diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshMessageNames.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshMessageNames.go
index 44553de..a1bc5d4 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshMessageNames.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshMessageNames.go
@@ -17,6 +17,17 @@ func cacheRefreshMessageNames() {
for true {
// Read the message names rom the DB:
data := readMessageNamesFromDB()
+ // Case: The project name was not set now. This happens by the logging system
+ // after adding this logging device.
+ if len(data) == 0 {
+ // Wait for a moment:
+ time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
+ // Try it again:
+ continue
+ }
// Overwrite the cache:
diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshSenderNames.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshSenderNames.go
index 86486fb..68d3c43 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshSenderNames.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/CacheRefreshSenderNames.go
@@ -18,6 +18,17 @@ func cacheRefreshSenderNames() {
// Read the sender names from the DB:
data := readSenderNamesFromDB()
+ // Case: The project name was not set now. This happens by the logging system
+ // after adding this logging device.
+ if len(data) == 0 {
+ // Wait for a moment:
+ time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
+ // Try it again:
+ continue
+ }
// Overwrite the cache:
diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/InitDB.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/InitDB.go
index 384b9cf..de9b41c 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/InitDB.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/InitDB.go
@@ -105,123 +105,41 @@ func initDatabase() {
// Ensure that all necessary indexes are existing:
- indexProject := mgo.Index{}
- indexProject.Key = []string{`Project`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProject)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Sender`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Category`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Level`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Severity`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Impact`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`MessageName`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`MessageDescription`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Sender`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Category`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Level`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Severity`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Impact`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `MessageName`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `MessageDescription`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Sender`)
- indexSender := mgo.Index{}
- indexSender.Key = []string{`Sender`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexSender)
+ // Related to the logging viewer:
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`) // Logging viewer, case: No filter
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`) // Logging viewer, case: Filter for time
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Sender`, `MessageName`, `Level`, `Category`, `Impact`, `Severity`) // Logging viewer, case: All filters are active
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Sender`, `MessageName`, `Level`, `Category`, `Impact`, `Severity`) // Logging viewer, case: All filters are active, but no time filter
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Level`, `Category`) // Logging viewer, case: Filter for e.g. app errors from yesterday
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `Level`, `Category`) // Logging viewer, case: Filter for e.g. all app errors
- indexCategory := mgo.Index{}
- indexCategory.Key = []string{`Category`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexCategory)
- indexLevel := mgo.Index{}
- indexLevel.Key = []string{`Level`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexLevel)
- indexSeverity := mgo.Index{}
- indexSeverity.Key = []string{`Severity`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexSeverity)
- indexImpact := mgo.Index{}
- indexImpact.Key = []string{`Impact`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexImpact)
- indexMessageName := mgo.Index{}
- indexMessageName.Key = []string{`MessageName`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexMessageName)
- indexMessageDescription := mgo.Index{}
- indexMessageDescription.Key = []string{`MessageDescription`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexMessageDescription)
- indexProjectTimeUTC := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTC.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTC)
- indexProjectSender := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectSender.Key = []string{`Project`, `Sender`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectSender)
- indexProjectCategory := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectCategory.Key = []string{`Project`, `Category`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectCategory)
- indexProjectLevel := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectLevel.Key = []string{`Project`, `Level`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectLevel)
- indexProjectSeverity := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectSeverity.Key = []string{`Project`, `Severity`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectSeverity)
- indexProjectImpact := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectImpact.Key = []string{`Project`, `Impact`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectImpact)
- indexProjectMessageName := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectMessageName.Key = []string{`Project`, `MessageName`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectMessageName)
- indexProjectMessageDescription := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectMessageDescription.Key = []string{`Project`, `MessageDescription`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectMessageDescription)
- indexProjectTimeUTCSender := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCSender.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `Sender`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCSender)
- indexProjectTimeUTCCategory := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCCategory.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `Category`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCCategory)
- indexProjectTimeUTCLevel := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCLevel.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `Level`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCLevel)
- indexProjectTimeUTCSeverity := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCSeverity.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `Severity`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCSeverity)
- indexProjectTimeUTCImpact := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCImpact.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `Impact`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCImpact)
- indexProjectTimeUTCMessageName := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCMessageName.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `MessageName`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCMessageName)
- indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription.Key = []string{`Project`, `TimeUTC`, `MessageDescription`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription)
- indexTimeUTCSender := mgo.Index{}
- indexTimeUTCSender.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `Sender`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCSender)
- indexTimeUTCCategory := mgo.Index{}
- indexTimeUTCCategory.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `Category`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCCategory)
- indexTimeUTCLevel := mgo.Index{}
- indexTimeUTCLevel.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `Level`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCLevel)
- indexTimeUTCSeverity := mgo.Index{}
- indexTimeUTCSeverity.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `Severity`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCSeverity)
- indexTimeUTCImpact := mgo.Index{}
- indexTimeUTCImpact.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `Impact`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCImpact)
- indexTimeUTCMessageName := mgo.Index{}
- indexTimeUTCMessageName.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `MessageName`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCMessageName)
- indexTimeUTCMessageDescription := mgo.Index{}
- indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription.Key = []string{`TimeUTC`, `MessageDescription`}
- logDBCollection.EnsureIndex(indexTimeUTCMessageDescription)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Category`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Level`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Severity`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `Impact`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `MessageName`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`Project`, `-TimeUTC`, `MessageDescription`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `Sender`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `Category`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `Level`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `Severity`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `Impact`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `MessageName`)
+ logDBCollection.EnsureIndexKey(`-TimeUTC`, `MessageDescription`)
diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadCustom.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadCustom.go
index 5b0e82b..44e42f8 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadCustom.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadCustom.go
@@ -5,18 +5,71 @@ import (
LM "github.com/SommerEngineering/Ocean/Log/Meta"
+ "time"
-func ReadCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMessageName, logSender, logPage string) (events []LogDBEntry, numPages int) {
+func ReadCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMessageName, logSender string, logPage int) (events []LogDBEntry, numPages int) {
+ // The base query:
+ selection := bson.D{{"Project", projectName}}
- // TODO => Is currently a stub
+ // Build the selection statement regarding the admin's choice:
+ //
+ // IMPORTANT: The order of the arguments e.g. Project->TimeUTC->Sender...
