- Added import algorithm - Added FromJsonX() methods to data models - Added possibility to work with temp. database file - Added export processor to handle export process & triggers - Added something changed event e.g. as export trigger - Added possibility to import a JSON export - Updated Git icon
312 lines
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312 lines
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using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace DataModel.Database.Common;
public sealed class DataContext : DbContext, IDataContext
public DbSet<Setting> Settings { get; set; }
public DbSet<Section> Sections { get; set; }
public DbSet<TextElement> TextElements { get; set; }
public DbSet<Translation> Translations { get; set; }
public DataContext(DbContextOptions<DataContext> contextOptions) : base(contextOptions)
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
#region Settings
modelBuilder.Entity<Setting>().HasIndex(n => n.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<Setting>().HasIndex(n => n.Code).IsUnique();
modelBuilder.Entity<Setting>().HasIndex(n => n.BoolValue);
modelBuilder.Entity<Setting>().HasIndex(n => n.GuidValue);
modelBuilder.Entity<Setting>().HasIndex(n => n.IntegerValue);
modelBuilder.Entity<Setting>().HasIndex(n => n.TextValue);
#region Sections
modelBuilder.Entity<Section>().HasIndex(n => n.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<Section>().HasIndex(n => n.Name);
modelBuilder.Entity<Section>().HasIndex(n => n.Depth);
modelBuilder.Entity<Section>().HasIndex(n => n.DataKey);
// modelBuilder.Entity<Section>().Navigation(n => n.Parent).AutoInclude(); // Cycle-reference, does not work, though.
modelBuilder.Entity<Section>().Navigation(n => n.TextElements).AutoInclude();
#region TextElements
modelBuilder.Entity<TextElement>().HasIndex(n => n.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<TextElement>().HasIndex(n => n.Code);
modelBuilder.Entity<TextElement>().HasIndex(n => n.Name);
modelBuilder.Entity<TextElement>().HasIndex(n => n.IsMultiLine);
modelBuilder.Entity<TextElement>().Navigation(n => n.Section).AutoInclude();
modelBuilder.Entity<TextElement>().Navigation(n => n.Translations).AutoInclude();
#region Translations
modelBuilder.Entity<Translation>().HasIndex(n => n.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<Translation>().HasIndex(n => n.Culture);
modelBuilder.Entity<Translation>().HasIndex(n => n.Text);
modelBuilder.Entity<Translation>().HasIndex(n => n.TranslateManual);
modelBuilder.Entity<Translation>().Navigation(n => n.TextElement).AutoInclude();
#region Export and import
private readonly record struct JsonData(
IList<JsonSetting> Settings,
IList<JsonSection> Sections,
IList<JsonTextElement> TextElements,
IList<JsonTranslation> Translations
/// <summary>
/// Represents a unique identifier for a JSON export and import.
/// </summary>
internal readonly record struct JsonUniqueId(string Code, Guid UniqueId, string Prefix = "")
public override string ToString() => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Prefix) ? $"{this.Code}::{this.UniqueId}" : $"{this.Prefix}::{this.Code}::{this.UniqueId}";
public static implicit operator string(JsonUniqueId id) => id.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// A JSON converter to serialize and deserialize JsonUniqueId instances.
/// </summary>
private sealed class JsonUniqueIdConverter : JsonConverter<JsonUniqueId>
public override JsonUniqueId Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
var json = reader.GetString();
var parts = json?.Split("::");
return parts?.Length switch
2 => new JsonUniqueId(parts[0], Guid.Parse(parts[1])),
3 => new JsonUniqueId(parts[1], Guid.Parse(parts[2]), parts[0]),
_ => throw new JsonException($"Invalid format of JsonUniqueId: {json}")
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonUniqueId value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
internal readonly record struct JsonSetting(
JsonUniqueId UniqueId,
string Code,
string TextValue,
int IntegerValue,
bool BoolValue,
Guid GuidValue
internal readonly record struct JsonSection(
JsonUniqueId UniqueId,
string Name,
string DataKey,
int Depth,
JsonUniqueId ParentUniqueId,
List<JsonUniqueId> TextElements
internal readonly record struct JsonTextElement(
JsonUniqueId UniqueId,
string Code,
string Name,
bool IsMultiLine,
JsonUniqueId SectionUniqueId,
List<JsonUniqueId> Translations
internal readonly record struct JsonTranslation(
JsonUniqueId UniqueId,
string Culture,
string Text,
bool TranslateManual,
JsonUniqueId TextElementUniqueId
/// <summary>
/// Exports this database to a JSON file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path to the JSON file.</param>
public async Task ExportAsync(string path)
var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerOptions
WriteIndented = true,
Converters = { new JsonUniqueIdConverter() },
await using var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(fileStream,
new JsonData
Settings = this.Settings.Select(n => n.ToJsonSetting()).ToList(),
Sections = this.Sections.Select(n => n.ToJsonSection()).ToList(),
TextElements = this.TextElements.Select(n => n.ToJsonTextElement()).ToList(),
