2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using AIStudio.Chat ;
using AIStudio.Dialogs ;
using AIStudio.Settings.DataModel ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components ;
using DialogOptions = AIStudio . Dialogs . DialogOptions ;
namespace AIStudio.Assistants.ERI ;
public partial class AssistantERI : AssistantBaseCore
private HttpClient HttpClient { get ; set ; } = null ! ;
private IDialogService DialogService { get ; init ; } = null ! ;
public override Tools . Components Component = > Tools . Components . ERI_ASSISTANT ;
protected override string Title = > "ERI Server" ;
protected override string Description = >
"" "
The ERI is the External Retrieval Interface for AI Studio and other tools . The ERI acts as a contract
between decentralized data sources and , e . g . , AI Studio . The ERI is implemented by the data sources ,
allowing them to be integrated into AI Studio later . This means that the data sources assume the server
role and AI Studio ( or any other LLM tool ) assumes the client role of the API . This approach serves to
realize a Retrieval - Augmented Generation ( RAG ) process with external data .
"" ";
protected override string SystemPrompt
var sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
// ---------------------------------
// Introduction
// ---------------------------------
var programmingLanguage = this . selectedProgrammingLanguage is ProgrammingLanguages . OTHER ? this . otherProgrammingLanguage : this . selectedProgrammingLanguage . Name ( ) ;
sb . Append ( $"" "
# Introduction
You are an experienced { programmingLanguage } developer . Your task is to implement an API server in
the { programmingLanguage } language according to the following OpenAPI Description ( OAD ) :
` ` `
{ this . eriSpecification }
` ` `
The server realizes the data retrieval component for a "Retrieval-Augmentation Generation" ( RAG ) process .
The server is called "{this.serverName}" and is described as follows :
` ` `
{ this . serverDescription }
` ` `
"" ");
// ---------------------------------
// Data Source
// ---------------------------------
sb . Append ( "" "
# Data Source
"" ");
switch ( this . selectedDataSource )
case DataSources . CUSTOM :
sb . Append ( $"" "
The data source for the retrieval process is described as follows :
` ` `
{ this . otherDataSource }
` ` `
"" ");
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( this . dataSourceHostname ) )
sb . Append ( $"" "
The data source is accessible via the hostname ` { this . dataSourceHostname } ` .
"" ");
if ( this . dataSourcePort is not null )
sb . Append ( $"" "
The data source is accessible via port ` { this . dataSourcePort } ` .
"" ");
break ;
case DataSources . FILE_SYSTEM :
sb . Append ( "" "
The data source for the retrieval process is the local file system . Use a placeholder for the data source path .
"" ");
break ;
default :
case DataSources . OBJECT_STORAGE :
case DataSources . KEY_VALUE_STORE :
case DataSources . DOCUMENT_STORE :
case DataSources . RELATIONAL_DATABASE :
case DataSources . GRAPH_DATABASE :
sb . Append ( $"" "
The data source for the retrieval process is an "{this.dataSourceProductName}" database running on the
host ` { this . dataSourceHostname } ` and is accessible via port ` { this . dataSourcePort } ` .
"" ");
break ;
// ---------------------------------
// Authentication and Authorization
// ---------------------------------
sb . Append ( "" "
# Authentication and Authorization
The process for authentication and authorization is two - step . Step 1 : Users must authenticate
with the API server using a ` POST ` call on ` / auth ` with the chosen method . If this step is
successful , the API server returns a token . Step 2 : This token is then required for all
other API calls .
Important notes :
- Calls to ` / auth ` and ` / auth / methods ` are accessible without authentication . All other API
endpoints require a valid step 2 token .
- It is possible that a token ( step 1 token ) is desired as ` authMethod ` . These step 1 tokens
must never be accepted as valid tokens for step 2.
- The OpenAPI Description ( OAD ) for ` / auth ` is not complete . This is because , at the time of
writing the OAD , it is not known what kind of authentication is desired . Therefore , you must
supplement the corresponding fields or data in the implementation . Example : If username / password
is desired , you must expect and read both . If both token and username / password are desired , you
must dynamically read the ` authMethod ` and expect and evaluate different fields accordingly .
