using Processor; namespace UI_WinForms.Components; public partial class Translations : UserControl { private readonly Dictionary translationComponents = new(); public Translations() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Load += async (sender, args) => await this.SetupTranslations(); AppEvents.WhenTextElementChanged += async (sender, textElement) => { var allTranslations = await TranslationProcessor.GetTranslations(textElement); foreach (var translation in allTranslations) if (this.translationComponents.ContainsKey(translation.Culture)) this.translationComponents[translation.Culture].Configure(translation); }; } private async Task SetupTranslations() { if(this.DesignMode) return; // Apply a custom order for the cultures. We want to show the default culture first, // then the other cultures in order of their index. Please note: whatever we want to // show as first, we have to return last! async IAsyncEnumerable DesiredOrder() { // Get all configured cultures: var cultureInfos = (await AppSettings.GetCultureInfos()).OrderByDescending(n => n.Index).ToList(); // Get the main culture: var mainCultureIndex = await AppSettings.GetDeepLSourceCultureIndex(); // First, we return all the non-main cultures in descending order of their index: foreach (var cultureInfo in cultureInfos.Where(n => n.Index != mainCultureIndex)) yield return cultureInfo; // Last, we return the main culture: if(cultureInfos.Any(n => n.Index == mainCultureIndex)) yield return cultureInfos.First(n => n.Index == mainCultureIndex); } await foreach (var cultureInfo in DesiredOrder()) { var translationComponent = new Translation(cultureInfo.Code); this.translationComponents.Add(cultureInfo.Code, translationComponent); this.panelTranslations.Controls.Add(translationComponent); } } }