Translations = this.Translations.Select(n => n.ToJsonTranslation()).ToList(),
}, jsonSettings);
/// <summary>
/// Stores data needed to resolve a parent-child relationship.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ParentId">The parent id we want to resolve.</param>
/// <param name="Entity">The entity for which we want to resolve the parent.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the entity.</typeparam>
private readonly record struct TreeResolver<T>(Guid ParentId, T Entity);
/// <summary>
/// Imports data from a JSON file into an empty database.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The path to the JSON export.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">When the database is not empty.</exception>
public async Task ImportAsync(string path)
if(await this.Settings.AnyAsync() ||
await this.Sections.AnyAsync() ||
await this.TextElements.AnyAsync() ||
await this.Translations.AnyAsync())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The database is not empty. In order to import data, the database must be empty.");
// Start a transaction:
await using var transaction = await this.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();
// Configure the JSON serializer:
var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerOptions
Converters = { new JsonUniqueIdConverter() },
await using var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
var jsonData = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonData>(fileStream, jsonSettings);
// --------------------
// Import the settings:
// --------------------
foreach (var setting in jsonData.Settings)
// --------------------
// Import the sections:
// --------------------
// We must store the intermediate data in a list, because we need to resolve
// the parent-child relationships in a second step.
var allSections = new Dictionary<Guid, TreeResolver<Section>>();
var sectionToTextElements = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Guid>>();
// Read the data from the JSON file:
foreach (var section in jsonData.Sections)
// Convert the next element:
var nextSection = Section.FromJsonSection(section);
// Store the element:
allSections.Add(nextSection.UniqueId, new (section.ParentUniqueId.UniqueId, nextSection));
sectionToTextElements.Add(nextSection.UniqueId, section.TextElements.Select(n => n.UniqueId).ToList());
// Now, resolve the parent-child relationships for the sections:
foreach (var (uniqueId, (parentId, section)) in allSections)
section.Parent = parentId == Guid.Empty ? null : allSections[parentId].Entity;
// -------------------------
// Import the text elements:
// -------------------------
// We must store the intermediate data in a list, because we need to resolve
// the parent-child relationships in a second step.
var allTextElements = new Dictionary<Guid, TextElement>();
var textElementToTranslations = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Guid>>();
// Read the data from the JSON file:
foreach (var textElement in jsonData.TextElements)
// Convert the next element:
var nextTextElement = TextElement.FromJsonTextElement(textElement);
// We know that the section is already imported, because we imported the sections first:
nextTextElement.Section = allSections[textElement.SectionUniqueId.UniqueId].Entity;
// Store the element in the list:
allTextElements.Add(nextTextElement.UniqueId, nextTextElement);
textElementToTranslations.Add(nextTextElement.UniqueId, textElement.Translations.Select(n => n.UniqueId).ToList());
// Now, resolve the parent-child relationships for the text elements to the sections:
foreach (var (sectionUniqueId, textElementsIds) in sectionToTextElements)
var section = allSections[sectionUniqueId].Entity;
section.TextElements.AddRange(textElementsIds.Select(n => allTextElements[n]));
// Free the memory:
// ------------------------
// Import the translations:
// ------------------------
// We must store the intermediate data in a list, because we need to resolve
// the parent-child relationships in a second step.
var allTranslations = new Dictionary<Guid, Translation>();
// Read the data from the JSON file:
foreach (var translation in jsonData.Translations)
// Convert the next element:
var nextTranslation = Translation.FromJsonTranslation(translation);
// We know that the text element is already imported, because we imported the text elements first:
nextTranslation.TextElement = allTextElements[translation.TextElementUniqueId.UniqueId];
// Store the element in the list:
allTranslations.Add(nextTranslation.UniqueId, nextTranslation);
// Now, resolve the parent-child relationships for the translations to the text elements:
foreach (var (textElementUniqueId, translationsIds) in textElementToTranslations)
var textElement = allTextElements[textElementUniqueId];
textElement.Translations.AddRange(translationsIds.Select(n => allTranslations[n]));
// Free the memory:
// ---------------------------------
// Add all the data to the database:
// ---------------------------------
this.Sections.AddRange(allSections.Values.Select(n => n.Entity));
// Save the changes:
await this.SaveChangesAsync();
// Commit the transaction:
await transaction.CommitAsync();
} |