The following authentications and authorizations should be implemented for the API server :
"" ");
foreach ( var auth in this . selectedAuthenticationMethods )
sb . Append ( $"- {auth.ToPrompt()}" ) ;
if ( this . IsUsingKerberos ( ) )
sb . Append ( $"" "
The server will run on { this . selectedOperatingSystem . Name ( ) } operating systems . Keep
this in mind when implementing the SSO with Kerberos .
"" ");
// ---------------------------------
// Security
// ---------------------------------
sb . Append ( $"" "
# Security
The following security requirement for ` allowedProviderType ` was chosen : ` { this . allowedLLMProviders } `
"" ");
// ---------------------------------
// Retrieval Processes
// ---------------------------------
sb . Append ( $"" "
# Retrieval Processes
You are implementing the following data retrieval processes :
"" ");
var retrievalProcessCounter = 1 ;
foreach ( var retrievalProcess in this . retrievalProcesses )
sb . Append ( $"" "
# # { retrievalProcessCounter + + } . Retrieval Process
- Name : { retrievalProcess . Name }
- Description :
` ` `
{ retrievalProcess . Description }
` ` `
"" ");
if ( retrievalProcess . ParametersDescription ? . Count > 0 )
sb . Append ( "" "
This retrieval process recognizes the following parameters :
"" ");
var parameterCounter = 1 ;
foreach ( var ( parameter , description ) in retrievalProcess . ParametersDescription )
sb . Append ( $"" "
- The { parameterCounter + + } parameter is named "{parameter}" :
` ` `
{ description }
` ` `
"" ");
sb . Append ( "" "
Please use sensible default values for the parameters . They are optional
for the user .
"" ");
if ( retrievalProcess . Embeddings ? . Count > 0 )
sb . Append ( "" "
The following embeddings are implemented for this retrieval process :
"" ");
var embeddingCounter = 1 ;
foreach ( var embedding in retrievalProcess . Embeddings )
sb . Append ( $"" "
- { embeddingCounter + + } . Embedding
- Name : { embedding . EmbeddingName }
- Type : { embedding . EmbeddingType }
- Description :
` ` `
{ embedding . Description }
` ` `
- When used :
` ` `
{ embedding . UsedWhen }
` ` `
"" ");
// ---------------------------------
// Additional Libraries
// ---------------------------------
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( this . additionalLibraries ) )
sb . Append ( $"" "
# Additional Libraries
You use the following libraries for your implementation :
{ this . additionalLibraries }
"" ");
// ---------------------------------
// Remarks
// ---------------------------------
sb . Append ( "" "
# Remarks
- You do not ask follow - up questions .
- You consider the security of the implementation by applying the Security by Design principle .
- Your output is formatted as Markdown . Code is formatted as code blocks . For every file , you
create a separate code block with its file path and name as chapter title .
2025-03-06 20:02:21 +00:00
- Important : The JSON objects of the API messages use camel case for the data field names .