+ // is very important to enable the database to use the indexes!
- // Define the query:
- query := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{}).Sort(`-TimeUTC`) // TODO: projectName!!!
+ if timeRange != `*` {
+ nowUTC := time.Now().UTC()
+ switch timeRange {
+ case `last5min`:
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"TimeUTC", bson.D{{"$gte", nowUTC.Add(time.Minute * -5)}}})
+ case `last30min`:
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"TimeUTC", bson.D{{"$gte", nowUTC.Add(time.Minute * -30)}}})
+ case `last60min`:
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"TimeUTC", bson.D{{"$gte", nowUTC.Add(time.Minute * -60)}}})
+ case `last24h`:
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"TimeUTC", bson.D{{"$gte", nowUTC.Add(time.Hour * -24)}}})
+ case `last7d`:
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"TimeUTC", bson.D{{"$gte", nowUTC.Add(time.Hour * -24 * 7)}}})
+ case `lastMonth`:
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"TimeUTC", bson.D{{"$gte", nowUTC.Add(time.Hour * -24 * 31)}}})
+ }
+ }
- // How many record we have all over?
+ if logSender != `*` {
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"Sender", logSender})
+ }
+ if logMessageName != `*` {
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"MessageName", logMessageName})
+ }
+ if logLevel != `*` {
+ value := `L:` + logLevel
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"Level", value})
+ }
+ if logCategory != `*` {
+ value := `C:` + logCategory
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"Category", value})
+ }
+ if logImpact != `*` {
+ value := `I:` + logImpact
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"Impact", value})
+ }
+ if logSeverity != `*` {
+ value := `S:` + logSeverity
+ selection = append(selection, bson.DocElem{"Severity", value})
+ }
+ // Build the query:
+ query := logDBCollection.Find(selection)
+ // How many record we have all over for this project?
numRecords := loggingViewerPageSize
numPages = 1
if number, err := query.Count(); err != nil {
@@ -26,8 +79,11 @@ func ReadCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMes
numPages = int(math.Ceil(float64(numRecords) / float64(loggingViewerPageSize)))
+ // Sort all results:
+ query = query.Sort(`-TimeUTC`)
// Set now the page's record limit:
- query = query.Limit(loggingViewerPageSize)
+ query = query.Skip((logPage - 1) * loggingViewerPageSize).Limit(loggingViewerPageSize)
count := loggingViewerPageSize
// Execute the query and count the results:
@@ -45,6 +101,10 @@ func ReadCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMes
// Loop over all entries and store it:
for iter.Next(&entry) {
+ // Convert the time instance to UTC:
+ entry.TimeUTC = entry.TimeUTC.UTC()
+ // Store it:
events[pos] = entry
diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadLatest.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadLatest.go
index b65e23b..38a254d 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadLatest.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadLatest.go
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
// Read the latest logging events from the database.
func ReadLatest() (events []LogDBEntry, numPages int) {
// Define the query:
- query := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{}).Sort(`-TimeUTC`) // TODO: projectName!!!
+ query := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{{"Project", projectName}}).Sort(`-TimeUTC`)
// How many record we have all over?
numRecords := loggingViewerPageSize
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ func ReadLatest() (events []LogDBEntry, numPages int) {
// Loop over all entries and store it:
for iter.Next(&entry) {
+ // Convert the time instance to UTC:
+ entry.TimeUTC = entry.TimeUTC.UTC()
+ // Store it:
events[pos] = entry
diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadMessageNamesFromDB.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadMessageNamesFromDB.go
index 63e51bd..325a9c8 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadMessageNamesFromDB.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadMessageNamesFromDB.go
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
// Read the message names from the database without any cache.
