2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
using System.Text.Json ;
using AIStudio.Chat ;
using AIStudio.Provider ;
using AIStudio.Settings ;
using AIStudio.Tools.RAG ;
using AIStudio.Tools.Services ;
namespace AIStudio.Agents ;
public sealed class AgentRetrievalContextValidation ( ILogger < AgentRetrievalContextValidation > logger , ILogger < AgentBase > baseLogger , SettingsManager settingsManager , DataSourceService dataSourceService , ThreadSafeRandom rng ) : AgentBase ( baseLogger , settingsManager , dataSourceService , rng )
#region Overrides of AgentBase
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override Type Type = > Type . WORKER ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string Id = > "Retrieval Context Validation" ;
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string JobDescription = >
"" "
You receive a system and user prompt as well as a retrieval context as input . Your task is to decide whether this
retrieval context is helpful in processing the prompts or not . You respond with the decision ( true or false ) ,
your reasoning , and your confidence in this decision .
Your response is only one JSON object in the following format :
` ` `
{ "decision" : true , "reason" : "Why did you choose this source?" , "confidence" : 0.87 }
` ` `
You express your confidence as a floating - point number between 0.0 ( maximum uncertainty ) and
1.0 ( you are absolutely certain that this retrieval context is needed ) .
The JSON schema is :
` ` `
"$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#" ,
"type" : "object" ,
"properties" : {
"decision" : {
"type" : "boolean"
} ,
"reason" : {
"type" : "string"
} ,
"confidence" : {
"type" : "number"
} ,
"required" : [
"decision" ,
"reason" ,
` ` `
You do not ask any follow - up questions . You do not address the user . Your response consists solely of
that one JSON object .
"" ";
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string SystemPrompt ( string retrievalContext ) = > $"" "
{ this . JobDescription }
{ retrievalContext }
"" ";
/// <inheritdoc />
public override Settings . Provider ? ProviderSettings { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// The retrieval context validation agent does not work with context. Use
/// the process input method instead.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The chat thread without any changes.</returns>
public override Task < ChatThread > ProcessContext ( ChatThread chatThread , IDictionary < string , string > additionalData ) = > Task . FromResult ( chatThread ) ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override async Task < ContentBlock > ProcessInput ( ContentBlock input , IDictionary < string , string > additionalData )
if ( input . Content is not ContentText text )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
if ( text . InitialRemoteWait | | text . IsStreaming )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( text . Text ) )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
if ( ! additionalData . TryGetValue ( "retrievalContext" , out var retrievalContext ) | | string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( retrievalContext ) )
return EMPTY_BLOCK ;
var thread = this . CreateChatThread ( this . SystemPrompt ( retrievalContext ) ) ;
var userRequest = this . AddUserRequest ( thread , text . Text ) ;
await this . AddAIResponseAsync ( thread , userRequest . UserPrompt , userRequest . Time ) ;
return thread . Blocks [ ^ 1 ] ;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override Task < bool > MadeDecision ( ContentBlock input ) = > Task . FromResult ( true ) ;
/// <summary>
/// We do not provide any context. This agent will process many retrieval contexts.
/// This would block a huge amount of memory.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An empty list.</returns>
public override IReadOnlyCollection < ContentBlock > GetContext ( ) = > [ ] ;
/// <summary>
/// We do not provide any answers. This agent will process many retrieval contexts.