2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
"" ");
return sb . ToString ( ) ;
protected override IReadOnlyList < IButtonData > FooterButtons = > [ ] ;
protected override bool ShowEntireChatThread = > true ;
2025-01-21 13:20:03 +00:00
protected override bool ShowSendTo = > false ;
2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
protected override string SubmitText = > "Create the ERI server" ;
protected override Func < Task > SubmitAction = > this . GenerateServer ;
protected override bool SubmitDisabled = > this . IsNoneERIServerSelected ;
protected override ChatThread ConvertToChatThread = > ( this . chatThread ? ? new ( ) ) with
SystemPrompt = this . SystemPrompt ,
} ;
protected override void ResetForm ( )
if ( ! this . MightPreselectValues ( ) )
this . serverName = string . Empty ;
this . serverDescription = string . Empty ;
this . selectedERIVersion = ERIVersion . V1 ;
this . selectedProgrammingLanguage = ProgrammingLanguages . NONE ;
this . otherProgrammingLanguage = string . Empty ;
this . selectedDataSource = DataSources . NONE ;
this . dataSourceProductName = string . Empty ;
this . otherDataSource = string . Empty ;
this . dataSourceHostname = string . Empty ;
this . dataSourcePort = null ;
this . userTypedPort = false ;
this . selectedAuthenticationMethods = [ ] ;
this . authDescription = string . Empty ;
this . selectedOperatingSystem = OperatingSystem . NONE ;
this . allowedLLMProviders = AllowedLLMProviders . NONE ;
this . embeddings = new ( ) ;
this . retrievalProcesses = new ( ) ;
this . additionalLibraries = string . Empty ;
this . writeToFilesystem = false ;
this . baseDirectory = string . Empty ;
this . previouslyGeneratedFiles = new ( ) ;
protected override bool MightPreselectValues ( )
this . autoSave = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . AutoSaveChanges ;
if ( this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . PreselectOptions & & this . selectedERIServer is not null )
this . serverName = this . selectedERIServer . ServerName ;
this . serverDescription = this . selectedERIServer . ServerDescription ;
this . selectedERIVersion = this . selectedERIServer . ERIVersion ;
this . selectedProgrammingLanguage = this . selectedERIServer . ProgrammingLanguage ;
this . otherProgrammingLanguage = this . selectedERIServer . OtherProgrammingLanguage ;
this . selectedDataSource = this . selectedERIServer . DataSource ;
this . dataSourceProductName = this . selectedERIServer . DataSourceProductName ;
this . otherDataSource = this . selectedERIServer . OtherDataSource ;
this . dataSourceHostname = this . selectedERIServer . DataSourceHostname ;
this . dataSourcePort = this . selectedERIServer . DataSourcePort ;
this . userTypedPort = this . selectedERIServer . UserTypedPort ;
var authMethods = new HashSet < Auth > ( this . selectedERIServer . AuthMethods ) ;
this . selectedAuthenticationMethods = authMethods ;
this . authDescription = this . selectedERIServer . AuthDescription ;
this . selectedOperatingSystem = this . selectedERIServer . OperatingSystem ;
this . allowedLLMProviders = this . selectedERIServer . AllowedLLMProviders ;
this . embeddings = this . selectedERIServer . EmbeddingInfos ;
this . retrievalProcesses = this . selectedERIServer . RetrievalInfos ;
this . additionalLibraries = this . selectedERIServer . AdditionalLibraries ;
this . writeToFilesystem = this . selectedERIServer . WriteToFilesystem ;
this . baseDirectory = this . selectedERIServer . BaseDirectory ;
this . previouslyGeneratedFiles = this . selectedERIServer . PreviouslyGeneratedFiles ;
return true ;
return false ;
protected override async Task OnFormChange ( )
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
#region Overrides of AssistantBase
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync ( )
this . selectedERIServer = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . ERIServers . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( this . selectedERIServer is null )
await this . AddERIServer ( ) ;
this . selectedERIServer = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . ERIServers . First ( ) ;
await base . OnInitializedAsync ( ) ;
private async Task AutoSave ( )
if ( ! this . autoSave | | ! this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . PreselectOptions )
return ;
if ( this . selectedERIServer is null )
return ;
this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . PreselectedProvider = this . providerSettings . Id ;
