In order to use TLS and HTTP/2, add the necessary certificate and the key to the file and configure Ocean to enable it.
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package WebServer
import (
LM ""
// Setup the web server.
func init() {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameSTARTUP, `Init the web server now.`)
defer Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameSTARTUP, `Done init the web server.`)
// Public web server: use the servers public facing IP address and the configured port:
serverPublicAddressPort = Tools.LocalIPAddressAndPort()
// Private web server: use the configured end point:
serverAdminAddressPort = ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerBinding`)
// Setup the public web server:
serverPublic = &http.Server{}
serverPublic.Addr = serverPublicAddressPort
serverPublic.Handler = Handlers.GetPublicMux()
// Public Web Server: Read Timeout
if readTimeoutSeconds, errTimeout := strconv.Atoi(ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerReadTimeoutSeconds`)); errTimeout != nil {
// Case: Error! Use a default timeout:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelWARN, LM.SeverityLow, LM.ImpactLow, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the public server's read timeout value. Use the default of 10 seconds instead.`, errTimeout.Error())
serverPublic.ReadTimeout = 10 * time.Second
} else {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, fmt.Sprintf("The public web server's read timeout was set to %d seconds.", readTimeoutSeconds))
serverPublic.ReadTimeout = time.Duration(readTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
// Public Web Server: Write Timeout
if writeTimeoutSeconds, errTimeout := strconv.Atoi(ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerWriteTimeoutSeconds`)); errTimeout != nil {
// Case: Error! Use a default timeout:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelWARN, LM.SeverityLow, LM.ImpactLow, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the public server's write timeout value. Use the default of 10 seconds instead.`, errTimeout.Error())
serverPublic.WriteTimeout = 10 * time.Second
} else {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, fmt.Sprintf("The public web server's write timeout was set to %d seconds.", writeTimeoutSeconds))
serverPublic.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(writeTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
// Public Web Server: Max. Header Size
if maxHeaderBytes, errHeaderBytes := strconv.Atoi(ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerMaxHeaderLenBytes`)); errHeaderBytes != nil {
// Case: Error! Use a default threshold for the header size:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelWARN, LM.SeverityLow, LM.ImpactLow, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the public server's max. header size. Use the default of 1048576 bytes instead.`, errHeaderBytes.Error())
serverPublic.MaxHeaderBytes = 1048576
} else {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, fmt.Sprintf("The public web server's max. header size was set to %d bytes.", maxHeaderBytes))
serverPublic.MaxHeaderBytes = maxHeaderBytes
// Is TLS configured?
if publicTLSEnabled := ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerUseTLS`); strings.ToLower(publicTLSEnabled) == `true` {
// TLS is enabled. Copy the certificate and private key to the source directory.
publicTLSCertificate := StaticFiles.FindAndReadFileINTERNAL(ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerTLSCertificateName`))
publicTLSPrivateKey := StaticFiles.FindAndReadFileINTERNAL(ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerTLSPrivateKey`))
// Access to the working directory?
currentDir, dirError := os.Getwd()
if dirError != nil {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the working directory. Thus, cannot store the TLS certificates!`, dirError.Error())
} else {
// Build the filenames:
pathCertificate := filepath.Join(currentDir, ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerTLSCertificateName`))
pathPrivateKey := filepath.Join(currentDir, ConfigurationDB.Read(`PublicWebServerTLSPrivateKey`))
// Write the files:
if writeError := ioutil.WriteFile(pathCertificate, publicTLSCertificate, 0660); writeError != nil {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to write the TLS certificate to the working directory.`, writeError.Error())
if writeError := ioutil.WriteFile(pathPrivateKey, publicTLSPrivateKey, 0660); writeError != nil {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to write the TLS private key to the working directory.`, writeError.Error())
// Is the private web server (i.e. administration server) enabled?
if strings.ToLower(ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerEnabled`)) == `true` {
// Setup the private web server:
serverAdmin = &http.Server{}
serverAdmin.Addr = serverAdminAddressPort
serverAdmin.Handler = Handlers.GetAdminMux()
// Admin Web Server: Read Timeout
if readTimeoutSeconds, errTimeout := strconv.Atoi(ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerReadTimeoutSeconds`)); errTimeout != nil {
// Case: Error! Use a default timeout:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelWARN, LM.SeverityLow, LM.ImpactLow, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the admin server's read timeout value. Use the default of 10 seconds instead.`, errTimeout.Error())
serverAdmin.ReadTimeout = 10 * time.Second
} else {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, fmt.Sprintf("The admin web server's read timeout was set to %d seconds.", readTimeoutSeconds))
serverAdmin.ReadTimeout = time.Duration(readTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
// Admin Web Server: Write Timeout
if writeTimeoutSeconds, errTimeout := strconv.Atoi(ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerWriteTimeoutSeconds`)); errTimeout != nil {
// Case: Error! Use a default timeout:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelWARN, LM.SeverityLow, LM.ImpactLow, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the admin server's write timeout value. Use the default of 10 seconds instead.`, errTimeout.Error())
serverAdmin.WriteTimeout = 10 * time.Second
} else {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, fmt.Sprintf("The admin web server's write timeout was set to %d seconds.", writeTimeoutSeconds))
serverAdmin.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(writeTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
// Admin Web Server: Max. Header Size
if maxHeaderBytes, errHeaderBytes := strconv.Atoi(ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerMaxHeaderLenBytes`)); errHeaderBytes != nil {
// Case: Error! Use a default threshold for the header size:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelWARN, LM.SeverityLow, LM.ImpactLow, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the admin server's max. header size. Use the default of 1048576 bytes instead.`, errHeaderBytes.Error())
serverAdmin.MaxHeaderBytes = 1048576
} else {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, fmt.Sprintf("The admin web server's max. header size was set to %d bytes.", maxHeaderBytes))
serverAdmin.MaxHeaderBytes = maxHeaderBytes
// Is TLS configured?
if adminTLSEnabled := ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerUseTLS`); strings.ToLower(adminTLSEnabled) == `true` {
// TLS is enabled. Copy the certificate and private key to the source directory.
adminTLSCertificate := StaticFiles.FindAndReadFileINTERNAL(ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerTLSCertificateName`))
adminTLSPrivateKey := StaticFiles.FindAndReadFileINTERNAL(ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerTLSPrivateKey`))
// Access to the working directory?
currentDir, dirError := os.Getwd()
if dirError != nil {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to read the working directory. Thus, cannot store the TLS certificates!`, dirError.Error())
} else {
// Build the filenames:
pathCertificate := filepath.Join(currentDir, ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerTLSCertificateName`))
pathPrivateKey := filepath.Join(currentDir, ConfigurationDB.Read(`AdminWebServerTLSPrivateKey`))
// Write the files:
if writeError := ioutil.WriteFile(pathCertificate, adminTLSCertificate, 0660); writeError != nil {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to write the TLS certificate to the working directory.`, writeError.Error())
if writeError := ioutil.WriteFile(pathPrivateKey, adminTLSPrivateKey, 0660); writeError != nil {
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameCONFIGURATION, `Was not able to write the TLS private key to the working directory.`, writeError.Error())
} else {
// Private web server is disabled:
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelINFO, LM.MessageNameSTARTUP, `The admin web server is disabled.`)