2014-04-26 09:18:56 +00:00
package ConfigurationDB
2014-10-19 17:19:11 +00:00
import (
LM "github.com/SommerEngineering/Ocean/Log/Meta"
2014-04-26 09:18:56 +00:00
func checkConfiguration ( ) {
Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameDATABASE , ` Check now the configuration database. ` )
defer Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameDATABASE , ` Done checking the configuration database. ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` InternalCommPassword ` , ` please replace this with e.g. a random GUID, etc. ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` CustomerDBHost ` , ` localhost:27017 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` CustomerDBDatabase ` , ` Ocean ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` CustomerDBUsername ` , ` root ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` CustomerDBPassword ` , ` please replace this with a good password ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDBHost ` , ` localhost:27017 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDBDatabase ` , ` Ocean ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDBUsername ` , ` root ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDBPassword ` , ` please replace this with a good password ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDBCacheSizeNumberOfEvents ` , ` 50 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDBCacheSizeTime2FlushSeconds ` , ` 6 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogBufferSize ` , ` 500 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDeviceDelayNumberEvents ` , ` 600 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogDeviceDelayTime2FlushSeconds ` , ` 5 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogTimeoutSeconds ` , ` 4 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogStaticFileRequests ` , ` false ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogUseDatabaseLogging ` , ` false ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` LogUseConsoleLogging ` , ` true ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` NumGenActiveHosts ` , ` please replace this with the correct hostname of the host which is the master number generator ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` NumGenGetHandler ` , ` http://localhost:80/next/number ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` NumGenBufferSize ` , ` 12 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` OceanHostnameAndPort ` , ` :60000 ` )
2014-06-08 09:35:01 +00:00
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` OceanServerPort ` , ` 60000 ` )
2014-04-26 09:18:56 +00:00
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` OceanUtilizeCPUs ` , ` 2 ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` FilenameWebResources ` , ` web.zip ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` MapStaticFiles2Root ` , ` false ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` MapStaticFiles2RootRootFile ` , ` index.html ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` EnableStaticFiles ` , ` true ` )
CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( ` robots.txt ` , ` User - agent : *
Disallow : ` )
/ *
Use this function to ensure that the database contains at least a default value for the configuration .
* /
func CheckSingleConfigurationPresentsAndAddIfMissing ( name , value string ) {
if ! checkSingleConfigurationPresents ( name ) {
addSingleConfiguration ( name , value )
func checkSingleConfigurationPresents ( name string ) ( result bool ) {
selection := bson . D { { "Name" , name } }
count , _ := collection . Find ( selection ) . Count ( )
return count > 0
func addSingleConfiguration ( name , value string ) {
entry := ConfigurationDBEntry { }
entry . Name = name
entry . Value = value
collection . Insert ( entry )
Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameDATABASE , ` Add a missing configuration to the configuration database. ` , ` Name= ` + name , ` Value= ` + value )