this . selectedERIServer . ServerName = this . serverName ;
this . selectedERIServer . ServerDescription = this . serverDescription ;
this . selectedERIServer . ERIVersion = this . selectedERIVersion ;
this . selectedERIServer . ProgrammingLanguage = this . selectedProgrammingLanguage ;
this . selectedERIServer . OtherProgrammingLanguage = this . otherProgrammingLanguage ;
this . selectedERIServer . DataSource = this . selectedDataSource ;
this . selectedERIServer . DataSourceProductName = this . dataSourceProductName ;
this . selectedERIServer . OtherDataSource = this . otherDataSource ;
this . selectedERIServer . DataSourceHostname = this . dataSourceHostname ;
this . selectedERIServer . DataSourcePort = this . dataSourcePort ;
this . selectedERIServer . UserTypedPort = this . userTypedPort ;
this . selectedERIServer . AuthMethods = [ . . this . selectedAuthenticationMethods ] ;
this . selectedERIServer . AuthDescription = this . authDescription ;
this . selectedERIServer . OperatingSystem = this . selectedOperatingSystem ;
this . selectedERIServer . AllowedLLMProviders = this . allowedLLMProviders ;
this . selectedERIServer . EmbeddingInfos = this . embeddings ;
this . selectedERIServer . RetrievalInfos = this . retrievalProcesses ;
this . selectedERIServer . AdditionalLibraries = this . additionalLibraries ;
this . selectedERIServer . WriteToFilesystem = this . writeToFilesystem ;
this . selectedERIServer . BaseDirectory = this . baseDirectory ;
this . selectedERIServer . PreviouslyGeneratedFiles = this . previouslyGeneratedFiles ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
private DataERIServer ? selectedERIServer ;
private bool autoSave ;
private string serverName = string . Empty ;
private string serverDescription = string . Empty ;
private ERIVersion selectedERIVersion = ERIVersion . V1 ;
private string? eriSpecification ;
private ProgrammingLanguages selectedProgrammingLanguage = ProgrammingLanguages . NONE ;
private string otherProgrammingLanguage = string . Empty ;
private DataSources selectedDataSource = DataSources . NONE ;
private string otherDataSource = string . Empty ;
private string dataSourceProductName = string . Empty ;
private string dataSourceHostname = string . Empty ;
private int? dataSourcePort ;
private bool userTypedPort ;
private IEnumerable < Auth > selectedAuthenticationMethods = new HashSet < Auth > ( ) ;
private string authDescription = string . Empty ;
private OperatingSystem selectedOperatingSystem = OperatingSystem . NONE ;
private AllowedLLMProviders allowedLLMProviders = AllowedLLMProviders . NONE ;
private List < EmbeddingInfo > embeddings = new ( ) ;
private List < RetrievalInfo > retrievalProcesses = new ( ) ;
private string additionalLibraries = string . Empty ;
private bool writeToFilesystem ;
private string baseDirectory = string . Empty ;
private List < string > previouslyGeneratedFiles = new ( ) ;
private bool AreServerPresetsBlocked = > ! this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . PreselectOptions ;
private void SelectedERIServerChanged ( DataERIServer ? server )
this . selectedERIServer = server ;
this . ResetForm ( ) ;
private async Task AddERIServer ( )
this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . ERIServers . Add ( new ( )
ServerName = $"ERI Server {DateTimeOffset.UtcNow}" ,
} ) ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
private async Task RemoveERIServer ( )
if ( this . selectedERIServer is null )
return ;
2025-01-13 18:58:52 +00:00
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message" , $"Are you sure you want to delete the ERI server preset '{this.selectedERIServer.ServerName}'?" } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < ConfirmDialog > ( "Delete ERI server preset" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . ERIServers . Remove ( this . selectedERIServer ) ;
this . selectedERIServer = null ;
this . ResetForm ( ) ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
this . form ? . ResetValidation ( ) ;
private bool IsNoneERIServerSelected = > this . selectedERIServer is null ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets called when the server name was changed by typing.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is used to update the server name in the selected ERI server preset.
/// Otherwise, the users would be confused when they change the server name and the changes are not reflected in the UI.
