
// Append the ERI data source to the list. Use the server description if available:
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( eriServerDescription ) )
sb . AppendLine ( $"- Id={ds.Id}, name='{eriDataSource.Name}', type=external data source" ) ;
sb . AppendLine ( $"- Id={ds.Id}, name='{eriDataSource.Name}', type=external data source, description='{eriServerDescription}'" ) ;
break ;
logger . LogInformation ( "Prepared the list of allowed data sources for the agent." ) ;
additionalData . Add ( "availableDataSources" , sb . ToString ( ) ) ;
// 4. Let the agent select the data sources:
var prompt = $"" "
The system prompt is :
` ` `
{ chatThread . SystemPrompt }
` ` `
The user prompt is :
` ` `
{ lastPromptContent }
` ` `
"" ";
// Call the agent:
var aiResponse = await this . ProcessInput ( new ContentBlock
Time = DateTimeOffset . UtcNow ,
ContentType = ContentType . TEXT ,
Role = ChatRole . USER ,
Content = new ContentText
Text = prompt ,
} ,
} , additionalData ) ;
if ( aiResponse . Content is null )
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent did not return a response." ) ;
return [ ] ;
switch ( aiResponse )
// 5. Parse the agent response:
case { ContentType : ContentType . TEXT , Content : ContentText textContent } :
// What we expect is a JSON list of SelectedDataSource objects:
var selectedDataSourcesJson = textContent . Text ;
// We know how bad LLM may be in generating JSON without surrounding text.
// Thus, we expect the worst and try to extract the JSON list from the text:
2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
var json = ExtractJson ( selectedDataSourcesJson ) ;
2025-02-17 11:33:34 +00:00
var aiSelectedDataSources = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < List < SelectedDataSource > > ( json , JSON_SERIALIZER_OPTIONS ) ;
return aiSelectedDataSources ? ? [ ] ;
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent answered with an invalid or unexpected JSON format." ) ;
return [ ] ;
case { ContentType : ContentType . TEXT } :
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent answered with an unexpected inner content type." ) ;
return [ ] ;
case { ContentType : ContentType . NONE } :
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent did not return a response." ) ;
return [ ] ;
default :
logger . LogWarning ( $"The agent answered with an unexpected content type '{aiResponse.ContentType}'." ) ;
return [ ] ;
/// <summary>
/// Extracts the JSON list from the given text. The text may contain additional
/// information around the JSON list. The method tries to extract the JSON list
/// from the text.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Algorithm: The method searches for the first line that contains only a '[' character.
/// Then, it searches for the first line that contains only a ']' character. The method
/// returns the text between these two lines (including the brackets). When the method
/// cannot find the JSON list, it returns an empty string.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="text">The text that may contain the JSON list.</param>
/// <returns>The extracted JSON list.</returns>
private static ReadOnlySpan < char > ExtractJson ( ReadOnlySpan < char > text )
var startIndex = - 1 ;
var endIndex = - 1 ;
var foundStart = false ;
var foundEnd = false ;
var lineStart = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < = text . Length ; i + + )
// Handle the end of the line or the end of the text:
if ( i = = text . Length | | text [ i ] = = '\n' )
if ( IsCharacterAloneInLine ( text , lineStart , i , '[' ) & & ! foundStart )
startIndex = lineStart ;
foundStart = true ;
else if ( IsCharacterAloneInLine ( text , lineStart , i , ']' ) & & foundStart & & ! foundEnd )
endIndex = i ;
foundEnd = true ;
break ;
lineStart = i + 1 ;
if ( foundStart & & foundEnd )
// Adjust endIndex for slicing, ensuring it's within bounds:
return text . Slice ( startIndex , Math . Min ( text . Length , endIndex + 1 ) - startIndex ) ;
return ReadOnlySpan < char > . Empty ;
private static bool IsCharacterAloneInLine ( ReadOnlySpan < char > text , int lineStart , int lineEnd , char character )
for ( var i = lineStart ; i < lineEnd ; i + + )
if ( ! char . IsWhiteSpace ( text [ i ] ) & & text [ i ] ! = character )
return false ;
return true ;