package NumGen /* NumGen is a distributed number generator which generates unique numbers at a distributed sysem without any centralised or master server. Range of 64 bit integer: -9223372036854775808 til 9223372036854775807 Construction of the ID: ----------------------- First comes the time part: -9223372036854775808 (base number is the smallest possible int64) +YYYY * 1000000000000000 + MM * 10000000000000 + DD * 100000000000 + HH * 1000000000 + mm * 10000000 + ss * 100000 + fff * 100 Second the machine part: + 1000000000000000000 (offset for the machine part to get a fixed length) + PID (capped on 822336) * 10000000000000 + Num CPUs (capped on 99) * 100000000000 + PageSize (capped on 999999) * 100000 + Random 0-99 * 1000 + Sequence 0-999 * 1 Positions: ---------- First part: 9999 maximum year 12 month 31 day 24 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 milliseconds 99991231245959999 Maximum -9223372036854775808 Base value Second part: 822336 PID 99 CPUs 999999 Page Size 99 Random 999 Sequence 8223369999999999999 Maximum content value +1000000000000000000 Offset=Minimum 9223369999999999999 Maximum of part two The number at the year 9999, if all IDs are used, is: 99989194391184190 Therefore, this is the reserve for a further implementation: 9223372036854775807 - 99989194391184190 = 9123382842463591617 Test & Development: */