2015-06-17 15:44:52 +00:00
package DeviceDatabase
import (
LM "github.com/SommerEngineering/Ocean/Log/Meta"
// Function for the thread which maintain the sender name cache.
func cacheRefreshSenderNames ( ) {
Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameSTARTUP , ` The sender names' refresh thread is now running. ` )
// Use an extra thread:
go func ( ) {
// Endless lopp:
for true {
// Read the sender names from the DB:
data := readSenderNamesFromDB ( )
2015-06-23 15:22:24 +00:00
// Case: The project name was not set now. This happens by the logging system
// after adding this logging device.
if len ( data ) == 0 {
// Wait for a moment:
time . Sleep ( time . Second * 3 )
// Try it again:
2015-06-17 15:44:52 +00:00
mutexCacheSenderNames . Lock ( )
// Overwrite the cache:
cacheSenderNames = data
mutexCacheSenderNames . Unlock ( )
// Sleep some time:
Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelTALKATIVE , LM . MessageNameEXECUTE , ` The sender names' cache was refreshed. ` )
time . Sleep ( time . Duration ( nameCachesRefreshTimeSeconds ) * time . Second )
// Case: The server is going down now.
if Shutdown . IsDown ( ) {
Log . LogFull ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelWARN , LM . SeverityLow , LM . ImpactLow , LM . MessageNameSHUTDOWN , ` The sender name's refresh thread is now shutting down. ` )
} ( )