/// </remarks>
private void ServerNameWasChanged ( )
if ( this . selectedERIServer is null )
return ;
this . selectedERIServer . ServerName = this . serverName ;
private string? ValidateServerName ( string name )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( name ) )
return "Please provide a name for your ERI server. This name will be used to identify the server in AI Studio." ;
if ( name . Length is > 60 or < 6 )
return "The name of your ERI server must be between 6 and 60 characters long." ;
if ( this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . ERI . ERIServers . Where ( n = > n ! = this . selectedERIServer ) . Any ( n = > n . ServerName = = name ) )
return "An ERI server preset with this name already exists. Please choose a different name." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateServerDescription ( string description )
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( description ) )
return "Please provide a description for your ERI server. What data will the server retrieve? This description will be used to inform users about the purpose of your ERI server." ;
if ( description . Length is < 32 or > 512 )
return "The description of your ERI server must be between 32 and 512 characters long." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateERIVersion ( ERIVersion version )
if ( version = = ERIVersion . NONE )
return "Please select an ERI specification version for the ERI server." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateProgrammingLanguage ( ProgrammingLanguages language )
if ( language = = ProgrammingLanguages . OTHER )
return null ;
if ( language = = ProgrammingLanguages . NONE )
return "Please select a programming language for the ERI server." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateOtherLanguage ( string language )
if ( this . selectedProgrammingLanguage ! = ProgrammingLanguages . OTHER )
return null ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( language ) )
return "Please specify the custom programming language for the ERI server." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateDataSource ( DataSources dataSource )
if ( dataSource = = DataSources . CUSTOM )
return null ;
if ( dataSource = = DataSources . NONE )
return "Please select a data source for the ERI server." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateDataSourceProductName ( string productName )
if ( this . selectedDataSource is DataSources . CUSTOM or DataSources . NONE or DataSources . FILE_SYSTEM )
return null ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( productName ) )
return "Please specify the product name of the data source, e.g., 'MongoDB', 'Redis', 'PostgreSQL', 'Neo4j', or 'MinIO', etc." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateOtherDataSource ( string dataSource )
if ( this . selectedDataSource ! = DataSources . CUSTOM )
return null ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( dataSource ) )
return "Please describe the data source of your ERI server." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateHostname ( string hostname )
if ( ! this . NeedHostnamePort ( ) )
return null ;
// When using a custom data source, the hostname is optional:
if ( this . selectedDataSource is DataSources . CUSTOM )
return null ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( hostname ) )
return "Please provide the hostname of the data source. Use 'localhost' if the data source is on the same machine as the ERI server." ;
if ( hostname . Length > 255 )
return "The hostname of the data source must not exceed 255 characters." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidatePort ( int? port )
if ( ! this . NeedHostnamePort ( ) )
return null ;
// When using a custom data source, the port is optional:
if ( this . selectedDataSource is DataSources . CUSTOM )
return null ;
if ( port is null )
return "Please provide the port of the data source." ;
if ( port is < 1 or > 65535 )
return "The port of the data source must be between 1 and 65535." ;
return null ;
private void DataSourcePortWasTyped ( )
this . userTypedPort = true ;
private void DataSourceWasChanged ( )
if ( this . selectedERIServer is null )
return ;
if ( this . selectedDataSource is DataSources . NONE )
this . selectedERIServer . DataSourcePort = null ;
this . dataSourcePort = null ;
this . userTypedPort = false ;
return ;
if ( this . userTypedPort )
return ;
// Preselect the default port for the selected data source
this . dataSourcePort = this . selectedDataSource switch
DataSources . DOCUMENT_STORE = > 27017 ,
DataSources . KEY_VALUE_STORE = > 6379 ,
DataSources . OBJECT_STORAGE = > 9000 ,
DataSources . RELATIONAL_DATABASE = > 5432 ,
DataSources . GRAPH_DATABASE = > 7687 ,
_ = > null
} ;
private string? ValidateAuthenticationMethods ( Auth _ )
var authenticationMethods = ( this . selectedAuthenticationMethods as HashSet < Auth > ) ! ;
if ( authenticationMethods . Count = = 0 )
return "Please select at least one authentication method for the ERI server." ;
