2015-07-10 12:36:47 +00:00
package ICCC
import (
LM "github.com/SommerEngineering/Ocean/Log/Meta"
// The receiver function for the ICCC message, that yields the hosts.
func ICCCGetHostsReceiver ( data map [ string ] [ ] string ) ( result map [ string ] [ ] string ) {
// Recover from errors:
defer func ( ) {
if err := recover ( ) ; err != nil {
Log . LogFull ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelERROR , LM . SeverityUnknown , LM . ImpactUnknown , LM . MessageNamePARSE , "Was not able to execute the ICCC get hosts message." )
result = make ( map [ string ] [ ] string , 0 )
} ( )
// Converts the HTTP form data into an object:
_ , _ , obj := Data2Message ( SystemMessages . ICCCGetHosts { } , data )
// Was it possible to convert the data?
if obj != nil {
// We have to read from the cache:
cacheHostDatabaseLock . RLock ( )
// How many hosts we currently known?
countHosts := cacheHostDatabase . Len ( )
// Prepare the answer object:
answerMessage := SystemMessages . ICCCGetHostsAnswer { }
answerMessage . Hostnames = make ( [ ] string , countHosts , countHosts )
answerMessage . IPAddressesPorts = make ( [ ] string , countHosts , countHosts )
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answerMessage . Kinds = make ( [ ] byte , countHosts , countHosts )
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// Loop over all hosts which are currently available at the cache:
n := 0
for entry := cacheHostDatabase . Front ( ) ; entry != nil ; entry = entry . Next ( ) {
host := entry . Value . ( Scheme . Host )
answerMessage . Hostnames [ n ] = host . Hostname
answerMessage . IPAddressesPorts [ n ] = host . IPAddressPort
2015-07-13 08:44:03 +00:00
answerMessage . Kinds [ n ] = host . Kind
2015-07-10 12:36:47 +00:00
n ++
// Unlock the cache:
cacheHostDatabaseLock . RUnlock ( )
// Send the answer:
return Message2Data ( ` ` , ` ` , answerMessage )
} else {
Log . LogShort ( senderName , LM . CategorySYSTEM , LM . LevelINFO , LM . MessageNameSTARTUP , ` ICCC message: Was not able to create the message. ` )
// In any other error case:
result = make ( map [ string ] [ ] string , 0 )