<MudTextSwitch Label="Cleanup content by using an LLM agent?" @bind-Value="@this.useContentCleanerAgent" Validation="@this.ValidateProvider" Disabled="@this.AgentIsRunning" LabelOn="The content is cleaned using an LLM agent: the main content is extracted, advertisements and other irrelevant things are attempted to be removed; relative links are attempted to be converted into absolute links so that they can be used." LabelOff="No content cleaning" />
<MudTextField T="string" Label="URL from which to load the content" @bind-Value="@this.providedURL" Validation="@this.ValidateURL" Adornment="Adornment.Start" AdornmentIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Link" Placeholder="https://..." HelperText="Loads the content from your URL. Does not work when the content is hidden behind a paywall." Variant="Variant.Outlined" Immediate="@true" Disabled="@this.AgentIsRunning"/>