return null ;
private void AuthenticationMethodWasChanged ( IEnumerable < Auth > ? selectedValues )
if ( selectedValues is null )
this . selectedAuthenticationMethods = [ ] ;
this . selectedOperatingSystem = OperatingSystem . NONE ;
return ;
this . selectedAuthenticationMethods = selectedValues ;
if ( ! this . IsUsingKerberos ( ) )
this . selectedOperatingSystem = OperatingSystem . NONE ;
private bool IsUsingKerberos ( )
return this . selectedAuthenticationMethods . Contains ( Auth . KERBEROS ) ;
private string? ValidateOperatingSystem ( OperatingSystem os )
if ( ! this . IsUsingKerberos ( ) )
return null ;
if ( os is OperatingSystem . NONE )
return "Please select the operating system on which the ERI server will run. This is necessary when using SSO with Kerberos." ;
return null ;
private string? ValidateAllowedLLMProviders ( AllowedLLMProviders provider )
if ( provider = = AllowedLLMProviders . NONE )
return "Please select which types of LLMs users are allowed to use with the data from this ERI server." ;
return null ;
private string AuthDescriptionTitle ( )
const string TITLE = "Describe how you planned the authentication process" ;
return this . IsAuthDescriptionOptional ( ) ? $"(Optional) {TITLE}" : TITLE ;
private bool IsAuthDescriptionOptional ( )
if ( this . selectedAuthenticationMethods is not HashSet < Auth > authenticationMethods )
return true ;
if ( authenticationMethods . Count > 1 )
return false ;
if ( authenticationMethods . Any ( n = > n = = Auth . NONE ) & & authenticationMethods . Count > 1 )
return false ;
return true ;
private string? ValidateAuthDescription ( string description )
var authenticationMethods = ( this . selectedAuthenticationMethods as HashSet < Auth > ) ! ;
if ( authenticationMethods . Any ( n = > n = = Auth . NONE ) & & authenticationMethods . Count > 1 & & string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( this . authDescription ) )
return "Please describe how the selected authentication methods should be used. Especially, explain for what data the NONE method (public access) is used." ;
if ( authenticationMethods . Count > 1 & & string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( this . authDescription ) )
return "Please describe how the selected authentication methods should be used." ;
return null ;
2025-01-13 18:51:26 +00:00
private string? ValidateDirectory ( string path )
if ( ! this . writeToFilesystem )
return null ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( path ) )
return "Please provide a base directory for the ERI server to write files to." ;
return null ;
2025-01-01 14:49:27 +00:00
private string GetMultiSelectionAuthText ( List < Auth > selectedValues )
if ( selectedValues . Count = = 0 )
return "Please select at least one authentication method" ;
if ( selectedValues . Count = = 1 )
return $"You have selected 1 authentication method" ;
return $"You have selected {selectedValues.Count} authentication methods" ;
private bool NeedHostnamePort ( )
switch ( this . selectedDataSource )
case DataSources . NONE :
case DataSources . FILE_SYSTEM :
return false ;
default :
return true ;
private async Task AddEmbedding ( )
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters < EmbeddingMethodDialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , false } ,
{ x = > x . UsedEmbeddingMethodNames , this . embeddings . Select ( n = > n . EmbeddingName ) . ToList ( ) } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < EmbeddingMethodDialog > ( "Add Embedding Method" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var addedEmbedding = ( EmbeddingInfo ) dialogResult . Data ! ;
this . embeddings . Add ( addedEmbedding ) ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
private async Task EditEmbedding ( EmbeddingInfo embeddingInfo )
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters < EmbeddingMethodDialog >
{ x = > x . DataEmbeddingName , embeddingInfo . EmbeddingName } ,
{ x = > x . DataEmbeddingType , embeddingInfo . EmbeddingType } ,
{ x = > x . DataDescription , embeddingInfo . Description } ,
{ x = > x . DataUsedWhen , embeddingInfo . UsedWhen } ,
{ x = > x . DataLink , embeddingInfo . Link } ,
{ x = > x . UsedEmbeddingMethodNames , this . embeddings . Where ( n = > n ! = embeddingInfo ) . Select ( n = > n . EmbeddingName ) . ToList ( ) } ,
{ x = > x . IsEditing , true } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < EmbeddingMethodDialog > ( "Edit Embedding Method" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var editedEmbedding = ( EmbeddingInfo ) dialogResult . Data ! ;
this . embeddings [ this . embeddings . IndexOf ( embeddingInfo ) ] = editedEmbedding ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
private async Task DeleteEmbedding ( EmbeddingInfo embeddingInfo )
var message = this . retrievalProcesses . Any ( n = > n . Embeddings ? . Contains ( embeddingInfo ) is true )
? $"The embedding '{embeddingInfo.EmbeddingName}' is used in one or more retrieval processes. Are you sure you want to delete it?"