/// This would block a huge amount of memory.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An empty list.</returns>
public override IReadOnlyCollection < ContentBlock > GetAnswers ( ) = > [ ] ;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the LLM provider for the agent.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When you have to call the validation in parallel for many retrieval contexts,
/// you can set the provider once and then call the validation method in parallel.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="provider">The current LLM provider. When the user doesn't preselect an agent provider, the agent uses this provider.</param>
public void SetLLMProvider ( IProvider provider )
// We start with the provider currently selected by the user:
2025-02-23 14:05:29 +00:00
var agentProvider = this . SettingsManager . GetPreselectedProvider ( Tools . Components . AGENT_RETRIEVAL_CONTEXT_VALIDATION , provider . Id , true ) ;
2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
// Assign the provider settings to the agent:
logger . LogInformation ( $"The agent for the retrieval context validation uses the provider '{agentProvider.InstanceName}' ({agentProvider.UsedLLMProvider.ToName()}, confidence={agentProvider.UsedLLMProvider.GetConfidence(this.SettingsManager).Level.GetName()})." ) ;
this . ProviderSettings = agentProvider ;
/// <summary>
/// Validate all retrieval contexts against the last user and the system prompt.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lastPrompt">The last user prompt.</param>
/// <param name="chatThread">The chat thread.</param>
/// <param name="retrievalContexts">All retrieval contexts to validate.</param>
/// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>The validation results.</returns>
public async Task < IReadOnlyList < RetrievalContextValidationResult > > ValidateRetrievalContextsAsync ( IContent lastPrompt , ChatThread chatThread , IReadOnlyList < IRetrievalContext > retrievalContexts , CancellationToken token = default )
// Check if the retrieval context validation is enabled:
if ( ! this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . AgentRetrievalContextValidation . EnableRetrievalContextValidation )
return [ ] ;
2025-02-23 14:05:29 +00:00
logger . LogInformation ( $"Validating {retrievalContexts.Count:###,###,###,###} retrieval contexts." ) ;
2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
// Prepare the list of validation tasks:
var validationTasks = new List < Task < RetrievalContextValidationResult > > ( retrievalContexts . Count ) ;
// Read the number of parallel validations:
2025-02-23 14:05:29 +00:00
var numParallelValidations = 3 ;
if ( this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . AgentRetrievalContextValidation . PreselectAgentOptions )
numParallelValidations = this . SettingsManager . ConfigurationData . AgentRetrievalContextValidation . NumParallelValidations ;
2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
numParallelValidations = Math . Max ( 1 , numParallelValidations ) ;
// Use a semaphore to limit the number of parallel validations:
using var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim ( numParallelValidations ) ;
foreach ( var retrievalContext in retrievalContexts )
// Wait for an available slot in the semaphore:
await semaphore . WaitAsync ( token ) ;
// Start the next validation task:
validationTasks . Add ( this . ValidateRetrievalContextAsync ( lastPrompt , chatThread , retrievalContext , token , semaphore ) ) ;
// Wait for all validation tasks to complete:
return await Task . WhenAll ( validationTasks ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Validates the retrieval context against the last user and the system prompt.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Probably, you have a lot of retrieval contexts to validate. In this case, you
/// can call this method in parallel for each retrieval context. You might use
/// the ValidateRetrievalContextsAsync method to validate all retrieval contexts.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="lastPrompt">The last user prompt.</param>
/// <param name="chatThread">The chat thread.</param>
/// <param name="retrievalContext">The retrieval context to validate.</param>
/// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <param name="semaphore">The optional semaphore to limit the number of parallel validations.</param>
/// <returns>The validation result.</returns>
public async Task < RetrievalContextValidationResult > ValidateRetrievalContextAsync ( IContent lastPrompt , ChatThread chatThread , IRetrievalContext retrievalContext , CancellationToken token = default , SemaphoreSlim ? semaphore = null )
// Check if the validation was canceled. This could happen when the user
// canceled the validation process or when the validation process took