func readMessageNamesFromDB() (result []Scheme.MessageNames) {
var nextMessageNames []string
- if err := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{}).Distinct(`MessageName`, &nextMessageNames); err != nil {
+ if err := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{{`Project`, projectName}}).Distinct(`MessageName`, &nextMessageNames); err != nil {
// Case: Error, was not able to write the event to the database:
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameDATABASE, `Was not able to read the message names from the database.`, err.Error())
diff --git a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadSenderNamesFromDB.go b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadSenderNamesFromDB.go
index 3279d9d..6b411ee 100644
--- a/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadSenderNamesFromDB.go
+++ b/Log/DeviceDatabase/ReadSenderNamesFromDB.go
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
// Reads the sender names from the database without any caching.
func readSenderNamesFromDB() (result []Scheme.Sender) {
var nextSenderNames []string
- if err := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{}).Distinct(`Sender`, &nextSenderNames); err != nil {
+ if err := logDBCollection.Find(bson.D{{"Project", projectName}}).Distinct(`Sender`, &nextSenderNames); err != nil {
// Case: Was not possible to write to the database.
Log.LogShort(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.MessageNameDATABASE, `Was not able to read the sender names from the database.`, err.Error())
diff --git a/Log/Web/HandlerLog.go b/Log/Web/HandlerLog.go
index 387c9e4..f8ba784 100644
--- a/Log/Web/HandlerLog.go
+++ b/Log/Web/HandlerLog.go
@@ -65,13 +65,26 @@ func HandlerWebLog(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
currentPage := request.FormValue(`CurrentPage`)
currentLiveView := request.FormValue(`LiveView`)
+ // Get the current page as number:
+ if currentPage != `` {
+ if number, err := strconv.Atoi(currentPage); err != nil {
+ Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.SeverityNone, LM.ImpactNone, LM.MessageNameEXECUTE, `Was not able to parse the page number.`, err.Error())
+ } else {
+ currentPageNumber = number
+ }
+ }
// Store the events for the template:
- data.Events, lastPageNumber = readCustom(currentTimeRange, currentLevel, currentCategory, currentImpact, currentSeverity, currentMessageName, currentSender, currentPage)
+ data.Events, lastPageNumber = readCustom(currentTimeRange, currentLevel, currentCategory, currentImpact, currentSeverity, currentMessageName, currentSender, currentPageNumber)
if strings.ToLower(currentLiveView) == `true` {
data.SetLiveView = true
+ //
+ // Correct the form's values to '*' for the any-case:
+ //
if currentLevel != `` {
data.CurrentLevel = currentLevel
} else {
@@ -114,24 +127,20 @@ func HandlerWebLog(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
data.CurrentSender = `*`
+ // Calculate the current, last, previous and next page:
if currentPage != `` {
- if number, err := strconv.Atoi(currentPage); err != nil {
- Log.LogFull(senderName, LM.CategorySYSTEM, LM.LevelERROR, LM.SeverityNone, LM.ImpactNone, LM.MessageNameEXECUTE, `Was not able to parse the page number.`, err.Error())
+ data.CurrentPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", currentPageNumber)
+ data.LastPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", lastPageNumber)
+ if currentPageNumber+1 > lastPageNumber {
+ data.NextPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", lastPageNumber)
} else {
- currentPageNumber = number
- data.CurrentPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", currentPageNumber)
- data.LastPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", lastPageNumber)
- if currentPageNumber+1 > lastPageNumber {
- data.NextPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", lastPageNumber)
- } else {
- data.NextPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", currentPageNumber+1)
- }
+ data.NextPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", currentPageNumber+1)
+ }
- if currentPageNumber > 1 {
- data.PreviousPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", currentPageNumber-1)
- } else {
- data.PreviousPage = `1`
- }
+ if currentPageNumber > 1 {
+ data.PreviousPage = fmt.Sprintf("%d", currentPageNumber-1)
+ } else {
+ data.PreviousPage = `1`
data.CurrentPage = currentPage
} else {
diff --git a/Log/Web/ReadCustom.go b/Log/Web/ReadCustom.go
index 14486f8..df1b199 100644
--- a/Log/Web/ReadCustom.go
+++ b/Log/Web/ReadCustom.go
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
// Read a custom event range from the database.
-func readCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMessageName, logSender, logPage string) (events []Scheme.LogEvent, numPages int) {
+func readCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMessageName, logSender string, logPage int) (events []Scheme.LogEvent, numPages int) {
// Get the custom events:
eventsFromDB, totalNumberPages := DeviceDatabase.ReadCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMessageName, logSender, logPage)
@@ -22,7 +22,13 @@ func readCustom(timeRange, logLevel, logCategory, logImpact, logSeverity, logMes
eventFromDB := eventsFromDB[n]
events[n] = Scheme.LogEvent{}
events[n].LogLine = eventFromDB.Format()
- events[n].LogLevel = fmt.Sprintf("log%s", strings.ToLower(eventFromDB.Level[2:]))
+ // Transfer the log level:
+ if len(eventFromDB.Level) > 2 {
+ events[n].LogLevel = fmt.Sprintf("log%s", strings.ToLower(eventFromDB.Level[2:]))
+ } else {
+ events[n].LogLevel = fmt.Sprintf("log%s", strings.ToLower(eventFromDB.Level))
+ }
// Vary the color of each line:
if n%2 == 0 {