: $"Are you sure you want to delete the embedding '{embeddingInfo.EmbeddingName}'?" ;
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message" , message } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < ConfirmDialog > ( "Delete Embedding" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
this . retrievalProcesses . ForEach ( n = > n . Embeddings ? . Remove ( embeddingInfo ) ) ;
this . embeddings . Remove ( embeddingInfo ) ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
private async Task AddRetrievalProcess ( )
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters < RetrievalProcessDialog >
{ x = > x . IsEditing , false } ,
{ x = > x . AvailableEmbeddings , this . embeddings } ,
{ x = > x . UsedRetrievalProcessNames , this . retrievalProcesses . Select ( n = > n . Name ) . ToList ( ) } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < RetrievalProcessDialog > ( "Add Retrieval Process" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var addedRetrievalProcess = ( RetrievalInfo ) dialogResult . Data ! ;
this . retrievalProcesses . Add ( addedRetrievalProcess ) ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
private async Task EditRetrievalProcess ( RetrievalInfo retrievalInfo )
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters < RetrievalProcessDialog >
{ x = > x . DataName , retrievalInfo . Name } ,
{ x = > x . DataDescription , retrievalInfo . Description } ,
{ x = > x . DataLink , retrievalInfo . Link } ,
{ x = > x . DataParametersDescription , retrievalInfo . ParametersDescription } ,
{ x = > x . DataEmbeddings , retrievalInfo . Embeddings ? . ToHashSet ( ) } ,
{ x = > x . IsEditing , true } ,
{ x = > x . AvailableEmbeddings , this . embeddings } ,
{ x = > x . UsedRetrievalProcessNames , this . retrievalProcesses . Where ( n = > n ! = retrievalInfo ) . Select ( n = > n . Name ) . ToList ( ) } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < RetrievalProcessDialog > ( "Edit Retrieval Process" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
var editedRetrievalProcess = ( RetrievalInfo ) dialogResult . Data ! ;
this . retrievalProcesses [ this . retrievalProcesses . IndexOf ( retrievalInfo ) ] = editedRetrievalProcess ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
private async Task DeleteRetrievalProcess ( RetrievalInfo retrievalInfo )
var dialogParameters = new DialogParameters
{ "Message" , $"Are you sure you want to delete the retrieval process '{retrievalInfo.Name}'?" } ,
} ;
var dialogReference = await this . DialogService . ShowAsync < ConfirmDialog > ( "Delete Retrieval Process" , dialogParameters , DialogOptions . FULLSCREEN ) ;
var dialogResult = await dialogReference . Result ;
if ( dialogResult is null | | dialogResult . Canceled )
return ;
this . retrievalProcesses . Remove ( retrievalInfo ) ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
[ GeneratedRegex ( "" "
"" ", RegexOptions.NonBacktracking)]
private static partial Regex FileExtractRegex ( ) ;
private IEnumerable < string > ExtractFiles ( string fileListAnswer )
// We asked the LLM for answering using a specific JSON scheme.
// However, the LLM might not follow this scheme. Therefore, we
// need to parse the answer and extract the files.
// The parsing strategy is to look for all strings.
var matches = FileExtractRegex ( ) . Matches ( fileListAnswer ) ;
foreach ( Match match in matches )
if ( match . Groups [ 1 ] . Value is { } file & & ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( file ) & & ! file . Equals ( "files" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
yield return file ;
[ GeneratedRegex ( "" "
\ s * # + \ s + [ \ w \ \ / . ] + \ s * ` ` ` \ w * \ s + ( [ \ s \ w \ W ] + ) \ s * ` ` ` \ s *
"" ", RegexOptions.Singleline)]
private static partial Regex CodeExtractRegex ( ) ;
private string ExtractCode ( string markdown )
var match = CodeExtractRegex ( ) . Match ( markdown ) ;
return match . Success ? match . Groups [ 1 ] . Value : string . Empty ;
private async Task GenerateServer ( )
if ( this . IsNoneERIServerSelected )
return ;
await this . AutoSave ( ) ;
await this . form ! . Validate ( ) ;
if ( ! this . inputIsValid )
return ;
if ( this . retrievalProcesses . Count = = 0 )
this . AddInputIssue ( "Please describe at least one retrieval process." ) ;
return ;
this . eriSpecification = await this . selectedERIVersion . ReadSpecification ( this . HttpClient ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( this . eriSpecification ) )
this . AddInputIssue ( "The ERI specification could not be loaded. Please try again later." ) ;
return ;
var now = DateTimeOffset . UtcNow ;
this . CreateChatThread ( KnownWorkspaces . ERI_SERVER_WORKSPACE_ID , $"{now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm} - {this.serverName}" ) ;
// ---------------------------------
// Ask for files (viewable in the chat)
// ---------------------------------
var time = this . AddUserRequest ( "" "
Please list all the files you want to create . Provide the result as a Markdown list .