// too long:
if ( token . IsCancellationRequested )
return new ( false , "The validation was canceled." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
// 1. Prepare the current system and user prompts as input for the agent:
var lastPromptContent = lastPrompt switch
ContentText text = > text . Text ,
// Image prompts may be empty, e.g., when the image is too large:
ContentImage image = > await image . AsBase64 ( token ) ,
// Other content types are not supported yet:
_ = > string . Empty ,
} ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( lastPromptContent ) )
logger . LogWarning ( "The last prompt is empty. The AI cannot validate the retrieval context." ) ;
return new ( false , "The last prompt was empty." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
// 2. Prepare the retrieval context for the agent:
var additionalData = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
var markdownRetrievalContext = await retrievalContext . AsMarkdown ( token : token ) ;
additionalData . Add ( "retrievalContext" , markdownRetrievalContext ) ;
// 3. Let the agent validate the retrieval context:
var prompt = $"" "
The system prompt is :
` ` `
{ chatThread . SystemPrompt }
` ` `
The user prompt is :
` ` `
{ lastPromptContent }
` ` `
"" ";
// Call the agent:
var aiResponse = await this . ProcessInput ( new ContentBlock
Time = DateTimeOffset . UtcNow ,
ContentType = ContentType . TEXT ,
Role = ChatRole . USER ,
Content = new ContentText
Text = prompt ,
} ,
} , additionalData ) ;
if ( aiResponse . Content is null )
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent did not return a response." ) ;
return new ( false , "The agent did not return a response." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
switch ( aiResponse )
// 4. Parse the agent response:
case { ContentType : ContentType . TEXT , Content : ContentText textContent } :
// What we expect is one JSON object:
var validationJson = textContent . Text ;
// We know how bad LLM may be in generating JSON without surrounding text.
// Thus, we expect the worst and try to extract the JSON list from the text:
var json = ExtractJson ( validationJson ) ;
var result = JsonSerializer . Deserialize < RetrievalContextValidationResult > ( json , JSON_SERIALIZER_OPTIONS ) ;
return result with { RetrievalContext = retrievalContext } ;
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent answered with an invalid or unexpected JSON format." ) ;
return new ( false , "The agent answered with an invalid or unexpected JSON format." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
case { ContentType : ContentType . TEXT } :
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent answered with an unexpected inner content type." ) ;
return new ( false , "The agent answered with an unexpected inner content type." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
case { ContentType : ContentType . NONE } :
logger . LogWarning ( "The agent did not return a response." ) ;
return new ( false , "The agent did not return a response." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
default :
logger . LogWarning ( $"The agent answered with an unexpected content type '{aiResponse.ContentType}'." ) ;
return new ( false , $"The agent answered with an unexpected content type '{aiResponse.ContentType}'." , 1.0f , retrievalContext ) ;
// Release the semaphore slot:
semaphore ? . Release ( ) ;
// A wrapper around the span version, because we need to call this method from an async context.
private static string ExtractJson ( string text ) = > ExtractJson ( text . AsSpan ( ) ) . ToString ( ) ;
private static ReadOnlySpan < char > ExtractJson ( ReadOnlySpan < char > input )
// 1. Expect the best case ;-)
if ( CheckJsonObjectStart ( input ) )
return ExtractJsonPart ( input ) ;
// 2. Okay, we have some garbage before the
// JSON object. We expected that...
for ( var index = 0 ; index < input . Length ; index + + )
if ( input [ index ] is '{' & & CheckJsonObjectStart ( input [ index . . ] ) )
return ExtractJsonPart ( input [ index . . ] ) ;
return [ ] ;
private static bool CheckJsonObjectStart ( ReadOnlySpan < char > area )
char [ ] expectedSymbols = [ '{' , '"' , 'd' ] ;
var symbolIndex = 0 ;
foreach ( var c in area )
if ( symbolIndex > = expectedSymbols . Length )
return true ;
if ( char . IsWhiteSpace ( c ) )
continue ;
if ( c = = expectedSymbols [ symbolIndex + + ] )
continue ;
return false ;
return true ;
private static ReadOnlySpan < char > ExtractJsonPart ( ReadOnlySpan < char > input )
var insideString = false ;
for ( var index = 0 ; index < input . Length ; index + + )
if ( input [ i ndex ] is '"' )
insideString = ! insideString ;
continue ;
if ( insideString )
continue ;
if ( input [ index ] is '}' )
return input [ . . + + index ] ;
return [ ] ;