using DataModel.Database; using Processor; using UI_WinForms.Dialogs; using UI_WinForms.Resources; namespace UI_WinForms.Components; public partial class TextElements : UserControl { private Section? currentSection; private TextElement? currentTextElement; public TextElements() { this.InitializeComponent(); // Check if we are in the designer: if(Program.SERVICE_PROVIDER is null) return; // Create an image list from a resource: var imgList = new ImageList(); imgList.ImageSize = new Size(45, 45); imgList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; imgList.Images.Add(Icons.icons8_align_text_left_512); // Set the image list to the list box: this.listTextElements.SmallImageList = imgList; // When the section is changed, update this component: AppEvents.WhenSectionChanged += async (sender, section) => { this.currentSection = section; this.currentTextElement = null; this.buttonAdd.Enabled = this.currentSection is not null; this.buttonRename.Enabled = this.buttonRemove.Enabled = false; if (this.currentSection is null) return; // Update the path: this.labelSectionPath.Text = await SectionProcessor.GetSectionPath(this.currentSection.DataKey); this.LoadTextElements(); }; // When the text element is changed, update the button states: AppEvents.WhenTextElementChanged += (sender, textElement) => { this.currentTextElement = textElement; this.buttonRename.Enabled = this.buttonRemove.Enabled = this.currentTextElement is not null; }; } // Loads all the text elements for the current section. private async void LoadTextElements() { if (this.currentSection is null) return; // Load the text elements: var textElements = await TextElementProcessor.GetTextElements(this.currentSection); // Update the list: this.listTextElements.Items.Clear(); foreach (var textElement in textElements) this.listTextElements.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(textElement.Name, 0) { Tag = textElement.Id, }); this.column.AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); } private async void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(this.DesignMode) return; var result = InputDialog.Show(new InputDialog.Options( Message: "Please type the desired text element's name.", Title: "Add a text element", Placeholder: "My text element", ShowQuestionCheckbox: false )); if(result.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) return; // Add the text element to the database into the current section: var newTextElement = await TextElementProcessor.AddTextElement(this.currentSection?.DataKey, result.Text); newTextElement.ProcessError(); if(!newTextElement.Successful) return; // Add the text element to the list: this.listTextElements.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(newTextElement.Result!.Name, 0) { Tag = newTextElement.Result.Id, }); this.column.AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); } private void buttonRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void buttonRename_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private async void listTextElements_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e) { // Load the text element: var selectedTextElementId = (int)e.Item.Tag; this.currentTextElement = await TextElementProcessor.LoadTextElement(selectedTextElementId); // Fire the event: AppEvents.TextElementChanged(this.currentTextElement); } }