Start with a brief message that these are the files we are now creating .
"" ", true);
await this . AddAIResponseAsync ( time ) ;
// ---------------------------------
// Ask for files, again (JSON output, invisible)
// ---------------------------------
time = this . AddUserRequest ( "" "
Please format all the files you want to create as a JSON object , without Markdown .
Use the following JSON schema :
"path/to/file1" ,
"" ", true);
var fileListAnswer = await this . AddAIResponseAsync ( time , true ) ;
// Is this an update of the ERI server? If so, we need to delete the previously generated files:
if ( this . writeToFilesystem & & this . previouslyGeneratedFiles . Count > 0 & & ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( fileListAnswer ) )
foreach ( var file in this . previouslyGeneratedFiles )
if ( File . Exists ( file ) )
File . Delete ( file ) ;
this . Logger . LogInformation ( $"The previously created file '{file}' was deleted." ) ;
this . Logger . LogWarning ( $"The previously created file '{file}' could not be found." ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
this . Logger . LogWarning ( $"The previously created file '{file}' could not be deleted: {e.Message}" ) ;
var generatedFiles = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var file in this . ExtractFiles ( fileListAnswer ) )
this . Logger . LogInformation ( $"The LLM want to create the file: '{file}'" ) ;
// ---------------------------------
// Ask the AI to create another file
// ---------------------------------
time = this . AddUserRequest ( $"" "
Please create the file ` { file } ` . Your output is formatted in Markdown
using the following template :
# # file / path
` ` ` language
content of the file
` ` `
"" ", true);
var generatedCodeMarkdown = await this . AddAIResponseAsync ( time ) ;
if ( this . writeToFilesystem )
var desiredFilePath = Path . Join ( this . baseDirectory , file ) ;
// Security check: ensure that the desired file path is inside the base directory.
// We cannot trust the beginning of the file path because it would be possible
// to escape by using `..` in the file path.
if ( ! desiredFilePath . StartsWith ( this . baseDirectory , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) | | desiredFilePath . Contains ( ".." ) )
this . Logger . LogWarning ( $"The file path '{desiredFilePath}' is may not inside the base directory '{this.baseDirectory}'." ) ;
var code = this . ExtractCode ( generatedCodeMarkdown ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( code ) )
this . Logger . LogWarning ( $"The file content for '{desiredFilePath}' is empty or was not found." ) ;
// Ensure that the directory exists:
var fileDirectory = Path . GetDirectoryName ( desiredFilePath ) ;
if ( fileDirectory is null )
this . Logger . LogWarning ( $"The file path '{desiredFilePath}' does not contain a directory." ) ;
generatedFiles . Add ( desiredFilePath ) ;
var fileDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo ( fileDirectory ) ;
if ( ! fileDirectoryInfo . Exists )
fileDirectoryInfo . Create ( ) ;
this . Logger . LogInformation ( $"The directory '{fileDirectory}' was created." ) ;
// Save the file to the file system:
await File . WriteAllTextAsync ( desiredFilePath , code , Encoding . UTF8 ) ;
this . Logger . LogInformation ( $"The file '{desiredFilePath}' was created." ) ;
if ( this . writeToFilesystem )
this . previouslyGeneratedFiles = generatedFiles ;
this . selectedERIServer ! . PreviouslyGeneratedFiles = generatedFiles ;
await this . SettingsManager . StoreSettings ( ) ;
// ---------------------------------
// Ask the AI for further steps
// ---------------------------------
time = this . AddUserRequest ( "" "
Thank you for implementing the files . Please explain what the next steps are .
The goal is for the code to compile and the server to start . We assume that
the developer has installed the compiler . We will not consider DevOps tools
like Docker .
"" ", true);
await this . AddAIResponseAsync ( time ) ;
await this . SendToAssistant ( Tools . Components . CHAT , default ) ;