Thorsten Sommer ae68804bac Improved the ICCC
The ICCC was improved to increase the performance and the accuracy for
floating point numbers. The efficiency of arrays is now increased caused
by these optimisations. Important: The new implementation is not
compatible with previous versions.
2015-07-07 09:10:03 +02:00

179 lines
5.0 KiB

package ICCC
import (
LM "github.com/SommerEngineering/Ocean/Log/Meta"
// Function to convert an ICCC message to HTTP data.
func Message2Data(channel, command string, message interface{}) (data map[string][]string) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.SeverityUnknown, LM.ImpactUnknown, LM.MessageNamePARSE, fmt.Sprintf("Was not able to convert the message to HTTP values. %s", err))
data = make(map[string][]string, 0)
// Create the map:
data = make(map[string][]string)
// Add the meta information:
data[`command`] = []string{command}
data[`channel`] = []string{channel}
if message == nil {
// Use reflection to determine the types:
element := reflect.ValueOf(message)
elementType := element.Type()
// Iterate over all fields of the data type.
// Transform the data regarding the type.
for i := 0; i < element.NumField(); i++ {
field := element.Field(i)
keyName := elementType.Field(i).Name
// A buffer for the binary representation:
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
// For possible errors:
var errConverter error = nil
// The key for this element:
key := ``
// Look for the right data type:
switch field.Kind().String() {
case `int64`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`int:%s`, keyName)
// Converts the value in a byte array:
errConverter = binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, field.Int())
case `string`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`str:%s`, keyName)
// URL encode the string and copy its bytes to the buffer:
io.Copy(buffer, strings.NewReader(url.QueryEscape(field.String())))
case `float64`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`f64:%s`, keyName)
// Converts the value in a byte array:
errConverter = binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, field.Float())
case `bool`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`bool:%s`, keyName)
// Directly convert the bool in a byte:
if field.Bool() {
// Case: True
buffer.WriteByte(0x1) // Write 1
} else {
// Case: False
buffer.WriteByte(0x0) // Write 0
case `uint8`: // a byte
key = fmt.Sprintf(`ui8:%s`, keyName)
// uint8 is a byte, thus, write it directly in the buffer:
// Case: Arrays...
case `slice`:
sliceLen := field.Len()
if sliceLen > 0 {
// Which kind of data is this?
sliceKind := field.Index(0).Kind()
// Select the right data type:
switch sliceKind.String() {
case `uint8`: // a byte array
key = fmt.Sprintf(`ui8[]:%s`, keyName)
values := field.Interface().([]uint8)
// Directly write the bytes in the buffer:
for _, val := range values {
case `int64`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`int[]:%s`, keyName)
values := field.Interface().([]int64)
// Converts the array in a byte array:
errConverter = binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, values)
case `bool`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`bool[]:%s`, keyName)
values := field.Interface().([]bool)
// Cannot convert bool to bytes by using binary.Write(). Thus,
// convert it by ower own:
// Loop over all values:
for _, val := range values {
if val {
// If the value is true:
buffer.WriteByte(0x1) // Write 1
} else {
// If the value is false:
buffer.WriteByte(0x0) // Write 0
case `string`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`str[]:%s`, keyName)
values := field.Interface().([]string)
// Mask every string by using a URL encoding.
// This masks e.g. every new-line i.e \n, etc.
// This allows us to combine later the strings by
// using \n:
masked := make([]string, len(values))
// Loop over each string and convert it:
for n, val := range values {
masked[n] = url.QueryEscape(val)
// Join all masked strings by using \n and copy the byte array
// representation in the buffer:
io.Copy(buffer, strings.NewReader(strings.Join(masked, "\n")))
case `float64`:
key = fmt.Sprintf(`f64[]:%s`, keyName)
values := field.Interface().([]float64)
// Converts the array in a byte array:
errConverter = binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, values)
if errConverter != nil {
// An error occurs:
Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.SeverityUnknown, LM.ImpactUnknown, LM.MessageNamePARSE, `It was not possible to convert an array for an ICCC message.`, fmt.Sprintf("channel='%s'", channel), fmt.Sprintf("command='%s'", command), errConverter.Error())
} else {
// Convert the byte array to a base64 string for the transportation on wire:
data[key] = []string{base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buffer.Bytes())}