package Admin import ( "" "" LM "" "" "" "net/http" "strings" ) // Handler for accessing the file upload function. func HandlerConfiguration(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { // Case: The system goes down now. if Shutdown.IsDown() { http.NotFound(response, request) return } if strings.ToLower(request.Method) == `get` { // // Case: Send the website to the client // // Read all configuration values: values := ConfigurationDB.ReadAll() // Build the data type for the template: data := AdminWebConfiguration{} data.Configuration = values // Write the MIME type and execute the template: MimeTypes.Write2HTTP(response, MimeTypes.TypeWebHTML) if executeError := AdminTemplates.ExecuteTemplate(response, `Configuration`, data); executeError != nil { Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.SeverityCritical, LM.ImpactCritical, LM.MessageNameEXECUTE, `Was not able to execute the configuration template.`, executeError.Error()) } } else { // // Case: Receive the changed configuration // // Read all configuration values: values := ConfigurationDB.ReadAll() // Loop over all current known values: for _, value := range values { // Read the new value from the client side: newValue := request.FormValue(value.Name) // Store the new value: value.Value = newValue // Update the database: ConfigurationDB.UpdateValue(value.Name, value) } // Redirect the client to the admin's overview: defer http.Redirect(response, request, "/configuration", 302) } }