2014-04-26 09:18:56 +00:00
package DeviceDatabase
2014-10-19 17:19:11 +00:00
import (
LM "github.com/SommerEngineering/Ocean/Log/Meta"
2014-04-26 09:18:56 +00:00
func initDatabase ( ) {
Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameINIT , ` Checking and init the logging database collection. ` )
defer Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameINIT , ` Checking and init the logging database collection done. ` )
databaseHost := ConfigurationDB . Read ( ` LogDBHost ` )
databaseDB := ConfigurationDB . Read ( ` LogDBDatabase ` )
databaseUsername := ConfigurationDB . Read ( ` LogDBUsername ` )
databasePassword := ConfigurationDB . Read ( ` LogDBPassword ` )
// Connect to MongoDB:
if newSession , errDial := mgo . Dial ( databaseHost ) ; errDial != nil {
Log . LogFull ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelERROR , LM . SeverityUnknown , LM . ImpactUnknown , LM . MessageNameDATABASE , ` It was not possible to connect to the MongoDB host ` + databaseHost , errDial . Error ( ) )
} else {
logDBSession = newSession
// Use the correct database:
logDB = logDBSession . DB ( databaseDB )
// Login:
if errLogin := logDB . Login ( databaseUsername , databasePassword ) ; errLogin != nil {
Log . LogFull ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelSECURITY , LM . SeverityUnknown , LM . ImpactUnknown , LM . MessageNameDATABASE , ` It was not possible to login the user ` + databaseUsername , errLogin . Error ( ) )
// Get the collection:
logDBCollection = logDB . C ( ` Logbook ` )
// Take care about all the indexes:
indexTimeUTC := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTC . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTC )
indexProject := mgo . Index { }
indexProject . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProject )
indexSender := mgo . Index { }
indexSender . Key = [ ] string { ` Sender ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexSender )
indexCategory := mgo . Index { }
indexCategory . Key = [ ] string { ` Category ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexCategory )
indexLevel := mgo . Index { }
indexLevel . Key = [ ] string { ` Level ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexLevel )
indexSeverity := mgo . Index { }
indexSeverity . Key = [ ] string { ` Severity ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexSeverity )
indexImpact := mgo . Index { }
indexImpact . Key = [ ] string { ` Impact ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexImpact )
indexMessageName := mgo . Index { }
indexMessageName . Key = [ ] string { ` MessageName ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexMessageName )
indexMessageDescription := mgo . Index { }
indexMessageDescription . Key = [ ] string { ` MessageDescription ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexMessageDescription )
indexProjectTimeUTC := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTC . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTC )
indexProjectSender := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectSender . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` Sender ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectSender )
indexProjectCategory := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectCategory . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` Category ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectCategory )
indexProjectLevel := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectLevel . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` Level ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectLevel )
indexProjectSeverity := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectSeverity . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` Severity ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectSeverity )
indexProjectImpact := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectImpact . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` Impact ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectImpact )
indexProjectMessageName := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectMessageName . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` MessageName ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectMessageName )
indexProjectMessageDescription := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectMessageDescription . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` MessageDescription ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectMessageDescription )
indexProjectTimeUTCSender := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCSender . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` Sender ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCSender )
indexProjectTimeUTCCategory := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCCategory . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` Category ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCCategory )
indexProjectTimeUTCLevel := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCLevel . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` Level ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCLevel )
indexProjectTimeUTCSeverity := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCSeverity . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` Severity ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCSeverity )
indexProjectTimeUTCImpact := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCImpact . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` Impact ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCImpact )
indexProjectTimeUTCMessageName := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCMessageName . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` MessageName ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCMessageName )
indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription . Key = [ ] string { ` Project ` , ` TimeUTC ` , ` MessageDescription ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription )
indexTimeUTCSender := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTCSender . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` Sender ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCSender )
indexTimeUTCCategory := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTCCategory . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` Category ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCCategory )
indexTimeUTCLevel := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTCLevel . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` Level ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCLevel )
indexTimeUTCSeverity := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTCSeverity . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` Severity ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCSeverity )
indexTimeUTCImpact := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTCImpact . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` Impact ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCImpact )
indexTimeUTCMessageName := mgo . Index { }
indexTimeUTCMessageName . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` MessageName ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCMessageName )
indexTimeUTCMessageDescription := mgo . Index { }
indexProjectTimeUTCMessageDescription . Key = [ ] string { ` TimeUTC ` , ` MessageDescription ` }
logDBCollection . EnsureIndex ( indexTimeUTCMessageDescription )