I18NCommander/I18N Commander/UI WinForms/Components/LoaderStart.cs
Thorsten Sommer 0587af18f2
Added Git Export Feature
- Added import algorithm
- Added FromJsonX() methods to data models
- Added possibility to work with temp. database file
- Added export processor to handle export process & triggers
- Added something changed event e.g. as export trigger
- Added possibility to import a JSON export
- Updated Git icon
2023-01-22 19:35:57 +01:00

206 lines
7.6 KiB

using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Version = Processor.Version;
namespace UI_WinForms.Components;
public partial class LoaderStart : UserControl
private bool areRecentProjectsVisible = false;
public LoaderStart()
this.labelVersion.Text = Version.Text;
#region Recent Projects
private static RegistryKey I18NCommanderKey => Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree)!.CreateSubKey("I18N Commander", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the list of recent projects without any extras e.g. it does not prune the list of projects.
/// </summary>
private static List<string> RecentProjects
using var regKey = LoaderStart.I18NCommanderKey;
var recentProjectsValue = regKey.GetValue("recentProjects");
return recentProjectsValue switch
string[] list => new List<string>(list),
_ => new List<string>(),
using var regKey = LoaderStart.I18NCommanderKey;
regKey.SetValue("recentProjects", value.ToArray(), RegistryValueKind.MultiString);
private static void UpdateRecentProjectsWithPruning(string latestUsedProjectPath)
var previousRecentList = LoaderStart.RecentProjects;
// Check, if the latest project is identical to the next project we open. In that case, we don't add it to the list.
if (previousRecentList.Any() && previousRecentList[0] == latestUsedProjectPath)
// Add the next project to the list:
previousRecentList.Insert(0, latestUsedProjectPath);
// Prune the list:
if (previousRecentList.Count > 6)
previousRecentList = previousRecentList.Take(6).ToList();
LoaderStart.RecentProjects = previousRecentList;
// Opens the recent projects dropdown menu.
private void buttonOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.areRecentProjectsVisible = false;
var recentProjects = LoaderStart.RecentProjects;
this.contextMenuRecentProjects.Items.Add("Browse for project...", Resources.Icons.icons8_browse_folder_512, (innerSender, args) => this.BrowseForProject());
foreach (var recentProject in recentProjects)
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(recentProject);
// Split the file's path into each folder's name:
var folderNames = fileInfo.DirectoryName!.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
// Distinguish between I18N Commander projects and JSON imports:
if (fileInfo.Extension == ".i18nc")
// Render this entry:
var item = this.contextMenuRecentProjects.Items.Add($"{folderNames.Last()}: {fileInfo.Name}", Resources.Icons.icons8_document_512, (innerSender, args) => this.OpenRecentProject(innerSender, LoaderAction.LOAD_PROJECT));
item.Tag = recentProject;
else if (fileInfo.Extension == ".json")
// Render this entry:
var item = this.contextMenuRecentProjects.Items.Add($"{folderNames.Last()}: {fileInfo.Name}", Resources.Icons.icons8_git, (innerSender, args) => this.OpenRecentProject(innerSender, LoaderAction.IMPORT_JSON));
item.Tag = recentProject;
var button = (sender as Button)!;
this.contextMenuRecentProjects.Show(button, 0, button.Height);
this.areRecentProjectsVisible = true;
private void buttonNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog
AddExtension = true,
CheckPathExists = true,
CheckFileExists = false,
CreatePrompt = false,
OverwritePrompt = true,
DereferenceLinks = true,
DefaultExt = ".i18nc",
Filter = "I18N Commander Files (*.i18nc)|*.i18nc",
RestoreDirectory = true,
Title = "Create a new I18N Commander file",
var dialogResult = saveDialog.ShowDialog(this);
if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
var destinationFilePath = saveDialog.FileName;
// When the user chose an existing file, we delete it:
// (note: the user already accepts overwriting the file)
if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))
this.OpenProject(LoaderAction.CREATE_NEW_PROJECT, destinationFilePath);
private void BrowseForProject()
var openDialog = new OpenFileDialog
AddExtension = true,
CheckPathExists = true,
CheckFileExists = true,
DereferenceLinks = true,
DefaultExt = ".i18nc",
// I18N Commander files (*.i18nc) or JSON files (*.json):
Filter = "I18N Commander Files (*.i18nc)|*.i18nc|JSON Files (*.json)|*.json",
Multiselect = false,
RestoreDirectory = true,
Title = "Open an I18N Commander file or Import a JSON file",
var dialogResult = openDialog.ShowDialog(this);
if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
var projectFilePath = openDialog.FileName;
// Check, if the user chose an I18N Commander file or a JSON file:
if (projectFilePath.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".i18nc", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
this.OpenProject(LoaderAction.LOAD_PROJECT, projectFilePath);
else if (projectFilePath.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".json", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
this.OpenProject(LoaderAction.IMPORT_JSON, projectFilePath);
private void OpenRecentProject(object? sender, LoaderAction action)
if (sender is not ToolStripItem item)
var path = (item.Tag as string)!;
this.OpenProject(action, path);
private void OpenProject(LoaderAction action, string path)
// Hint: the project file might or might not exist (new project vs. recent project)
this.LoadProject?.Invoke(this, new LoaderResult(action, path));
private void contextMenuRecentProjects_Closing(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs e)
this.areRecentProjectsVisible = false;
[Category("Settings"), Description("When the user chooses a project to load.")]
public event EventHandler<LoaderResult>? LoadProject;
public readonly record struct LoaderResult(LoaderAction Action, string DataFile);
public enum LoaderAction